“Sure enough, no Elite Pokémon can be underestimated, even if it is Chansey, a Pokemon that is not suitable for combat training.”

See Substitute with Pidgeot ¼ strength, Being directly crushed by Chansey’s Body Slam, Liang Ren couldn’t help but sigh.

Chansey doesn’t have many attacks on Ability, but there are a lot of change control abilities.

Originally, Pidgeot relied on the top speed of Flying and Substitute to cover, and he could use his own strength and the shortest attack to kill Chansey with kite tactics.

Now a move Gravity + Body Slam directly frustrated Liang Ren’s plan.

The Ability: Gravity, developed through in-depth mining, is simply the nemesis of Pidgeot’s high-speed and sensitive attack Pokémon.

In addition, Chansey attacks the short board and casts Body Slam after Gravity acts on itself, which is instantly filled.

With such a move, Body Slam crushed Pidgeot’s Substitute. If it hits Pidgeot’s real body, it will also destroy at least ¼ of its blood.

Although Pidgeot is good at attacking, he can’t stand Chansey’s several Body Slam attacks.

Seeing this clearly, Liang Ren does not intend to use facts to test and prove his point of view.

Whether it is Pidgeot’s breed or fighting style, there is a kind of the sword moves with side stroke, which pursues extremes. The extremely low fault tolerance rate makes Liang Ren not dare to easily try to take Chansey’s Body Slam again.

Therefore, I did not hesitate. After seeing Pidgeot’s real body separate from Chansey, he didn’t wait for the Joy man to use Gravity again.

Liang Ren consciously communicates with the Psychic space, without the slightest hesitation, and starts Mega Evolution.

“The eagle does not fold its wings for Hurricane, the wolves are not afraid of the long night, Pidgeot, burst out your small universe-evolution beyond evolution, Mega evolution!!!”

Liang Ren shouted, the Mega Evolution wave burst out from within the body, and a dazzling circle of light appeared on the whole person.

“Wow, Inspector Mumu is so dazzling!!!”

“So handsome~”


< p>Liang Ren, who was originally very handsome, became even more dazzling under the light of the diadem, which caused Joy to exclaim from the appearance battle.

“Does Mega evolve?” Unlike off-field Joy, Joy male focuses on Pidgeot Mega evolution.

Mega evolution was first discovered in Kalos and originated in Hoenn.

Although Kanto’s native Pokémon has many possibilities for Mega evolution, in general, there are not many trainers in Kanto Region who have the ability to master Mega evolution.

Watching the evolution of Pidgeot Mega up close, the Joy man is still quite excited.

After Mega evolves, Pidgeot’s body has become larger, and the crown that was originally Contest has become more dazzling and elegant at this moment.

What’s even more amazing is the feathers of Pidgeot. Under the sunlight, it seems to be plated with bright and beautiful colors.

Pure white chest and abdomen feathers, bright yellow nape feathers, and red fan-shaped tail feathers are dyed bright blue at the ends, and the ends of pure white wings feathers are highlighted blue.

Three clusters of fresh red feathers grow out of a large cluster of Yellow feathers. The middle one is even longer than its body. Flying looks very mighty.

With sharp eyes and Celestic wide wings, Pidgeot is full of the spirit of the king of sky.

As a Pidgeot trainer, Liang Ren has seen Pidgeot Mega evolve many times.

However, it was the first time that Joy in the Bureau of Supervision saw Pidgeot’s Mega evolution with his own eyes, and his eyes widened in admiration.

In sky, Pidgeot’s breath after completing Mega evolution is more than two or three times stronger than before.

“唳——” There was a loud bird song, sound like an eagle and an eagle, and the wind in the battle hall became active for a while.

The two Pokemons on the field had similar strengths. Now, after the evolution of Pidgeot Mega, the gap is instantly widened.

“Chansey, use the Gravity field.” Seeing that Chansey is suppressed by MegaPidgeot’s aura, the Joy man decisively first hand launched an attack.

She repeated her old tricks. Just now, Body Slam crushed Pidgeot’s Substitute, letting Joy men understand that Gravity’s ability is her magic weapon for winning the game.

“Gravity’s Ability really restrains Pidgeot’s speed, but Pidgeot has evolved from Mega. It won’t be interesting if you want to come to this set.”

Liang Ren watched The confident Joy man, Liang Ren couldn’t help but smile secretly in his heart.

“Pidgeot, let the opponent see your strength, use air blasting!!!” Liang Ren also ordered an attack.



Receiving two Pokémon from the trainer acting at the same time, Chansey raised his hand and pressed it. Strong Gravity works on Pidgeot.

However, when Gravity was added, Sky sank slightly on MegaPidgeot, and was interrupted by the air blast in Stockpile not at all.

“Li! !”

Along with a high-pitched sing, a column of air with a slight blue sky spit out straight from Pidgeot’s mouth.

The air column violently expelled the violent wind, and with the combined force of strangling, tearing, penetrating, blasting, etc., it blasted towards Chansey who was performing Gravity on the field.

“peng peng peng peng ~”

The compressed air column seems to contain countless sharp wind blades. Chansey, who is bombarded by the air column, emits peng ~ peng~ peng~’s percussion.

“unlucky~!!!” Chansey yelled in horror, and his whole body was blown out by the air blast.

After the evolution of Pidgeot Mega, the bravery of burning aspiration + no defense, the original Mega evolution brought 65 points of special attack ability improvement, forcibly was 200% strengthened to 195 points.

195 point special attack The ability value plus Pidgeot’s original 110 basic special attack points, after Mega evolved, Pidgeot’s special attack value reached a shocking 305 points.

Such a terrifying special attack is that Hurricane can deal explosive damage with a single move, let alone the horrible Unique Ability of air blasting.

After such an attack, Chansey’s health bar almost dropped by 2/3, instantly falling into a state of serious injury.

“Chansey!!!” Male Joy yelled.

Although I was very shocked by the ability of Pidgeot use air blasting.

But she had long heard that Liang Ren had auctioned Air BlastTM in the Vermilion City bounty Hunter’s Guild.

In addition, according to the news from Shiba, Liang Ren also successfully helped Pidgeot learn and master this terrifying Unique Ability.

But what Joy did not want is that the air blasting displayed by MegaPidgeot, the formidable power is so big.

“Pidgeot, continue to use air blasting!!” Liang Ren didn’t hesitate to beat a dog in water simply without anyone reminding him.


Along with the roar of an eagle, the airflow in the battle hall surged toward Pidgeot’s mouth like a whirlpool.

After the complex technical compression in Ability, a sky-blue air column once again blasted to the downed Chansey on the field.

Joy outside the field was shocked to see this scene, and to the Joy man at the other end of the battlefield was also full of shock.

“Chansey, hurry up dodge!!!” Male Joy screamed.

“unlucky~” Chansey fell on the ground, with an expression of horror watching the air burst.

Will: “The Brave of Burning Will” not only reduces the increase in attack and defense, but also allows Ability to come with: fierce and unafraid of death, perish together Spirit, Soul and Qi potential shock effect.

Each skill of Ability can make opponent feel scared with a high probability. This kind of deterring control effect has strong practicality in battle.

At this moment, Chansey is like this, because he is too scared, facing the attack and even resisting the idea of ​​avoiding it does not raise.

“bang! !!!” Heaven is blue. As the air column crosses the border, Chansey is like a pink egg cut on a cutting board by a blue laser knife from the sky.

After the explosion, Chansey didn’t even have time to utter a scream, and he fell to the ground and lost the combat capability.

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