In the process of fighting against the Sisters of the Jewel Thieves, Latias’ elder brother Latios passed away and died, and then turned into a star in the sky.

The sunset faded, the boat song gradually ceased, and the innocent and lovely Latias girl returned to her secret garden as usual.

A lonely person, sitting on a wisteria swing lightly swinging.

The elder brother who used to help her push the swing behind her is already not in, and the trainer teenager who is ignorant of knowing how to give birth to closeness and love has also left with his partner.

The innocent Latias girl can’t speak, she can’t make any sound in her throat.

She just sat on the swing in the secret garden, solitary and silently looking into the distance.

Before the beginning of the story, the eyes of the Latias girl seemed to be soaked with sunlight, pure, bright, warm and lovely. At the moment, the girl’s eyes looked like amber.

In the innocent eyes, there is a trace of sadness and remembrance that cannot be erased, as well as the perception of life.

As for the reminiscence of the happy laughter and cheerful voices in the secret garden, the elder brother who once cared for himself, or the young trainer who has left.

No one knows the answer to this question, including the innocent and lovely Latias girl herself, because she is also ignorant in her heart.

The happy time in the secret garden of Wisteria Root is no more, the sunshine smile of the teenager and the sour and sweet love are no longer, and the rest of my life is only loneliness and sadness.

The trainer boy brought happiness and relieved the crisis, but it also left a painful and ever-impossible wound on the girl’s delicate heart.



Looking at the Latias released by the Joy man, Liang Ren was full of infinite emotion.

I feel that Joy is really lucky to be recognized and followed by a Divine Beast. At the same time, I feel sad for Latias, who met and met Odomare Ash in the original book.

However, Liang Ren didn’t think much about the game right now.

Although Joy Man sent a legendary Pokémon, Liang Ren felt it, and the breath intensity of this Latias was not low.

However, compared with his Slowpoke, his strength is still not as bad.

…——50 (Elite Early-Stage)

51——60 (Elite Early-Stage)

61——70 (Elite Mid-term)


71——80 (Late Elite)

Slowpoke absorbed an Emperor Qi cloud in the Holy Crown, and obtained the will inheritance of the King of Wisdom.

Not only did I realize the will of Pokémon, the Psychic Type non-king Pokémon of [Wang Zhi Zhi Wang], the Level also reached LV.60, reaching the Elite Early-Stage Peak.

And after a period of hard work, Slowpoke has mastered the skyrocketing power after breakthrough, and the level realm has also stabilized.

Latias breath is not as strong as Slowpoke, Level realm is not as high as Slowpoke, and the Psychic Attribute possessed by Slowpoke is restrained by Slowpoke’s King’s Will ability.

It can be said that from the very beginning, there is no possibility of victory on the Joy man, even if she sent a legendary Pokémon.

However, the Joy man and the off-field Joy are not clear about the details of Liang Ren and Slowpoke, and they are full of confidence at the moment.

“The Mumu Inspector is very strong, and he breeds two Elite Pokémons at a young age. They are definitely a genius amongst geniuses.”

“But it’s against a man. Sister’s Latias, Slowpoke is absolutely impossible to win.”

“This is of course, not to mention that Latias has reached LV.Level 57, but Latias is a legendary Pokémon.”

“Yes, it is indeed unheard-of for the Inspector Mumu to breed a Slowpoke to this point, but Latias is Divine Beast.”

“Among the same level, Divine Beast is invincible! !!!”

Liang Ren’s ears strengthened by innate talent Psychic are very sensitive. Although the discussion of the women outside the court is quiet, he can hear clearly.

But he doesn’t care too much. Since they think they must lose, he tells each other that Slowpoke is not weaker than Latias.

“Whether it is strength, it is also innate talent.” Liang Ren thought to him.

“The game begins–” Seeing that Pokémon from both sides had already arrived, Joy Yu decisively announced the game officially started.

“Latias, use Ice Beam.” Joy, who has already lost a game, is still the first hand attack.


At the stadium Sky, Latias uttered a clear cry, turning his body flexibly like a jet plane.

But Latias is not performing flying stunts, but preparing for the attack.

After pulling the distance flexibly, Latias opened his mouth and moved towards Slowpoke to hit a icy white cold light.

After Pokémon’s breakthrough Elite level, he can faintly use his will to mobilize Heaven and Earth Nature Power.

“ka ka ka kha~”

Where the freezing light passes, even the air is frozen like glass ka ka cracks, and the temperature in the battle hall drops sharply outside the field The daughters could not help but leaned closer.

Liang Ren is still silent and calm here, in fact, he has already given action instructions to Slowpoke through consciousness sound transmission.


Slowpoke pushes the palm to prop up a Gold Jade Sootopolis-like ball shield, facing the Ice Beam of Latias, directly without dodge or hide. Hit it.

“ka ka ~”

cold light hit the shield supported by Slowpoke, and a thick layer of ice armor instantly froze outside the Gold Jade Sootopolis Barrier.

Ice Ball not at all was blown back by the frost, and the stalemate between the two sides lasted for a few seconds.

“ka ka ka kha~” The ice shell outside the ball protective cover burst with a bang.

Slowpoke held the protective cover unabated and slammed into Latias.

“Latias, hurry up dodge!!” The Joy man who didn’t expect Slowpoke to be stronger than Latias was startled, and hurriedly ordered Latias to dodge.

But the speed of Slowpoke is not slow, doing two things at the same time, a terrifying Gravity field is imposed on Latias.


“Woo!!!” When hit by Slowpoke’s Skull Bash, Latias let out a whine.

“How come?” The joy man’s face was full of disbelief.

Slowpoke hard-wired Latias’ Ice Beam without falling into the wind, which has already shocked the Joy man.

Next, she was ready to use kite tactics like Pidgeot of Liang Ren on the field. Didn’t expect Latias to be hit by Slowpoke’s Ability.

“It’s Gravity, his Slowpoke also mastered Gravity’s Ability.” Joy man felt inwardly grumbled in his heart.

Gravity field is too restrained from agile and high-speed Pokémon.

“Slowpoke, don’t use the king’s will to deter and suppress the opponent, let’s try Fairy Type Ability first.” Latias was hit by a Zen Headbutt by Slowpoke, and Liang Ren continued to give instructions quickly.

“Ah duo–understand.” Slowpoke replied to complied.

The eye pupils instantly turned into the color of Gold Jade Sootopolis, a stronger Gravity field effect on Latias than what Chansey showed in the last game.

“Woo~” Carrying a big mountain on his back, Latias, not to mention the flying speed of a jet plane, is now suppressed and fell towards the field.

“Latias, use Dragon Pulse to attack.” Joy male shouted.

This game at first continuously destroys and breaks her confidence.

Obviously, it is just a Slowpoke that has just broken through the Elite level, and its power is even stronger than her Latias, and it even produces realm suppression.

This is her Trump Card Latias, legendary Pokémon feared by other colleagues at Alliance headquarters.

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