“Slowpoke, use Fairy Wind.” Taking the opportunity, Liang Ren was not at all polite.


In midair Slowpoke, the tail flicked and hovered, one hand was in a pressing style, and the Gravity field was used to suppress Latias.

With a soft wave of the other little arm, a pink hurricane Wind Tornado formed in an instant.

Hurricane Wind Tornado squatted, bent his knees, took off on the spot, and then jumped from top to bottom like a muscular robust man. Jump Kick moved Latias towards Stomp suppressed by the Gravity field.

Fairy Wind Mew and charming, the red girly color gives people a sense of harmless to human and animals without lethality.

However, the facts are just the opposite. Fairy Type smashes Dragon Type. After pink hurricane Wind Tornado Bounce, Tackle is on Latias from top to bottom.

There are only beautiful Pokémon with a streamlined graceful posture and Sootopolis-like clean feathers. Growl opens his mouth and makes a stern voice.

“Woo!!!” Latias called.

There are very few cases where Slowpoke is cultivated as a battle pet, and Slowpoke with Fairy Type Ability is even more unheard-of.

Seeing that Latias was severely injured after being hit by Fairy Wind, the Joy man was so anxious that the knuckles of his fists were all white.

Don’t dare to hesitate, the Joy man hurriedly issued an order, “Latias, use self-healing soon.”

“Woo~” Latias responded instantly on the field.

It is the legendary Pokémon in the end, and the power level of Slowpoke does not produce an absolute crushing effect.

After being in the Gravity field for a while, Latias’ body gradually adapted to this strong Gravity field.

Although the flying speed during the Peak period cannot be restored, at least the body is no longer pressed straight down to the Ground.

The pressure-bearing ability is greatly enhanced, and Latias opened her mouth and let out a clear cry after receiving the instruction from the trainer.


In the next second, Latias’s clean feather surface is as thin and clear as Sootopolis, glowing with the bright fluorescence of golden yellow.

In Latias’s long and louder cry, the injuries suffered by Fairy Wind on his body are also quickly recovered at this moment.

“If you have time, you can let Slowpoke learn the ability of “Heal Block”. “Liang Ren muttered in his heart when he saw this scene.

However, the battle is not over yet. Although he tried to experiment with Slowpoke’s three tricks Fairy Type Ability formidable power, Liang Ren didn’t release the water too much.

After all, you are playing against Joy males with this level and arrogant personality. It’s okay if you don’t even notice. If you don’t use all your strength, you will be known by the other party.

This is stronger than Liang Ren’s. Latias of Latias, but also let the other party hold their hate.

Liang Ren who knew this point no longer hesitated, and the Attack Order continued to issue, “Slowpoke, maintain Gravity, use Dazzling Gleam.” “

“Ah duo——”

After Slowpoke returned to complied, his body suddenly vacated, and a strange force burst out from within the body, enveloping the body and forming outside the body A colorful ball of light emitting dazzling rays of light.

Seeing the ability of Slowpoke use, Joy male turn pale with fright, “Latias, use Substitute.” ”

Joy male tone barely fell, the colorful dazzling ball of Slowpoke in the sky has been slammed down.

like a scorching sun shot down by the arrow god Hou Yi , Fell to the ground with full of anger and resentment.


Latias has just adapted to Gravity, and his body has not recovered to the flexibility of at first.

< p>The colorful dazzling ball turned into by Slowpoke hit the back, and the whole body exploded with a bang.

“Slowpoke, Latias is behind you. “Seeing Latias’ body burst open, Liang Ren’s face was not at all too surprised, after all, the man Joy just shouted the command of’Substitute’ so loudly.

But Slowpoke doesn’t need Liang Ren’s reminder either. In the battle at first, Slowpoke’s Psychic perception covers the entire battlefield.


The two small arms waved softly to prevent Latias from regaining speed from escaping. .

Slowpoke first covers the entire Gravity field, then continuously shrinks the coverage area, and finally captures Latias.

Because of this small technique used by the Gravity field, it is directly extinct. Latias may escape.

“Teleport + Moon Burst! ! ! “Liang Ren’s order continues.

After being suppressed by Gravity again, he still didn’t respond. The Slowpoke in front of him disappeared from the line of sight for an instant, and the Teleport directly came to Latias diagonally above behind Latias in the next second.

“Ya Duo——”

Slowpoke eyebrow raised, one hand keeps the suppression of Gravity field unchanged, and the other hand is aimed at Latias below like a muzzle.

” Latias, use Light Screen. “Joy’s man blunts, the opposite Slowpoke is amazingly strong, Liang Ren’s combat experience is also very rich.

Age is nearly a round younger than himself, but the level of difficulty is even greater than that of other veteran fakes in Alliance. Elite-level trainer.

“Woo~” Latias’s face was abrupt, and the crisis was approaching, until the appearance of a Light Screen shield made him slightly sighed in relief.

Second, the facts tell Joy and Latias a truth, they are happy too early.

“Bang! ! “

Slowpoke bombarded with a palm, and the Light Screen protective wall hit by the moonburst energy bomb, the Earthquake shook a bit.

“Hoo~It’s dangerous. “Seeing that the Light Screen has not been broken, Joy and Latias breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.



Sky’s Slowpoke palm cannon was upgraded to a combo cannon, and one after another energy bombs blasted over again less than three seconds later.

“peng peng peng peng ……”

The Light Screen hit by the second moonburst energy bomb has been on the verge of collapse, and after being hit by the third moonburst, it showed signs of overwhelming.

And when the fourth moon burst After hitting, the Light Screen barrier that was hit is no longer as strong as before.

This time it seems that it was not hit by Energy Ball, but a thick glass window was hit by a shot ball from a distance. In.

“ka ka…”

The appearance of a crack not only disintegrated Latias’ defense, but also disintegrated Joy’s self-confidence.

“Latias, use Light Screen. “


“Latias, self-healing. “


I was imprisoned and suppressed by the Gravity field in the air unable to move even a little bit, every three seconds, a moon burst energy bomb blasted from the palm of Slowpoke Out.

The Joy man who was originally confident and had the chance to win, at this moment, under the fierce attack of Liang Ren and Slowpoke, he can only choose to be beaten passively.

Fairy Type vs. Dragon Type Restraint is much more serious than ice attribute’s restraint on Dragon Type. If the Light Screen is broken, a moon burst can cause Latias to be seriously injured.

Hold up the Light Screen, and then self-healing has not yet taken the body. The injury was fully recovered, the Light Screen was broken again, and Slowpoke’s attack came again.

Joy in the appearance battle was already speechless. This is not a battle in the traditional sense, but Targeting game.

Gravity confines Latias in the field, and then Slowpoke continuously fires output, hitting a string of damage numbers.

Such ravages, Latias did not last long. .

“Woo~” opened her mouth and let out a wailing, Latias’ neck softened and she passed out.

“Bang–” a heavy object hit the ground, and the dust on the ground floated on Latias. On the smooth feathers like Sootopolis, it was wiped out in the blink of an eye by a cleansing force.

“Latias…cannot fight, this game is won by Slowpoke! ! “

Although I can’t accept it and dare not believe it, Joy Yu, who acts as a temporary referee outside the field, announced the final result of the game.

Compared to Joy Yu, he recovered quickly. Looking at the Joy man again, she is completely stunned at the moment.

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