“Because of Mumu Liang Ren, Slowpoke, which was previously uninterested, has now become an extremely powerful and arrogant rare and popular Pokemon in Kanto Region.”

Black Luo skirt girl shook the head couldn’t help but vomit.

“Slowpoke is very cute, but ordinary Slowpoke is not as powerful as Liang Ren’s Slowpoke.”

“Of course, Slowpoke is Liang Ren’s three main Trump Cards One of them.”

“It’s cutting”



Walking down the street, one person It can be said that the rate of turning heads is very high. It was not until Liang Ren walked into the shop at Fengzhu intersection that the eyes around him were less.


Pushing open the door of the shop, the ceramic Chimecho hanging inside the door was moved, making a crisp and sweet ringing.

“Dad, Mom, I’m back.” Seeing the couple who were doing the final cleaning before closing the store, Liang Ren said hello in a relaxed tone.

Hearing Liang Ren’s voice, the couple who were mopping the floor and wiping the massage table stiffened, and then turned their heads in surprise.

“My son is back~” Ryoko put down the rag in his hand, walked up and took Liang Ren into his arms. She could see that she was very excited.

“I haven’t seen you for two months, you brat is strong again, not bad.” Next to Mu Mu Yiren with one hand on his hips, one hand on the mop rod and looked up and down Liang Ren a circle, nodded with satisfaction .

“What’s not bad, didn’t you see that the whole person was dark.” Ryoko gave her husband a dissatisfied look.

“You…” Mu Mu Yiren not at all argued with his wife, Liang Ren also showed a helpless smile.

As everyone knows, the following three sentences as a mother are the most untrue to their children.

One is that you have lost weight; the other is that you are tanned; the last one is that you are not full, so add another bowl of rice.

“Where is Little Lei? Didn’t come to the store today.” When Mother released her embrace, Liang Ren looked around and asked curiously.

“This girl has officially graduated from Primary Rank school at the end of this semester.”

“Since you accepted that Rotom for her in the summer vacation, this girl has ended school every day I would secretly find a place to train Rotom.”

“This girl is really uneasy. She only trains secretly by herself, but even the kid Kuromu also conquered a Pokémon in advance.

In this semester, the two ran out to help Pokémon do training after school every day.” Mother Yoshiko complained.

“When my daughter is older, she is no longer an intimate little cotton jacket as a father.” Mu Mu Yiren stood aside and shook his head.

Liang Ren helped clean up the sanitation in the store, and then shut down the electricity. The family first went to the supermarket to buy some vegetables, and then rushed home.

Leaving the noisy urban area, looking up at the sky, the Milky Way is full of stars.

The old Zipp car is driving on the highway out of town.

The fallen leaves of Ground were not wet by the night dew. The car passed by, and the fallen leaves were swept by the wind to crash-bang and chased the car Rollout.

Father was silent and focused on driving, while Ryoko continuously asked about his experience during this period and how he went to the Alliance headquarters today.

My son is worried about Norman’s mother. Liang Ren is very considerate of his parents’ feelings. Apart from a lot of dangerous things that he concealed, he told them everything else.

I heard that I went back to Mt. Moon near Pewter City, and Pidgeot and Slowpoke, two Pokémons, broke through to the Elite level.

Today I went to the Indigo Plateau Alliance headquarters to go to work. The position of the highest inspector of the inspection bureau originally set was suddenly promoted to the director of the alliance inspection bureau.

The couple was shocked speechless.

“In other words, son, you are now not only an Elite powerhouse, but also the director of the Alliance Supervision Bureau, responsible for the monitoring and assessment of the Gym under the Alliance?”

“Hmm~” Liang Ren nodded, he was already satisfied with the position of the top inspector of the Supervisory Bureau, but did not expect to become the director.

Don’t say that my mother was surprised, even Liang Ren himself felt a little weird.

Compared with Ryoko’s shock, Mu Mu Yiren, who was concentrating on driving next to him, quickly regained his senses. He smashed his mouth, but sighed, “As expected of my son~”

“Liang Ren, you are now the Director of the Alliance Inspection Bureau. Next, your eldest brother Momoa wants to compete for the position of Viridian Gym Leader. I am afraid that you will have to use your younger brother’s potential.” Ryoko said.

“Mom, don’t worry about this. This time I have a Pokémon breakthrough Elite level, and Alliance’s bargaining chip has also improved.”

“This includes, let the big brother Tao Ya entered the Alliance search team for an internship for half a year, and started as a grass-roots member to become a middle captain.”

“After the half-year internship expires, Alliance directly appoints his eldest brother as the Gym Leader of Viridian Gym.” Liang Ren explained Tao.

“It turns out that this is the case. It seems that your eldest brother has taken you off this time.” Knowing that Momoa’s position as the Viridian Gym Leader has been stabilized, Ryoko is also very happy.

“They are all my own brothers. When talking about who gets the light of whom, didn’t the older brother take care of me very much,” Liang Ren shook the head said.



Father, the righteous man drove quietly and intently, while the mother and son were chatting. After more than ten minutes, Zipp drove Drive into the small courtyard next to the Baihualin bus stop.

“Little Lei, aren’t you still talking about your second brother in the morning, now your second brother is back, why don’t you come out to pick you up~” Zipp parked in the garage against the wall in the courtyard.

The daddy righteous yelled into the lighted room with a rough voice.

tone barely fell, a cute girl wearing fur slippers, like a little kitty fluttering with butterflies.

Sahuan, excitedly rushed out of the house, running towards Liang Ren like a 100-meter dash.

“second brother, catch me~” Mu Mu Lei jumped up two or three meters away and rushed into Liang Ren’s arms.

“How old is it, Charm.” Liang Ren opened his arms to catch the girl, and said while touching his head to kill.

“No matter how big my family is, it’s still not your younger sister.”


I haven’t returned home for two months, the home is still the same Look, nothing has changed, still so warm.

Entering the house, father Mother enters the kitchen to prepare dinner, and Liang Ren chats with his younger sister in the living room.

I took a look at Rotom, a summer vacation plus most of the semester, my own unearthly younger sister with very innate talent.

Unconsciously he has trained Rotom very strongly, and when he learns that Level has reached LV.Level 32, Liang Ren is also secretly surprised.

“If it weren’t for a transmigrator, with previous knowledge and experience and a cheat system, I’m afraid Little Lei’s innate talent would be the highest among our three siblings.” Liang Ren thought.

Pokémon world The gap between the rich and the poor is still quite large.

Didn’t expect their family, siblings and the three of them have such high innate talents.

Liang Ren is looking forward to waiting for Primary Rank school to graduate, Mu Mu Lei will be surprised when Mu Mu Lei presents his super trainer innate talent to the public and Alliance.

While Father Mother was busy in the kitchen, the siblings helped the five Pokémons, Pidgeot and Slowpoke, clean their bodies, and then prepared a few pet dinners.

Waiting for the food to be on the table, the family once again sat warmly around the table for dinner as usual.

During the period, Lucario, Slowpoke, and Pidgeot were greedy for food and ran to the table with small bowls to pick up dishes.


After dinner, Liang Ren distracted her younger sister and asked her to go back to the room upstairs to play. Only him and father Mother were left in the living room.

“Son, you deliberately distracted Little Lei, do you have anything to tell us?” asked Ryoko, who was thoughtful.

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