“Son, you deliberately distracted Little Lei, is there anything you want to tell us?” asked the thoughtful Ryoko.

Let Slowpoke feel it, and after learning that Mu Mu Lei upstairs had not overheard, Liang Ren told the story.

Peach Origin Village’s population abduction case, the ancestors of the villagers of Peach Origin Village, a hidden mountain village, were members of the royal family of the Saint-Jard Empire hundreds of years ago, and all of the Peach Origin Village are bloodline descendants of the Saint-Jard Empire’s royal family. .

Imperial crown token “Holy Crown”, the holy crown reacted to him…

Speaking of Liang Ren, while communicating with the system backpack, take out the dark yellow silk cloth and carved agarwood wooden The box was wearing the sacred crown and asked Mother Liangzi:

“Mom, what is your identity?” Liang Ren looked at Mother Liangzi with piercing eyes.

Hearing what Liang Ren said, Liangzi turned to look at her husband on the sofa. She didn’t expect to keep a secret for so many years, but she was accidentally discovered by her son.

The couple looked at each other and were silent for a moment.

“Liang Ren, you were very smart and sensible when you were a child. When you got the Holy Crown, I think you should have a vague guess about the mother’s family background.”

Yoshiko sighed, his face is very complicated, “I originally promised father and mother, once they leave Oludran City, I promised not to mention things over there again.”

“But now that you have found out, Then I won’t conceal you anymore.”

“Hey~ I am actually a descendant of the royal family of St. Gard, the daughter of the City Lord of Oludran, which is the Olud of the outside population. Princess of Langcheng.”

Hearing what his mother said, Liang Ren was not at all surprised in his imagination, just as his mother said.

From the moment he got the Holy Crown, he had already guessed the identity of his mother, but he didn’t expect that his mother turned out to be the Princess of Ourudran City.

Liang Ren did not respond, and Mother Ryoko continued to tell her story as if she had opened a chatterbox.

“The reign of the St. Jader Empire ended. The Kanto Indigo Alliance and the Johto Mt. Silver Alliance, with Mt. Silver, Indigo Plateau, and the Viridian Forest as boundaries, each inherited half of the territory of the St. Jader Empire.”

“The two Alliances did not at all remove the royal family members of the Saint-Jard Empire.

Instead, they gave the city of Oludran, the former capital of the Saint-Jard Empire, to The royal family members at that time were the permanent Fiefdom with independent autonomy.”

“Early members of the royal family also planned to reclaim the country in wild ambition, but the two alliances were very popular, and the two regions were governed in an orderly manner. The royal family members of Ludran City gradually gave up the restoration of the country.”

“Of course, a small part of the imperial royal family was not reconciled. After leaving Oludran City, they organized the “Team Rocket” with Kanto and Johto confronts the two Alliances. “

“Of course, when it comes to Team Rocket, it’s a bit of a long way. I’m still alive. “Ryoko shook the head.

“As the pearl in the palm of the City Lord of Oludran, the Princess of the St. Jard Empire, I grew up in the castle. “

“Although the empire has disappeared in the long river of history, the current royal family members of Oludran City have also given up their ambitions to restore the country. “

“But as the Little Princess of Oludrang City, my father and mother, that is, your grandma and grandfather from an early age still forced me to learn a series of complicated court etiquette. “

“They gave up their ambition to restore the country, but they never gave up the pride brought by the status of the royal family of the St. Jader Empire. “

“At my 15-year-old coming-of-age ceremony, your grandma and grandfather forced me to be engaged to William Prince of Kalos Region Parfum Palace. At that time, I was also in adolescence with strong rebellious mentality. “

“That night, I brought the two Li and I grew up with me since I was a child. Although they are maids, sisters who love brothers took advantage of the banquet held in the castle and escaped from the castle together. “

“I thought it would be soon after you were sent by your grandma and grandpa to send guards back to the castle. I didn’t expect to meet your father after I left the castle. “

“At that time, your father followed you, Katsuta Nobunaga Uncle and Fukuda Dahe Uncle, together with Ouludlang, and was also a pair of newborn calves do not fear tigers~”

“Knowing that I am the Little Princess of Oludran City, I neither bowed down like others nor estranged from my identity. “

“The three of them still look like fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth. They have countless ghost ideas in their minds. They take us to avoid being searched and hunted by the guards and pretend to participate in a docker’s beer lobster party. “

“That period was the happiest period of my childhood, your father and the two Uncle fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, and all kinds of weird and interesting ideas in my mind It attracted us deeply. “

“Although they are fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, they have many ghost ideas and are very clever, but in general, the personalities of the three are quite different. “

“Your Katsuta Nobunaga Uncle has a flamboyant personality and a very adventurous spirit. Even if it is an adventure story you make up, you can tell it as vividly as it is true. “

“And when the crazy girl Mingju was in the castle, she fantasized about adventures all day long. After listening to your adventure story of Nobunaga Katsuda’s Uncle, she was deeply attached to him in her heart. “

“You Futian Dahe Uncle, when you were young, you were as chubby as you are now, and you study food very well, saying that your dream is to become a great chef. “

“And your Aunt Masako is a gluttonous cat. She is not interested in anything else, just likes to eat. “

“Finally, your Futian Dahe Uncle first conquered your Aunt Yazi’s stomach, and then captured her heart naturally. “

When talking about these old things, Ryoko’s eyes are shining brightly. This is a very good time, and it is also the most precious memory.

“It turns out that Uncle Katsuta and Ming Aunt Zhu, Fukuda Uncle and Aunt Masako met at that moment. “

“Then how did you and dad get together? “Liang Ren took off his shoes, cross-legged holding a pillow and crouched in the corner of the sofa and asked curiously.

“My dad and I, because I grew up in a castle. The servant serves. “

“After leaving the castle, follow you Uncle. They run two steps together and they will blisters. I don’t know a lot of common sense things. Many simple things are clumsy. “

“And your father was the strongest of their Third Brother brothers. I couldn’t walk, so he ran behind me all the way. “

“If I don’t know or don’t know, he will teach me patiently; if I can’t do it, he will rush to help me do it. No matter how squeamish and troublesome I am, your dad will There is no complaint. “

“The proud Princess walked out of the castle to find that she would not understand anything, and her survivability could not even match her two maid sisters. “

“At that time, I was also very frustrated and frustrated, but what your dad did made me very moved. “

“You, Nobunaga Katsuta, Uncle said that the most dangerous place is hidden in the city and the safest place.

While the City Lord Mansion guards searched further outside the city, we lived in seclusion in Oludran. “

“The goal of six people getting together was too big, so we were divided into three groups at the time. Your Aunt Mingju and Uncle Katsuda went to the racetrack to work together. “

“Your Aunt Masako and Fukuda Uncle went to a restaurant in the city to work, one as a dishwasher and the other as a vegetable cutter. “

“And my father and I are two people……”

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