“My father and I are working on a farm outside the city of Ourudran. I am a shepherdess, and your father is a long-term laborer who takes care of all the dirty work.”

< p>“I told you the following story before. I worked on the farm for more than half a year. When a heavy rain came, Mareep lost his way into the valley.”

“I also lost my way in the valley. , But it was your dad who went into the valley in the rain to find me, and then he found only the sheep.”

“After that, I was with your dad. After another six months, I will be with you. Dad, your Aunt Mingju and you Uncle Katsuda, Aunt Masako and Uncle Fukuda.”

“The three pairs of us sent an anonymous letter to City Lord Mansion and left Oludelang. City.”

“Later, when your eldest brother Momoa was four years old, my father and I took your eldest brother and you, who was still pregnant, and went back to Ourudran City together~ “

“But your grandfather and grandma still didn’t forgive me. They thought that I was ashamed of the royal family of St. Jades, and cruelly severed the relationship between father and daughter and mother and daughter with me.”

< p>“After I left Ourudran City, I never went back, nor did I talk to the three of you siblings about Ourudran City, your grandfather and grandma.”

at First recalled the funny story after escaping from the castle, Ryoko’s face was still full of happy smiles, but when he said about the parents of Oludrang City, Ryoko’s eyes were full of tears.

Liang Ren didn’t know how to comfort her for a while, but fortunately, the old man Mu Mu Yiren was not at all as simple as usual.

“I’m sorry, Liangzi, it’s all because I’m useless. I have caused you to suffer these years, and let you father mother, they cut off the relationship with you.”

Mu Mu Yiren Jiang Ryoko embraced him, and his gentle voice was full of guilt and self-blame.

The three of their brothers, Nobunaga Katsuda is now the captain of Kanto Civil Aviation, and Futian Dahe is now running a private enterprise, but he did nothing.

“What stupid things to say, being with you is my happiest and happiest thing. Although the early days were hard, you didn’t let me suffer any wrongdoing.”

< p>“I have never regretted leaving Ourudran City with you. I just hate how my father mother is so cruel and can’t let go of the pride of the royal family of St. Jades, and must sever relations with me.”

Speaking of this, Ryoko plunged into her husband’s arms and sobbed sadly.

Seeing mother so sad, Liang Ren also hurriedly changed the subject, “Mom, did you just say that Team Rocket was founded by the ambitions of the royal family who left Oludrang? This is What’s going on.”

Hearing Liang Ren’s question, Ryoko who fell into her husband’s arms sobbing secretly wiped away tears.

“This is a long time ago. I also listened to your grandfather at the beginning. The rule of the St. Jader Empire was ended and the Pokémon Alliance rose.”

“Alliance is kind, Instead of treating the remnants of our feudal empires, the land of Oludran and Norman was given to the royal family at that time as a permanent Fiefdom.”

“But I used to be a noble empire The royal family, who wants to be a City Lord and a landlord, except for some of the royal family who accepted the arrangement, at least half of the royal family members left the city of Oludran.”

“This group of wild ambition royal family members Together they established the “Team Rocket”, fighting against the two Alliances, Kanto and Johto, with the goal of subverting the rule of the Alliance and restoring the St. Jader Empire. “

“The last boss of Team Rocket: Hiromi, according to my seniority, I should call my cousin, and now the always Team Rocket Boss Giovanni, I must call my cousin. “

Looking at Liang Ren’s surprised expression, Ryoko showed a funny laugh.

“Team Rocket’s Giovanni, is there such a relationship with us?” “Liang Ren was shocked speechless.

His grudge with Team Rocket was not small. When he was in the Viridian forest, he was captured by Team Rocket’s elite members: Armado and Salvadore Jr. into the underground base.


After that, he was also put on a neurotoxin watch by Dr. Namba. Of course, in the end he took off the secret underground base of Team Rocket.

He got Lucario’s egg, and at the same time Also helped Alliance arrest a Team Rocket Professor, two elite team members, and a small team.

After that, the four generals of Team Rocket kidnapped the mayor’s daughter of Saffron City as hostages and threatened the mayor’s mansion. Giovanni silver was handed over, and that operation failed because Liang Ren was on the premises.

And this time in Viridian City, Liang Ren cancelled another Team Rocket bomb terrorist attack, and finally left him in Fuchsia City The trail of Proton, the fourth general of Team Rocket, was exposed.

If you know what Liang Ren has done, Team Rocket will never let him go. Of course, Liang Ren is not afraid now.

Not only is not afraid, Liang Ren also intends to use Team Rocket as a tool man to continue to promote himself and make merits.

Now according to his mother’s words, Giovanni turns out to be his own representative. Uncle, Giovanni’s son, Giovanni Yin, turned out to be his cousin or cousin~

“Hey, except for the man Joy who gave me the position of Director of the Supervision Bureau, this kind of fucking thing happened within a day. Let me meet the second one. “Liang Ren couldn’t help but vomit.

“Mom—I’m from Alliance now, and I will definitely face Team Rocket one day in the future. “

“At that time, what should I do? “Liang Ren asked his mother with some concern.

Hearing Liang Ren’s question, Liangzi couldn’t help but show a smile on his face.

“Team Rocket from the Empire of St. Jades Disappeared and the Alliance was established when it was founded. Faced with this group of disobedience to the rule of Alliance, the true remnants of the feudal empire, Alliance was not at all tender. “

“After generations of iron-blood suppression and suppression by the Alliance, the bloodline of the Saint-Jard Empire in Team Rocket has been very weak, and the organization of Team Rocket is no longer the same Team Rocket. “

“Team Rocket’s previous generation of Boss Hongmei cousin wanted to transform Team Rocket into a patriarch biotechnology listed company. The company’s goal has changed from subverting Alliance and dominating the Pokémon world to making big money. “

“This generation Team Rocket Boss Giovanni’s cousin, at first, is young and vigorous. He is working against his mother and wants to follow the old path of the ancestors to subvert Alliance and dominate the world. “

“There are more and more things going on in the future. The idea of ​​cousin Giovanni is also gradually closer to cousin Hiromi. I think he suddenly disappeared in the end, which may be part of the reason. “

“Today, Team Rocket has gone astray, as if it has completely turned into a cancer that endangers society. When you have to confront these people in the future, you don’t need Hold Back. “

Ryoko is not a pedantic person, and now he has drawn a clear line from Oludran City, and she has also thoroughly ignored the power of Team Rocket.

Don’t say it is her, even now in Oludran City, no one wants to admit that the people who founded Team Rocket are their relatives.

“Okay~ I know. “After listening to Mother’s words, Liang Ren nodded, sighed in relief in his heart.

“What about the Holy Crown? What to do. “Liang Ren asked, “Why do you take the Holy Crown to Ourudran City and give it to Grandpa and Grandma……”

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