“Slowpoke, Lucario…, during this period of time, you all have been working hard outside, taking advantage of the fact that no customers have come to your door.

“Come here, I will help you with a massage treatment. “

Ryoko, who has adjusted the equipment, yelled to Slowpoke and Lucario, who were playing mobile phones on the sofa, while chatting with Liang Ren.

“Ya Duo——٩(๑^o^๑ )۶ Thank you Liang Ren mother. “

“ao 嗷——₍ᐢ•⌄•ᐢ₎ Thank you, Auntie Liangzi. “

Slowpoke and Lucario dropped their mobile phones on the sofa and ran over to Ryoko happily.

“You two~” Seeing the two pets happy, Liang Ren couldn’t help but shook the head.

At the end of training, he also helped Slowpoke massage them, and I didn’t see these guys having such enthusiasm.

When Liangzi helped Slowpoke and Lucario massage, Liang Ren also took a brush to help Pidgeot, Cloyster and Qingteng Snake do some relaxing body care.

Seeing that the time is almost the same, there will be customers coming to the store, Liang Ren went to the side of the curtain In the kitchen, use a kettle to boil some boiling water.

After a while in the store, you can brew a cup of black tea for entertaining.

However, Liang Ren just walked into the kitchen. A fat and jeweled woman walked into the store.

“Mom Liang Ren~Mom Liang Ren, good news~good news. “The fat woman’s face is full of excited smiles.

“Zhuang Zhuang mom, what good news, your Zhuang Zhuang Olympian won the prize, or he won the piano competition. “Ryoko, who is doing massage for Slowpoke, asked full of smiles.

“No. “The fat woman shook her head like a rattle, “Isn’t my second uncle niece working as a secretary in the Alliance personnel department.” “

“Guess what news I saw in the family WeChat group this morning? “The fat woman approached Ryoko who was doing a massage for Slowpoke and asked mysteriously and secretively.

“What news? “Ryoko asked curiously following the fat woman’s words.

“Didn’t your Liang Ren lift the bomb crisis in Viridian yesterday and subdued the four Team Rocket gangsters.” “

“My second uncle niece said that yesterday your Liang Ren went to the Alliance headquarters to take up his post and was awarded first-class merit. “The fat woman said excitedly.

However, after hearing what the fat woman said, Liangzi was happy in her heart that does not raise.

“First-class merit is certainly a high honor, but As a mother, I still hope that he will try not to participate in this kind of thing next time, it is too dangerous. “Ryoko shook the head.

“Ryoko, what you said is wrong, Liang Ren, he is a hero. If he hadn’t stood up yesterday, I’m afraid the terrorist bombing of the Viridian subway station would kill many people. It. “

“How I hope that when my family grows strong, it will become a great hero like your Liang Ren. “The fat woman held her fat face and fell into a deep conjecture.

” By the way, I almost forgot, is the good news more than this? “The fat woman suddenly thought of something, and there was excitement on her face again.

“What good news is there? “Ryoko’s expression is full of doubt.

“Aren’t your Liang Ren serving in the Pokémon Inspectorate? Faced with the Supreme Inspector who suddenly airborne, the Director of the Inspectorate worried that the people below would be unconvinced. “

“Yesterday, there was a challenge in the bureau. It is said that this is a rule that has always existed in the Pokémon Inspectorate. Successfully challenged the superior can be promoted, and challenged the same level can be raised. “

“Guess what? “The fat woman looked at Ryoko with beaming eyes and asked.

In fact, when she heard the fat woman talking about the challenge, Ryoko had already guessed what the second good news said.

Liang Ren told her when she went home yesterday, but seeing the fat woman so excited, Ryoko didn’t want to lose her interest.

She asked without knowing it.

: “What happened after that? “

Seeing Ryoko curiously asked, the fat woman’s desire for expression and vanity really got great satisfaction.

“Let me tell you~ Your Liang Ren is not only Defeated all the subordinate staff who challenged on the field, and even successfully defeated the Director of the Supervision Bureau. “

“Now, Liang Ren of yours is not a Mumu Inspector, but is promoted to Director Mumu. “The fat woman gets more and more excited as she talks about it. People who don’t know think she is showing off her son again.

“I have been promoted to chief, and the burden is heavier. I wonder if Liang Ren can do well. Own work. “Ryoko didn’t feel complacent about the news, but said it worriedly.

“Ryoko, what are you worried about? Just leave it to your subordinates to do anything. Liang Ren is now the director~ “

“Leave aside, I will do the nails first, and then send these two good news to the circle of friends, so that other good sisters will be happy for your Liang Ren. “

After finishing speaking, the fat woman walked out of the small shop again with cheerful steps.

Liang Ren, who was boiling water in the next kitchen hall, heard the fat woman walking away Later, I opened the curtain and walked out.

“Didn’t expect this aunt is not only a dazzling monster, but also a know-it-all. “Liang Ren teased with a smile.

“Mom Zhuang Zhuang is very nice. Usually your dad is watching the greenhouse in Ding Mu Village. When there is only me in the store, mom Zhuang Zhuang will come in when passing by. Talk to me. “

“There are also Tutu’s Ma and your Aunt Yazi. With them, this street is the busiest of our shop. “Ryoko couldn’t help but smiled knowingly.

“I’m sorry, Mom, my son often goes outside to practice, and he has less time to spend with you. “Liang Ren said.

“foolish child, what did you say? “Liangzi shook the head”, “Through childhood, you are the most sensible and considerate of your three siblings.” “

“You have been with your mother for more than ten years. Now that you have grown up, you can’t go outside and stay with your mother like you did when you were a child. That’s not the truth. “Liangzi laughed.

Those words, Liang Ren not at all, seriously, which mother does not want his children to accompany him more.

The younger sister Mu Mulei wants to I went to study in the remote Unova Region. Fortunately, my eldest brother Momoa will be back soon after graduating.

“If you see me in the store, you will not be able to do business~”


“I asked Slowpoke and Lucario to stay in the store to help. I took the Qingteng snake to buy a bunch of flowers to the cemetery to visit Venusaur. “Liang Ren said.

“Okay, you go. “Ryoko nodded.

“Slowpoke, Lucario, you two will stay in the store to help. I will go out and buy you milk tea when I come back. “

After taking Pidgeot and Cloyster back to the baby ball, Liang Ren warned repeatedly towards the brothers who were playing mobile phones and games on the sofa.

“Ya Duo——٩(๑ ^o^๑)۶Liang Ren, I want Pidgey milk tea with taro balls. “

“ao 嗷——₍ᐢ•⌄•ᐢ₎I want to drink pudding cocoa. “

Jotted down the two Little Brat’s requests. Liang Ren took the Qingteng snake out after he answered complied.

Liang Ren took the Qingteng snake to go there first I went to the flower shop and bought a bouquet of white and fragrant grapefruit flowers, which were personally selected by Qingteng Snake.

Then took a taxi directly to the Western Suburb Cemetery.


The autumn wind is getting bleak, and the leaves of many tree species in the suburbs have withered and yellow. As soon as the wind blows, they crash-bang and crash.

come to pay homage like him and Qingteng Snake. There are many people in the cemetery, and everyone is very quiet.

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