Because I bought a cemetery for 150,000 yuan, I paid an annual management fee.

Therefore, the cemetery is guarded and managed by special personnel. The last time I came to the cemetery, I was buried with the ashes of the old frog before school started.

Three months later, early autumn turned into late autumn and close to winter.

The temperature has dropped and the vegetation has withered, but Snivy, who was entrusted by the old frog to take care of him, has evolved into a green vine snake under his care.

“Old frog grandfather, my master treats me very well. After you leave, my strength has also become much stronger.”

“Last time I followed my master to Mt. Moon for pulse training. At the time, in the center of Pewter City Pokémon, I successfully evolved into a green vine snake.”

“Now my strength level has reached LV.35 by myself, the owner said that it won’t take long for me to evolve into the final form: The Sovereign Snake~”

Standing in front of the old frog’s tombstone, one person, one pet, the tail of the green vine snake wrapped in white and fragrant grapefruit flowers and placed under the marble tombstone.

Two flexible Vine Whip stretched out from under the shoulder blade’collar’, like two hands, gently touching the cold tombstone.

Qingteng Snake spoke softly in his heart.

Among them, there are both the joy of becoming stronger, the deep miss of the old frog, and the deep gratitude to Liang Ren.

“Winter is coming, old frog, you rest in peace–“

“I will take care of Xiaoqing for you, and will not let him suffer any grievances. .

I will also make an all-out effort to cultivate it, let it shine on the field, and try to help it realize its dream.”

“If you are in the sky, I believe that when you wake up from hibernation next spring, you will find that Xiaoqing has evolved into a monarch snake.”

“So you can rest assured to prepare for hibernation, and I will often bring Xiaoqing back to see you. Of—”

Standing in front of the tombstone, Liang Ren looked solemn.

Although the old frog is only a Pokémon, it is a relative of the Qingteng snake and a very respectable elder to him.

“We are going to leave, tell the old frog separately.” Liang Ren said to Qingteng Snake warmly.

“Yeah.” Qingteng snake is nodded, the head that is usually raised high in front of the opponent, now bends down.

Qingteng Snake rubbed his cheek against the tombstone of the old frog, and felt the loving and warm soul of the old frog through the cold.



Leaving the Xijiao Cemetery, Liang Ren went to a dessert shop to buy some cookies, and then went to the city library The museum visited Smith Old Lady.

The old lady is in good spirits, with kindness in sternness and wisdom in kindness. Seeing Liang Ren to visit her, the old lady seemed very happy.

Although this old lady doesn’t have any blood relationship with herself, but she doesn’t know how, but the other party gave him a feeling of closeness and respect like her own damn it.

As a transmigrator, Liang Ren is very early in the eyes of other people. For many things, Liang Ren is not interested in communicating with other people.

But this old lady is an exception. In front of her, Liang Ren will feel extraordinarily relaxed, and she is willing to talk about many things.

This kind old lady has always treated him as her dísciple, student, and grandson.

On the matter of training breed Pokémon, what precious experience and secret skills Liang Ren got from Old Lady?

However, Liang Ren gained countless precious wisdom from Old Lady on Sinnoh’s topics of dealing with life, dealing with life and life.

Just like this–

Liang Ren became a well-known Celebrity trainer of Kanto, became the director of the Kanto Alliance Supervision Bureau, became popular on the whole network, and became a famous Celebrity in the world.

Old Lady is not only proud of him, but also uses some wise words to exhort him not to be arrogant and complacent, and encourage him to work hard.

Boil a pot of boiling water, make a cup of strong tea, and sit comfortably on the dimly lit loft chair.

Liang Ren chatted a lot with Old Lady. It was noon when he left. He bought milk tea for a few Pokémons. Liang Ren did not go to the store but went home directly.

While father Mother had not returned, Liang Ren let Pidgeot, Cloyster, and Qingteng snake play in the living room, while he himself went into the kitchen to prepare lunch.

Younger sister Mu Mu Lei is eating at school at noon. Liang Ren only needs to prepare meals for his father Mother and him, a total of three people.


The kitchen window opened towards the courtyard. It rained last night, and it cleared up quickly during the day.

The sun exposed half of his face from behind the white clouds, and the faint sunlight cast down, and the leaves of the potted plants in the yard were bright green.

In the yard, I was transplanted from Mu Village before, and the red-flesh honey pomelo tree he planted with Qingteng Snake has survived.

Last night’s rain washed away the floating dust on the surface of the grapefruit Leafage. When the sun came out today, the sunlight shining on the leaves suddenly became green, as if every leaf was carved out of jade.

The clothes on the clothesline on the balcony on the second floor fluttered gently in the warm noon wind, and a faint fragrance of laundry detergent was inhaled by Liang Ren’s nose.

Take out the phone, click on NetEase Cloud, click on the homepage of the favorite musician Joe Hisaishi, turn to the list of works, and start playing from the first song.

Liang Ren was picking, washing and chopping vegetables while washing rice and cooking, listening to the episode of “Ju Forrest No Summer” from the mobile phone next to the cutting board: Sunmmer

In the living room is the sound of three Pokémon frolicking, and in the kitchen is soothing and pleasant light music.

In the morning, after finishing the work at the greenhouse in Mu Village, Mu Mu Yiren went to Beicheng Feiyu Street to pick up his lover, and then drove the Zipp toward the road out of the city, the home next to the Baihualin Avenue .

Wind leaves falling, leaves chasing wheels, wheels pressing Vermilion, the warm sun in late autumn is very warm——



< p>After going out for more than two months, Liang Ren wanted to spend more time with his parents when he returned home. He stayed at home for three days before leaving for school.

Of course, if it weren’t for Hibana’s urging call, perhaps Liang Ren would stay at home for a few more days.

“Son, take good care of yourself when you are alone. Winter is coming soon. Don’t be a young man. You should wear warm clothes~”

Celadon City High Speed ​​Rail Station , Mother Ryoko helped him pull the placket, while warned repeatedly.

“Mom~ I see, you and dad also pay attention to your health at home. The conditions in our family are not what they used to be. Now the family is not short of money.”

“Busy Medicine ingredients can be done in the greenhouse and in the store, but you should also pay attention to rest. I ordered a massage chair for you on the Internet. Please pay attention to the express phone.”



“Please note, passengers and friends, the C1468 train bound for the direction of Saffron East Station from Rainbow High-speed Railway Station will have to check in the station. Some people take the train C1468 train. Passengers, please bring your own luggage items……”

“Dad, Mom, I’m leaving!!” Liang Ren waved his hand, Lucario helped drag the suitcase next to him, while Slowpoke was sitting On the suitcase.

“Okay, remember to wear more clothes.”

“smelly brat, remember to be nice to Casey. You Futian Uncle and I are good brothers.”

< p>……


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