Putting on the mask and baseball cap, Liang Ren brought two Pokémon into the station to check in.

Twenty minutes later, the white steel long dragon drove into the Saffron East Station. The plane flew over the high-rise building Sky, and the roar of the engine could be heard clearly even at the high-speed rail station.

Daisuke and Shin Kida took a rest in the morning. They did not arrange classes or go to the Stadium to play games.

Learning that Liang Ren is coming back today, the two also said to pick him up at the high-speed rail station.

“Welcome back to school, my dear brother, and my chief director!!!”

As soon as he came out of the ticket gate, a golden boy with long hair was full of faces Welcomed him with a warm smile.

“Shenyi, you guy——” Liang Ren smiled and scolded the fellow bearer and hugged him.

“Liang Ren you brat was appointed as the supreme inspector by Alliance, but it shocked us a lot. I thought it was like this.”

“didn’t expect yesterday I went out with his father late and went out to attend a business party and came back, saying that you have been promoted from the highest inspector to the director of the inspectorate.”

“Do you want to be so exaggerated, can you take care of this guy? Let’s take a look at the heart capacity of our several brothers.”

After that, Daisuke, who stood aside with his hands in his pockets, also stepped forward and gave Liang Ren a big hug.

“My fault, my fault, I will treat tonight——” Liang Ren said with a smile hehe.

“Bah, what a treat tonight, you brat will treat you for the next week.” Daisuke patted Liang Ren on the shoulder and said.

“Okay–” For some good friends, Liang Ren was very happy after not seeing each other for a while.

“Where is the cub out of the wooden sweater?” Liang Ren asked.

“I went out early in the morning to participate in a project bidding meeting with his father.” Daisuke Shrugged said.

“This guy Chu Mushan is usually very busy. Originally I thought he would give up taking the road of the trainer, and his small life would be easier?” Shinichi Kida shook the head exclaimed.

“How easy as you think, Casey and her dad are too busy running a private enterprise, let alone learning and inheriting a huge family business like wooden sweaters.”

The three of them talked and walked outside the high-speed rail station. Lucario, carrying a small suitcase, followed Liang Ren quietly and obediently.

“This guy who made a wooden sweater is too proud. If I were him, please directly ask Liang Ren to speak for your own company’s products.”

“Tsk… Don’t increase it madly yet.” Kida Shin said with a very understanding shook his head.



As everyone chatted, they took a taxi outside the high-speed rail station and rushed to school.

Leaving school for two and a half months, inside this pure white and elegant university.

The original yellow-orange-orange leaves of the ginkgo trees on both sides of the road have been swept away by the bleak autumn wind, leaving only the bare branches shrinking in the autumn wind.

“Liang Ren, how long are you going to stay in school this time? I remember you said earlier that after completing the Mt. Moon pulse, you will go to the Orange Islands to challenge the Winners Cup.” Daisuke asked.

“Preparing to stay for a while, Qingteng Snake has reached the level of participating in the Stadium competition. I am going to train her for a period of time.”

“See if I can be promoted to the five-star professional, Let it evolve to its final form, the monarch snake.” Liang Ren said his plan.

But Daisuke and Shinichi, who heard Liang Ren’s words, glanced at each other, a wry smile appeared on their faces.

“Liang Ren, you guy is simply too abnormal. Pidgeot and Slowpoke breakthrough Elite are not to be mentioned.

didn’t expect even the second-tier Qingteng snake strength I’m going to catch up with our Trump Card main force.” Daisuke said with an expression complaining about the injustice of the sky.

“Don’t say that you are so weak, I can hear what Mushan said.

Daisuke you brat holds three Pokémons: Charizard LV.41, Mei Kayang Ma LV.40, Strength/Machamp LV.Level 39.

With the strength of these three Pokémons in your hand, many Senior Senior Sisters in the third grade are not your opponent. You brat is now a school Wind Cloud Famous people on the List and the Junjie list.”

Looking at his young, iron buddy, Liang Ren teased him, but he was really happy for him in his heart.

In the four brothers of their 205 bedroom, Mu Shan and Shinichi Kida are both very prominent in their family background.

Only Daisuke and him came from a family of ordinary citizens. Seeing that he can achieve the results he is now in, Liang Ren is really happy for each other.

“haha, this is not because of a perverted brother like you, I am under a lot of pressure compared to you~”



Daisuke and Kida Shinichi are now Celebrity influential figures in Saffron Middle School, and Liang Ren is now added.

As soon as the three of them took a taxi and got down at Alakazam Square, people around them continuously cast surprised and curious eyes.

After entering the gate of the school and walking on the campus avenue, the turning head rate is almost 100%.

However, Liang Ren has long been used to such a look and politely The students who stopped talking cast a smile, and the quiet campus avenue quickly became lively.

The news that Mu Mu Liang Ren has returned to Saffron Middle School soon went viral on the campus post bar forum.

“Liang Ren, you are almost becoming a Celebrity.” Daisuke teased.

“It is not about becoming a great Celebrity, but has become a great Celebrity.” Shinichi Kida shook the head corrected.

“You two guys…”

On the campus avenue, near the girls’ dormitory, the girls who I met on the road looked towards Liang Ren mostly with awe, and the discussion was basically His looks.

When I arrived at the boys’ apartment, the boys I met along the way discussed Liang Ren’s strengths.

Everyone is also a Rookie trainer who has only received the initial Pokémon for one year.

Why is I still sitting in the classroom, complaining about how the exams and semester tasks were completed this weekend.

The opponent already has Elite-level battle strength and has been recruited by Alliance and entrusted with important tasks.

People have to die than people, and they have to be thrown away.

“Sure enough, genius and ordinary person are two different species.” The boy exclaimed among a pair of young lovers on a small park bench behind the boy’s apartment.

The girl who was held by the boy’s hands, stared at the back of the teenager at the corridor with beautiful eyes, muttering to herself: “I hope there will be no reproductive isolation between the ordinary person and the genius. “

“My dear, what did you just say?” The boy was taken aback.

“Ah!!!” When the boy asked like this, the girl’s cheek suddenly flew red.

“I said we’ll go to have coffee first, and then fly a kite in the afternoon.” The girl explained hurriedly.



Liang Ren didn’t know how much shock his return to school caused in the circle of Saffron Middle School and Saffron City trainers.

After returning to the dormitory at the moment, Liang Ren is cleaning the room, and he will go to the mayor’s mansion later.

“Big Brother Hiba said that someone was waiting for me at the mayor’s house. I don’t know who that person is?” Liang Ren was full of expectation.

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