
“In the blue silent night, I think about philosophy alone, and the insects are rolling in the grass…”

Just finished cleaning the bedroom and room , Take the two boxes of activated carbon dehumidifier filled with water in the closet and let Slowpoke use Teleport to throw it away.

Didn’t expect the phone rang in my pocket.

“ao 嗷——Master big brother, there is a phone.”

In the living room, Charizard in Daisuke and Lucario who is eating jerky next to Strength/Machamp is holding his phone. Ran towards Liang Ren.

“Thank you, Lucario.” Liang Ren touched Lucario’s head and said.

“ao ao~” Lucario shook his head and left happily before Liang Ren pressed the phone answer button.

“Senior Sister ——” Liang Ren stood at the window with his mobile phone with a smile on his face.

“Big Celebrity, are you free now?” On the other end of the phone, Flora asked Liang Ren while playing with her hair with one hand.

“Flora Senior Sister, please don’t tease me, Senior Sister, you have something, Junior Brother will never be out of time even if it is busy.” Liang Ren laughed.

Hearing Liang Ren’s words, on the other end of the phone, Flora showed a happy smile on her face.

“Liang Ren Junior Brother’s mouth is still so sweet.” Flora smiled: “After you just came back, the entire post bar forum of the school is discussing you.”

” Reporter from the school’s network media center, of course I want to come over and interview you immediately.”

“Liang Ren Junior Brother, where are you now? Are you really free?” Flora asked.

“I just cleaned up in the dormitory, and I just finished my work right now.” Liang Ren said, “Where is the interview conducted, shall I go to the Internet Media Center to see you?”

“No, I’ll contact the camera and come to your bedroom right away.” Flora said.

“Oh, good…” Liang Ren replied complied.

Less than five minutes after hanging up the phone, the bedroom door was knocked.

“Button button~”

“Here.” After tidying up the living room, Liang Ren opened the door wearing woolen slippers.

“Squeak…” The bedroom door opened, and outside it turned out to be Flora and Senior from the school’s network media center carrying a camera and wearing a vest.

“Flora Senior Sister, long time no see, you are still so beautiful.” Liang Ren said hello first.

“hehe~It seems that Liang Ren Junior Brother is not only handsome and strong, but also has the advantage of being fair.”

“Should we change shoes?” Ra asked with a big smile.

“I don’t care about that many, Senior Sister, Senior, come in quickly.” Liang Ren opened the door and made a sign to invite in.

There were two men and one woman, two men who came with Flora, one carrying a camera on his shoulder and the other holding a microphone.

The girl standing with Flora is responsible for the light.



Senior, who carried the camera on his shoulder, proposed to take a few photos in Liang Ren’s room, and the interview officially began in the living room. .

“As far as I know, Liang Ren, since last semester, you have frequently asked for long vacations to leave school to travel and experience.

However, most of the time is to experience one I will return to school in about a month. This time I went to the Mt. Moon pulse to experience, but I stayed for almost two and a half months.

May I ask why you choose Mt. Moon pulse for this experience Your destination, and why did you stay in Mt. Moon for so long?”

Liang Ren held Slowpoke on the sofa and made it, and Flora, who was sitting opposite him, asked The first question of great interest to Saffron Middle School students.

“I and Brock Gym Leader of Pewter Gym and his younger brother Wu Forrest are very good friends.

The Pokémon in my hand has entered bottleneck with strength, and I am going to leave school to practice After telling them about this, they also recommended me to go to Mt. Moon vein.

They said that there is a Danger Land deep in Mt. Moon vein, called Yangjiaofeng River Valley.

The wind in the river valley swept across the summit of the horns and emitted strange sound waves, causing double damage to the nearby creatures on Celestic Physical.

At that time, I had a feeling in the dark, I had to go Mt. Moon is surrounded by Danger Land in the Yangjiaofeng valley, and my Pidgeot is able to break through.”

“The reason why I stayed for two and a half months after entering the Yangjiaofeng valley is better than before. Experience, double the time, which is mainly to help Pidgeot its breakthrough.”

Flora’s question does not involve any privacy, so Liang Ren also made a positive answer.

“It turns out that this is the case. It is said on the Internet that Liang Ren Junior Brother, your Pidgeot has broken through to the Elite level. Is this the case?” Flora herself was very interested in this question.

Therefore, the gaze looking towards Liang Ren is full of expectation, and I hope Liang Ren can answer her positively.

Liang Ren not at all disappointed her, “Well, when I was returning to school during the summer vacation, I was in danger of flight H9536. At that time, Pidgeot rushed into the huge air current cloud to help the plane clear the way. During the crisis, he also gained a lot of strength. breakthrough.”

“After the school started, I played against many outstanding students of the same grade in the new semester challenge, which allowed Pidgeot to accumulate a lot of experience.”

“Later in the city Stadium hit the professional three stars, Pidgeot’s strength foundation has also continuously deepened and thickened. When leaving school, Pidgeot already has the strength of the quasi Elite Top Rank.”

“And this time in Mt. Moon After two months of painstaking practice, Pidgeot and I have indeed broken through to the Elite level thanks to the unremitting efforts of me and Pidgeot.”

Pidgeot is a matter of Elite level, and it is in the upper ranks of Alliance and Region. It is no longer a secret, so Liang Ren didn’t even think about hiding it.

“My Heavens!! Classmate Liang Ren, your Pidgeot is really breakthrough Elite. This is really amazing. I think you should be the youngest Elite expert in Alliance history. Right.”

The news of Pidgeot breakthrough Elite level was passed to Alliance.

Many Alliance executives who have experienced many winds and heavy rains and have seen too many talented people are shocked, let alone Flora.

Hearing Liang Ren personally admit that Pidgeot has broken through to the Elite level, Flora and the other three students in the school’s network media center in the living room were shocked and their eyes widened and mouth opened wide.

“Elite level expert is not considered, I am at most pseudo Elite level now.” Liang Ren shook the head corrected.

“Compared to real Elite powerhouses and seniors like Alliance Elite Four, I still have many shortcomings. I have a lot to learn from them.”

No Concealing the Pidgeot breakthrough Elite level things, after all, this simply cannot be concealed.

However, when it comes to his own strength and being praised by others, Liang Ren also maintains a consistent attitude of modesty.

trees seem beautiful in a forest, but are easily toppled by the wind. Although with his current strength, there are very few people who can threaten him.

However, Liang Ren knows that humility is a virtue. No matter how talented and powerful, too proud and arrogant will not appeal to people after all.

“Liang Ren, you are too humble.” Flora exclaimed.

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