“The Alliance personnel appointment letter was issued some time ago, before or after the Pidgeot breakthrough?” Flora asked.

“Well, I went to the Yangjiaofeng valley in the depths of Mt. Moon to experience, and I just met Mr. Shiba and there.”

“After the Pidgeot breakthrough Elite level, Mr. Shiba Turning this matter back to Alliance, after negotiation, the council issued personnel appointments.” Liang Ren replied.

“Okay, next question, I would like to ask you the Calm Mind video of Yunhai exposed by Saffron City TV Station before Liang Ren, is that your unique training method?” Flora continued to ask.

“No, Psychic Type Pokémon wants to improve its strength. In the final analysis, it is to increase the amount of Mental Force and the quality of tempering Mental Force.”

“Although different trainers have achieved this goal There are different ways, but in general it is through Calm Mind.”

“My Slowpoke has no affinity for water, so many times we fly to the sky above the sea of ​​clouds and pass through Observe the sea of ​​clouds on-site for Calm Mind training.”

“In fact, during the training period, Slowpoke and I spent most of the day training, but it was also because of accidents that I entered the deep Calm Mind.”


“As a result, I didn’t expect 2nd day. I was passed through that area in the morning. A passenger on the plane captured this scene. In fact, I was surprised to see my video on the Internet afterwards.”< /p>

Liang Ren, as always, replied positively and humbly.

“It turned out to be like this. Although it was an accident, it is undeniable that Liang Ren, you have become a hit on the Internet.

Become a well-known Celebrity training in Kanto, Johto, and Orange Islands. Home, and even the farther region trainers know you as a person.”

“In the circle of youngsters and young trainers, people such as: Genius and Mumu Liang Ren appeared in the circle of youngsters and young trainers. Phenomenal Internet hot words such as style genius.”

“May I ask Liang Ren, what do you think and feel about this matter?” Flora asked.

“Well…For this question, I actually never think of myself as a genius.

I believe anyone who knows me knows that I was born in Celadon City, an ordinary citizen Family.

Being able to achieve today’s achievements and possessing current strength is the result of the hard work of the Pokémons.

At the same time, I cannot do without some of my classmates, teachers, and friends. And a lot of senior’s help in the field of trainers.

Of course, it’s undeniable that the name Mumu Liang Ren can now be known by so many people, and there are also some like the Yunhai video you mentioned just now. The reason for the accident.”

“Of course, although I always think that I am a very ordinary person, but by chance, I have this popularity that no one else has.”

“In the future, I will also work hard to shoulder the responsibility of a public figure, lead by example, and deliver positive energy to the society.”

“I will do my best to do my job well and do my job well. The trust of the citizens of Alliance and Region, and the love of the fans.”

Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Flora and the three students from the Internet Media Center behind him couldn’t help but spring up in their hearts. The emotion of admiration.

As a genius, an Elite-level expert, a well-known Celebrity public figure, and a talent entrusted by the Alliance.

Not everyone has the same ideological awareness as Liang Ren. At the same time, when thinking about the age of the young boy in front of him, Flora and the others feel more and more precious.

Suddenly remembered the assertion of the trainer named Yuanshoucheng, who had been on the Internet for a while.

“Sure enough, with Liang Ren Junior Brother’s innate talent, strength, and ideological awareness, there will be no problem at all for the Kanto Alliance champion in the future.”

“This is simply natural. It’s the material for the championship.” Flora sighed secretly.



Next, Flora asked him again. During the two and a half months of Mt. Moon pulse experience, there were Did not subdue the new Pokémon.

For the choice of studying and traveling in school, as well as some of his next plans and arrangements…

As a person who has been hotly discussed on the Internet recently, if it is not a long time request, do not want to delay Liang Ren spends too much time and leaves some topics for other media colleagues.

Flora feels that when she opens the mobile Tieba forum and Weibo community, she can have countless questions to ask.

After all, there are too many topics on Liang Ren. Recently, the general public and netizens are really curious about his situation.

Some time ago, any rumors or gossip about Liang Ren can be searched hotly, and any copy about him can become a 10W+ self-media explosion.


Finally, the boy in charge of the camera begged Liang Ren to take several pictures of him interacting with Pokémon.

The interview with the campus media of the Network Media Center after returning to school has officially ended.

Several students from the Internet Media Center left first and were busy going back to edit the video and write the copy, while Flora stayed for a cup of coffee to chat with Liang Ren.

“Senior Sister will graduate soon, what plans do you have in the future?” Liang Ren asked.

Intermediate rank school is a dividing line of life. Children from many families have two choices after attending an intermediate rank school.

First, if you choose to take a professional path related to Pokémon, such as trainer and coordinator, you will choose to continue to enter the Top Rank school, just like your elder brother Momoka.

Second is to choose employment, and does not intend to follow the professional Dao Transformation road that directly contacts Pokémon.

This category of people will choose to enter a vocational college with the intention of further study, or directly enter the workplace for experience.

“As the sea maiden of Asia, I have a great responsibility on my shoulders.”

“I may return to Asia after graduation. However, being a maiden of the sea is usually quite free, so I still will not give up my journalism.”

“I am going to lead some like-minded classmates and friends from the school back together to build together My hometown: Orange Islands.”

Although she is not a child of a rich family, Flora herself has a very special identity.

Fortunately, the identity of the Miko of the Sea does not conflict with the journalism she pursues, and she has already made plans for the future.

“Liang Ren Junior Brother, if you come back half a day late, you may not see me Senior Sister.” On the chair, Flora took a sip of the coffee in the cup in her hand, said with a smile.

“Why, what is Senior Sister going to do?” Liang Ren asked curiously.

“At one o’clock in the afternoon, I’m going to return to Asia, and discuss with my sister about starting a new online media company on the neighboring Mandolin Island.”

“The backbone of the school’s network media center will also go back with me to make a field trip to Mandolin Island.” Flora said.

“It turned out to be like this.” Liang Ren nodded.

“Bang——” At this moment, an ice blue baby ball on Liang Ren’s waist opened, and Cloyster took the initiative to get out of the baby ball abnormally.

“This is…” Flora looked at Cloyster curiously.

Liang Ren’s expression also has a hint of surprise and surprise, “Bab, what’s the matter with you?”

“Ticket——Master, I want to leave the team temporarily and let Flora Young Lady Take me to the Ice Island.” Cloyster stared at Liang Ren with icy eyes and said firmly.

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