“The 327th maiden of the sea on the island of Asia, Flora pays homage to Lord Envoy of the Sea God!!!”

“Senior Sister, get up quickly, don’t do this.” Liang Ren bent down Laura helped it up.

As for why Flora suddenly saluted him, she was too surprised that Liang Ren was not at all.

Near the island of Asia, Articuno, Moltres, and Zaptos on the Three Gods Island are subordinates of the sea god Lugia, and the three Divine Bird clan can be said to belong to Lugia.

The islanders of Asia believe in the three Divine Birds on the island of the Three Gods, as well as the sea god “Lugia” who controls the sea and manipulates the currents.

The sage is still the witch of the sea.

Liang Ren, the messenger of the sea god, Lugia, the sea god, is in front of the spokesperson of human society, the former is much lower than him.

It can be said that as long as Lugia, the god of the sea, does not show up, Liang Ren represents Lugia, the god of the sea, whether it is the sea sage Hippo King or Flora as the sea witch.

All have to obey his orders absolutely, even if the three Divine Birds on the Three Gods Island, in some cases and things have to obey his will.

This is the information obtained by obtaining Silver Wing and Liang Ren once injecting Mental Force into it.

Including the role and tips of Silver Wing, the faction of the sea god Lugia, and as the messenger of the sea god, he has authority.

It is because of knowing that Flora turned out to be her.

Liang Ren will not shy away from telling the other party about his current strength and revealing his identity as a sea god envoy in front of her.

Otherwise, Liang Ren has a cautious character, he is absolutely impossible to do such a thing.

After being supported by Liang Ren, Flora shook the head respectfully, “The courtesy cannot be abandoned.”

“You are the messenger of the sea god, and I am the servant of the sea god, except Three adults of Celestic Sanshin Island, you are the only one I need to obey.” Flora said.

“Well, since you must obey my will, then I order you from now on, except for certain special occasions, in private, you and I are the Senior Sister Junior Brother.” Liang Ren said with a smile.


The embarrassing color on Flora’s face only lasted for a few seconds, and she soon returned to her former cordial and enthusiastic Senior Sister image.

“Then Senior Sister, Cloyster will leave it to you, and also wish you a pleasant journey. After returning to the island, remember to say hello to Saman grandfather, Sister Xiaoyou, and the islanders.”< /p>

“I will visit everyone on the island in person later,” Liang Ren said.

“Okay, I will bring your greetings to everyone, but the mainland is so far away from the island of Asia.”

“If Junior Brother, you go to the island of Asia It’s to pick up Cloyster. Actually, you don’t have to go on a trip like this.”

“I will give you my sister’s phone number. When the time comes, you call and she will bring Cloyster. Go to the Pokémon Center on Mandolin Island.”

“Directly use the treasure ball legend machine to send Cloyster back to you.” Flora said.

Although Flora was thinking about him, she did misunderstand him, so Liang Ren also explained.

“I stayed in Saffron City for a while, and I took Qingteng Snake to the city Stadium to exercise, and waited for promotion to become a professional five-star trainer.”

“After that, I plan to challenge the Southern Cross of Orange Islands Star, participating in the Winners Cup, so it happens to be going to the Orange Islands.” Liang Ren explained.

“It turned out to be so.” Flora nodded.



Because of the identity of the sea maiden and the sea god messenger, the relationship between the two suddenly became more intimate and trust.

The two wentssiping for a while, letting Cloyster and Slowpoke say goodbye to them, Flora got up and left, and took away the baby ball with Cloyster.

“Okay, don’t be sullen, Beckham’s personality is so really strong, now you and Pidgeot are both breakthrough Elite, but she is still stuck in Quasi Elite Peak.”

” This time she went to Ice Island, and Articuno personally did Coaching. I believe it will break through to the Elite level next time she meets.”

“So Slowpoke and all of you should be happy for Beckham. Ah, let alone temporarily leaving the team for a while.”

Cloyster suddenly left the team. Not only was Slowpoke gloomy, but the other three Pokémon also had a reluctant expression.

However, after Liang Ren’s comfort, the mood of the pets has only slightly improved.

“Let’s go, accompany me out for a while, after a while, I will take you to the Hubu Alley Food Street to eat.” Liang Ren patted Slowpoke’s little head said.

“Ya duo——(´◔‸◔`)oh”



Go back to the room and change Wearing clothes and shoes, Liang Ren deliberately wore a baseball cap and a mask before going out to avoid being recognized.

As for Slowpoke revealing his identity, there is no need to worry about this.

Because of his reasons, now Slowpoke has become an extremely powerful and arrogant popular Pokemon, not only in Kanto trainers and breeders circles.

When I checked Weibo in the morning, Liang Ren saw a message.

Slowpoke Well in Johto Region Azalea Town and Slowpoke Lake in Mahogany Town have been captured by trainers.

Many Slowpokes were subdued, forcing the Johto Alliance to issue a temporary order to restrain trainers.

In short, there are now more trainers who own Slowpoke, and you can see a lot on the street.

Wearing a hat and a mask, only to put Lucario away, Liang Ren walking on the street with Slowpoke will never be recognized.

No more than suspect that he is Mu Mu Liang Ren’s Coser.

“Where shall we go?” Walking out of the school gate, Slowpoke raised his head and asked Liang Ren.

“Go to the mayor’s residence.” Liang Ren replied, walking straight to the subway station under Alakazam Square.

Just after coming out of Mt. Moon, Shiba told him that there was someone waiting for him in Saffron City.

Two days ago at home with his parents, Shiba also called and urged him to return to Saffron City as soon as possible, saying that someone in Saffron City was waiting for him at the mayor’s residence.

Of course, the mayor of Saffron City lives in the mayor’s mansion. Although Lyn was kidnapped by Team Rocket before, he had some intersection with Gangda Forrest.

But Liang Ren didn’t think that Gangda Forrest would have anything to look for him, so the person waiting for him should not be Gangda Forrest.

With Shibata’s tone, this person is probably from the Alliance, and his strength and position are no less than him.

“Sheba is the Alliance Elite Four, and the Kanto Alliance has no champions, so the person who waited for me in the Saffron City mayor’s residence should also be an Alliance Elite.”

“A while ago At the headquarters of the Indigo Plateau Alliance, Agatha Old Lady and Kona Young Lady are all present, but he is absent.”

“In order to prevent Team Rocket remnant forces from creating terrorist attacks in society, Alliance Elite Four They are all stationed in various cities.”

“Saffron City is the metropolis of Kanto Region, the heart of economy and technology, and the son of Giovanni is also placed in Saffron City for protection.”

< p>“So who will be stationed in Saffron City? Who is capable of stationing in Saffron City?…”

Take the subway to the mayor’s office, and analyze with his head. The identity of the man waiting for him in the mansion is already ready to be revealed.

“The Mayor’s Mansion Station is here. Passengers going to the Mayor’s Mansion Station, please get off from the left door one by one. Please pay attention to the gap between the train and the platform when getting off the train.”



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