“We are here.” Slowpoke hit Yawn and said.

“Let’s go, don’t make the person in the mayor’s mansion wait in a hurry.” After Liang Ren responded, he walked out of the subway station with Slowpoke in his arms, and walked towards the mayor’s mansion not far to the north.

As the official residence of Saffron City Mayor Gangda Forrest, the mayor’s mansion is not magnificent. It is more appropriate to describe it as being elegant, because it is an ordinary mansion building enclosed by a black painted iron fence. .

After Liang Ren approached, the two guards at the gate of the mansion stopped Liang Ren.

“I’m Mumu Liang Ren, I think the people inside should have greeted you.” Liang Ren said after showing the work permit he received when he started at the Alliance headquarters two days ago.

“Sorry, Director Mu Mu, I didn’t recognize you just now, please come in!!!”

The soldier at the gate of the mansion respectfully handed back the work permit to Liang with both hands. Ren, then let the road open and invite him in.

“It doesn’t matter.” Liang Ren shook the head, not at all, blaming the two soldiers.

Seeing Liang Ren putting away his work permit and holding Slowpoke from the back of Liang Ren who walked into the mansion, two soldiers immediately reported the situation to the steward in the mansion.

Liang Ren just walked into the mansion, and a steward with hair grey-white, black tuxedo, deacon glasses and cocked-tailed moustache quickly greeted him.

“Mr. Liang Ren, welcome you, Mr. Lance is waiting for you on the second floor.” Steward said aloud.

“Okay, please take me over.” Liang Ren politely nodded towards the other party, at the same time, he also said in his heart.

“My guess is really good. Sheba said that someone is waiting for me. This person is the Yulongdu who did not show up at the ceremony a few days ago.”

Liang Ren’s heart While thinking, he went upstairs with Old Mister dressed as Steward, and then walked into a…

“Uh-there is a battlefield in the mayor’s mansion, and it turned out to be on the second floor.”< /p>

Pushing in, looking at the spacious battlefield in front of him, Liang Ren was surprised.

Even Slowpoke, who was depressed by Cloyster’s departure from the team, lifts the head in surprise at this moment.

“Since you accepted the Personnel Appointment from Alliance, Shiba called and said that you have finished your experience and have come out of Mt. Moon. I have been waiting for you.”

“Now, You are finally here.” On the other side of the battlefield in the open and bright, a heroic man with red hair and gray and black cloak in a red and blue outfit turned around.

“It’s been two and a half months since I left home, so I stayed at home for two more days after I came back to accompany my parents.”

“Shiba Elite said someone in Saffron City was waiting for me , Didn’t expect this person turned out to be Mr. Lance. To be honest, I was surprised to see you.”

Looking at the Yulongdu at the other end of the field, Liang Ren explained with a smile.

Although Liang Ren in his previous life and the pocket fans around him often complained about’Dodo, Flying Elite, cloak monster’.

But in fact, whether it is in the past or in this life, Liang Ren is full of affection for the heroic and dazzling personal image, the enthusiastic and decent Dragon Ambassador.

Before meeting Du, when he was practicing in Hoenn during the summer vacation, Liang Ren also contacted the current Ever Grande Alliance champion: Wallace.

Wallace is a coordinated trainer, and he was born in Sootopolis City Water Type Gym.

He gives people the feeling of not only the gentle and elegant qualities of water, but also the mysterious Mew like the Trump Card Pokemon in his hand.

Erdu is a professional Pokémon trainer, and because he specializes in Dragon Type Pokemon, he feels very powerful and domineering.

Just standing there, this red-haired man made Liang Ren feel that he was facing a Divine Dragon, and a wave of majestic and domineering Dragon’s Might moved towards Liang Ren was coming.

Lang Ren couldn’t help but sigh, “This is the strength of a champion-level trainer.”

Steward, who helped Liang Ren lead the way, closed the door to the battle hall and left. At this moment, the whole empty space was bright. There are only Liang Ren and Du on the battlefield.

While Liang Ren was looking at Du, the opposite Duo was also observing Liang Ren, and his eyes were full of interest.

Rookie trainer, at the age of 13, breed two Elite Pokémon Mega geniuses. As a past person, Du, but knows the gap between Quasi Elite and Elite.

If you don’t have a deep understanding of the profession of Pokémon trainer.

Without rich knowledge and insufficient experience, there is absolutely no way for Coaching Pokémon to move from Quasi-Elite to Elite.

However, a 13-year-old boy did this, and anyone would be interested.

“Sure enough, as Mrs. Agatha and Sheba said, although he has the appearance of a youngster, his temperament is as mature and stable as an adult.”

“Maggie Smith Before Elite retired, in the Johto Mt. Silver Alliance, she enjoyed the nickname of Ms. Cat Eagle and the wise Noctowl.”

“Can be accepted as a dísciple by Maggie Smith Elite, and she also carried her body. He has an erudite and intelligent temperament.”

Du Xin commented on Liang Ren. When he glanced at Slowpoke in Liang Ren’s arms, Du’s heart suddenly shuddered.

“hiss~ This Slowpoke already has the strength of the Elite mid-term, is he really just breaking through the Elite level?” Du’s surprise suddenly rose to shock.

…——50 (Elite Early-Stage)

51——60 (Elite Early-Stage)

61——70 (Elite Mid-term)


71——80 (Late Elite)

The situation is a bit special when Slowpoke breakthrough Elite, because it absorbs the energy of Emperor Qi in the Holy Crown. As soon as the breakthrough, the Level skyrocketed by ten. level.

Although LV.60 is only Elite Early-Stage Peak, as the Trump Card in the hands of Liang Ren, Slowpoke is normal for a smaller battle.

Because of Slowpoke’s strength, it is normal to have doubts, but it is also true that Slowpoke has just broken through Elite.

I don’t know the situation of Slowpoke without transition, so he is more curious about the real battle strength of Liang Ren and Slowpoke.

For a powerhouse like Long Shidu, strength and battle strength are two different concepts.

Some trainers under Pokémon take Rare Candy or medicine Items that help breakthrough, Pokémon has very high level realm without matching actual battle strength.

Since he couldn’t figure out the situation of Liang Ren and Slowpoke, he wanted to give it a try.

“Let me see what fortuitous encounters you have, or are you as genius as Hiba said.”

“If it is really peerless genius, entrust that child Naturally there is no problem for him. If it just looks impressive but is worthless, then this decision may have to be considered again.”

Thinking of this, Du had a decision in his heart.

“I’ve heard your name Liang Ren a long time ago in Alliance. Didn’t expect to see you until today. Are you interested in a Pokémon battle with me?” Du showed a touch of enthusiasm. Said with a smile.

“Mr. Lance, you are too polite. It is my honor to meet you in person.”

“As for the Pokémon battle you said, I think it’s just a normal training. At home, I can’t resist Captivate, who is fighting against the championship.”

Liang Ren complimented him and walked onto the field with Slowpoke generously, standing on the command position, not at all because Du is the champion Level powerhouse is afraid.

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