Although it has only been one year to get the initial Pokémon, during this year, Liang Ren did not endorse in the school classroom like a normal novice trainer.

He has been to the towering Viridian forest of Camphrier, the ice island in the bitter cold environment, and deep into the Mt. Moon vein of danger lurks on every side.

He experienced the Earthquake causing the seabed Volcano cluster to erupt, and as the plane rushed into a cloud of extremely strong air currents, he sought a glimmer of survival in the terrifying Hail thunderstorm.

He has been homeless in the wilderness, and also on a grand stage arena, under Spotlight, raised a reputation trophy that has made many trainers who have debuted for many years been greedy.

He became famous when he was young, and even enjoyed the title of child prodigy in Celadon City since he was a child.

Before crossing, whether it is an Elite or a Region champion, he has been seen by others who have seen him. He has also seen the powerhouse trainer that no one has seen, and even the legendary Divine Beast.

For Yulongdu, Liang Ren is in awe, but he will never feel timid because of the other’s fame, strength, and status.

“Okay—” Yulongdu sighed in admiration. Although he has not yet formally played against him, Liang Ren’s demeanor has already made him a little more recognized in his heart.

“Slowpoke, ready to fight!!!” Liang Ren didn’t have the slightest timidity. Among the maroon eyes that were as clear as amber, there were rays of light with excitement.

He has played against Elite powerhouses such as Agatha, Sheba and Drake, but this is the first time he has fought a champion trainer.

If they were placed in Slowpoke when they were still quasi-Elite, they would not be the enemy of Pokémon under Duo.

But now Slowpoke already has Elite’s mid-term strength, although he knows that Slowpoke’s strength still has an insurmountable barrier with the opponent.

“However, it is not so easy to defeat my Slowpoke.” Liang Ren stretched his hand forward while thinking.

Slowpoke, this guy, rarely did not pretend to be as simple as usual to lower the other’s vigilance.

On the contrary, fighting intent like Pidgeot Lucario came out of Liang Ren’s arms, staring directly at Yulongdu, and then crawled out along Liang Ren’s outstretched arm. l

Looking at the boy and Pokémon, whose faces and breaths were all fuse together, Yulongdu showed a smile of appreciation and approval.

“You are full of love and trust for Pokémon. It seems that this will be a very exciting battle.” Yulongdu said.

“However, my dragon’s Legion is not to be trifled with.”

“Come out, Dragonite!!!” As if by Liang Ren and Slowpoke’s fighting intent After being infected, Yulongdu yelled, and decisively took a Poké Ball from his waist and threw it towards the field.

“Boom~” Poké Ball opens, and a stream of rainbow light is projected on the opposing battlefield.

“Roar–” A deep and long Roar sounded, Liang Ren and Slowpoke, at this moment, they also saw the appearance of this Pokémon.

This is an orange-yellow Pokémon that can walk on two feet. It looks fat, but it is actually a strong Pokémon.

It’s like a pair of dragon wings on its back that looks very petite, but in fact it has the ability to fly to the sky with it.

And it’s more than that. With this pair of petite wings on its back, even on the sea of ​​howling wind and torrential rain, it can support flying calmly.

In the Pokémon Pokédex data, the researcher’s identification of its flying ability even described it as: It only takes 16 hours to fly around the planet under your feet.

And this Pokémon is the Quasi-Legendary of Kanto Region: Dragonite! !

Dragonite’s eyes are large and gray, its nose and mouth are round, and its nostrils are small. There are two long, thin antennae and a small horn on the top of its head.

At this moment, the Dragonite released by Yulongdu has a fat, creamy belly and stares at Slowpoke with a simple and cute face.

“The roar of the evil dragon——ao wu~”

“Standing out——Yadu~”

Two cute things on the field, big eyes staring at small eyes, but if anyone is really confused by the cute appearance of these two Pokémon, they will definitely pay a painful price.

“Dragonite, attack!!” No complicated instructions are required.

Although Kalos Region champion Karunai and her Gardevoir have not trained a kind of eye contact technique, the tacit understanding between Yulongdu and Dragonite is no less than that of each other.

“Roar–” Dragonite roared, and a raging fire column with the thickness of a water tank in the mouth of the Stockpile Spit Up. This is the Top Rank Ability Flamethrower of Fire Element.

After Yulongdu and Dragonite first hand attacked, Liang Ren and Slowpoke also established a bond link.

“Slowpoke, we also use Flamethrower here.” Liang Ren’s command sound echoed in Slowpoke’s heart.


Slowpoke standing on Liang Ren’s forward arms on four legs, inhaling, puffing, and exhaling in one go.

A raging pillar of fire, the same thickness as the water tank, blasted toward the Flamethrower of Dragonite.

“bang! !” Two Pokémon opened their mouths and maintained Flamethrower’s imposing manner, and the two pillars of fire collided violently in midair.

At the collision point of the two pillars of fire, a mottled energy ball that resembles the surface of the sun and an earth fire lava ball quickly condenses and forms.

In the end, it was the champion Dragonite. The two Flamethrowers held a stalemate for only a moment, and soon the energy ball of mottled flames formed by the collision point was pushed toward the Slowpoke side.

“Slowpoke, use mental blades.” Too late to sigh the power of the champion, Liang Ren hurriedly issued instructions to Slowpoke.

Slowpoke opened his mouth wide and maintained the full output of Flamethrower. After receiving instructions from Liang Ren, doing two things at the same time, his eyes suddenly burst.

“Swish swish——”

A long narrow bright purple spiritual blade formed in midair.

It spins in a swish, then turns into a round of Mew’s monster purple moon, and the mottled Energy Ball moving towards the collision point of the fire pillar slashes down.

Liang Ren’s reaction was very decisive, and Slowpoke’s actions were also very fast. The instructions under the bond link were communicated silently, and the opposite Yulongdu and Dragonite had not even reacted.

I only saw a purple light flashed by, and the mottled Energy Ball formed by the condensation of Flamethrower on the collision point was directly cut in half.

The energy stability in Fireball has been destroyed, and the active flame element now shows its bursting full of destructive power.

“hong long!!!!” A huge explosion roared, and the entire mansion building shook violently.

The guard in charge of guarding the gate of the mayor’s mansion, his eyelids trembled violently when he heard the sound of the explosion.

“What happened?” The two soldiers instinctively wanted to rush into the mansion to check, but at the moment they were afraid to move their legs.

“It should be the two adults who are upstairs at the Stadium.”



Liang Ren and Yulongdu did not know what kind of fear they caused when they were fighting.

At this moment, Yulongdu has forgotten that at first, he just wants to test the battle strength of Liang Ren, a Slowpoke.

The battle started, Liang Ren’s silent command, and Slowpoke’s excellent combat literacy all made Yulongdu feel passionate and couldn’t help but want to fight the opponent with all his strength.

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