
Dragon Rush VSZen Headbutt.

As Yulongdu and Dragonite get serious and truly use champion-level power, in a head-on confrontation, even Slowpoke, who can leapfrog, can’t get the least bit cheap.

“Yeah!!” Two Pokémon collided in midair, the Dragonite imposing manner remained unchanged, but Slowpoke was hit and flew back like a cannonball.

“Teleport, Thunder Wave.” Entering a tense and excited battle state, Liang Ren’s head turned quickly.

After receiving the instruction, Slowpoke, which was knocked out like a cannonball, flickered and suddenly disappeared when he was about to hit the Ground.

When it reappeared, it had appeared suspended in the air diagonally behind Dragonite.

“Prick…” Slowpoke’s arms were wrapped with electric current, and one after another slender electric Ember was beating at his fingertips.

“The Spark with your fingertips is my unchanging belief in this life-ya duo!!!” Slowpoke shouted.

The electric Ember wrapped around his arms turned into a dazzling Zap Cannon and blasted towards Dragonite’s defenseless back.

“Hit.” Seeing Dragonite being hit by Slowpoke’s Thunder Wave, Liang Ren shouted excitedly in his heart.

Front meet force with force, Liang Ren, who has clearly seen the strength gap between the two sides, naturally knows that his impossible is the opponent of Yulongdu.

So he decisively changed his tactics and chose to use Teleport as the tactical core to drive a series of auxiliary Ability control.

However, Liang Ren still underestimated the Dragonite Yulongdu, and underestimated the strength of the champion Pokémon.

“Dragonite, Thunder Punch.” On the field, Yulongdu grinned and decisively ordered Dragonite to counterattack.

“How come?” Seeing Dragonite was clearly hit by Slowpoke’s Thunder Wave, but its body was not paralyzed, Liang Ren’s face showed a touch of astonishment.

“Slowpoke, Teleport dodge.” Liang Ren didn’t dare to think too much. Fortunately, Slowpoke’s autonomous battle awareness is very strong.

Seeing Dragonite flapping its wings, moving towards I rushed towards me at a high speed, Slowpoke immediately use Teleport to move.


Tap Smack Down, fly to the place where Slowpoke stood floating just now, and illuminate the lights of the battle hall.

The surface of Dragonite, which looks fat but is strong and sturdy, reflects a smooth light.

“This is…multiple scales?” Liang Ren caught this bright light in his eyes, and a clear comprehension flashed in his heart.

“Multiple Scales” is the Implicit Characteristic of the Dragonite family. Its function is to reduce the damage of Dragonite by half when it is full of blood.

But this is not a game but reality. The scales on Dragonite’s body reflected by the lights of the battle hall made Liang Ren wake up.

Dragonite, as a pure-blooded Dragon Type Pokemon, is not only as simple as reducing damage when full of blood, but also provides powerful physical defense and magic resistance.

Ability moves like Thunder Wave cannot break the opponent’s defense at all, and are directly resisted by the strong demon resistance of dragon scales.

Why Dragon Type is highly sought after, and its strength is also reflected in these small details.

However, Liang Ren knew that this was not the time to think about this. A Smack Down empty Dragonite first used Agility to speed up, and then used Dragon Dance.

Looking at the huge Dragonite becoming more and more agile and fast, Liang Ren did not dare to hesitate at all, and decisively used his own ultimate move.

“Slowpoke, Gravity field + Fairy Wind.” Liang Ren shouted through his consciousness sound transmission moved towards Slowpoke.

“Ah duo——” Slowpoke replied to complied.

Looking at the completion of speeding up with Dragon Dance, it is about to move towards Dragonite that launched the attack.

Slowpoke lifted the paw and pressed it, and the other paw stirred in midair, and a pink cyclone wrapped around Slowpoke’s arm.

At this moment, Little Brat’s arm seemed to be turned into a wind cannon machine, and the powerful and turbulent Fairy Wind burst out, and then moved towards Dragonite.

“Hoooo—” Looking at the Fairy Wind coming, Dragonite’s big gray eyes clearly showed a touch of fear.

Ice Type and Fairy Type powers are the nemesis of Dragon Type Pokemon. Compare the former two.

It can be beaten against ice attribute Pokemon Dragonite, but facing Fairy Type Pokemon, it is really powerless, because Fairy physique is immune to Dragon Type attacks.

Looking at Fairy Wind attacking itself, Dragonite flapped its two small dragon wings with fear, and took the initiative to retreat to a distance.

“Dragonite, the other party only mastered Fairy Type Ability, not Fairy Type Pokémon, don’t be afraid.”

“Use Aqua Jet, rush over!!!” Cross moved towards the back Dragonite roared quickly.

“Roar——” As a combat partner, Dragonite instantly calmed down when he crossed, and Roar opened his mouth to respond.

next moment, I saw the turbulent current of’hua hua’ gushing out of Dragonite, and then ran into Fairy Wind without fear.


Dragonite whizzed and slammed into it, and the turbulent water around him isolated Fairy Wind’s damage. Don’t worry about the multiple scale armor defenses being destroyed by the Fairy Type energy.

Just looking at Fairy Wind, it’s not even comparable to Flying Type Basic Abilities and Hurricane.

I’m not even afraid of howling wind and torrential rain on the sea. For Dragonite, this wind cannot even hinder the slightest obstacle.

As for the Gravity field where Slowpoke can hold down the Joy male Latias, the Gravity field has almost no effect on the strong and sturdy Dragonite.

“Slowpoke, dodge, remove the Gravity field and use the moon burst burst!!!”

After the “Agility + Dragon Dance” speed up, plus the acceleration effect of Aqua Jet, Dragonite’s flying speed has reached an amazing level.

“Ya Duo——” Faced with this speed of Dragonite, Slowpoke seemed a little strenuous even using Teleport to dodge.

“Hoooo–” Dragonite whizzed and killed, and the strong Dragon Claw almost caught Slowpoke.

In this case, Liang Ren and Slowpoke have no daring to do two things at the same time, or even multitask, and can only fight Dragonite wholeheartedly.

“Peng peng peng peng…” The situation of fighting against Joy male Latias at the Indigo Plateau Alliance Headquarters Inspection Bureau a few days ago reappeared.

Slowpoke was suspended. After Teleport pulled away, he raised his arm like a cannon to aim at Dragonite, and the palm cannon fired continuously.

“Hoooo~” Dragonite roared, dragging the tail of a rushing water, performing a flying stunt on the sky like a teleport.

Slowpoke’s palm exploded Energy Ball for a month, most of which were given to dodge by Dragonite.

Slowpoke stuck in position for a predictive attack. Dragonite couldn’t avoid it. On both sides of the warhead of the rushing water, two hideous giant claws wrapped in deep green energy dragon scales suddenly appeared.

“shua~ shua~ shua~ shua…”


The Fairy Type energy in the Moonburst Energy Bomb has not yet The dragon flame claws are corroded away, the moon burst has been cut open by the dragon claws of Dragonite, and then exploded into a beautiful flame of energy.

“Teleport + Moon Burst”



“Teleport + Moon Burst”




Strong control is useless, hypnosis is ineffective, and the front is invincible. Faced with Dragonite, a powerful opponent, I ask myself Ability. Slowpoke, at this moment, I can’t find a strategy that can be effectively countered.

Teleport Kite Flying + Moonburst Attribute can restrain damage from hitting. In theory, it should be very effective.

However, after Dragonite raised its speed to the limit, it was able to chase Slowpoke with one move “Aqua Jet + Dragon Claw”, which was very stressful and embarrassing.



Slowpoke ended in a stalemate after a stalemate of more than 20 minutes.

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