For this result, Liang Ren can only say that it was reasonable and unexpected.

Although at first said that Slowpoke has only Elite mid-term strength, and impossible is the opponent who crossed this champion Dragonite, but Liang Ren asked himself.

In fact, he didn’t want to challenge Dragonite to try the champion Pokemon’s edge.

Slowpoke has mastered so many attacks, control and auxiliary methods, what if the Dragonite is really defeated?

Liang Ren at first actually had such illusions and aspirations in his heart, but the cruel reality awakened his daydreams.

The more Pokémon’s strength reaches the later stage, every level 1 difference will result in a very large difference in strength.

The quasi-Elite and the Elite are separated by an insurmountable moat, and crossing this Dragonite also made Liang Ren see clearly that between the Elite and the Champions is actually a sky and an underground.

“Hey…I lost.” Liang Ren caught the Slowpoke that had fallen from exhaustion in Sky, and raised his head and said to Yulongdu.

“No, you didn’t lose.” Yulongdu shook the head, and walked over with the Dragonite that had just won. “If I’m the same age as you, I’m not your opponent.”


“After entering Alliance, there are countless talented trainers I have met.

But looking at Kanto, Johto, Orange Islands, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar ……Region.

You can breed Elite Pokémon within one year of debut, and without the support of family power behind you, or Pokémon like Slowpoke that is theoretically not suitable for combat training, Liang Ren, you are the No. One.”

“So in today’s battle, Liang Ren, you didn’t lose, but I lost.” Yulongdu stood in front of Liang Ren and said solemnly.

When he was in Alliance a long time ago, he saw the documents reported by Saffron Middle School to Alliance and remembered the name Mumu Liang Ren.

As the back gradually emerged, after the secret base of the Viridian Forest Team Rocket was broken, Du again heard Liang Ren’s name from Agatha Elite.

Afterwards, major events made Liang Ren not only a household Celebrity in Kanto Region, but even the entire Pokémon world spread the name of Liang Ren’s genius.

At this time, it is not about noticing and remembering this name, but Du has already developed a strong interest in Liang Ren.

After Liang Ren went to Mt. Moon pulse to experience, Shiba was stationed in Tetsu City and was very close to Mt. Moon pulse, so the Alliance Council asked him to contact him.

This is also known to him. Later, Shiba reported to Alliance, saying that he had witnessed Liang Ren’s initial Pokémon Pidgeot breakthrough Elite.

The news not only shocked the Alliance Council, but even Du was shocked, and the shock had not yet been digested.

Shiba called again and told him that he had handed over with Liang Ren when he left.

The opponent’s Pidgeot, who had just broken through the Elite level, even defeated Shiba’s Onix, and the opponent didn’t even use Mega Evolution.

Du originally thought that the shock about Liang Ren was over.

Why don’t you want to work at the Alliance headquarters ceremony? Kona pointed out Liang Ren on the spot. Not only Pidgeot has an Elite Pokémon, but Slowpoke, who is held in his arms like a pet by Liang Ren, has Elite strength .

Slowpoke is not only an Elite level of strength, but also Latias, who is the Joy man, was pressed in the internal challenge of the Inspectorate.

Be aware that it is Latias, it is legendary Pokémon, and it is also Elite realm. Latias as Divine Beast is much stronger than ordinary Elite.

But just like this, Slowpoke not only defeated Latias, it also played a suppressing effect.

To reach this level of strength and social status, there are very few things that can surprise him, but Liang Ren surprises and surprises him again and again.

For the youngster in front of him, he had long wanted to see him. Two days ago, Liang Ren hadn’t returned to school back to Saffron City after he went home. Du had called Shiba several times to urge him.

When I saw Daoist today, Liang Ren’s speech, manners, and character, all let his heartfelt appreciation.

Originally, I just thought that Slowpoke had a realm close to the middle stage of Elite as soon as it broke through Elite.

I am worried that Liang Ren used Rare Candy items such as spoil things through excessive enthusiasm for Slowpoke. I would like to try it through the battle test, and by the way, check whether it is really worth entrusting him to any child.

Didn’t expect that his champion Dragonite was unable to win Liang Ren’s Slowpoke for a while, and under his full attack, he persisted for more than 20 minutes before finally landing. defeat.

The shock in Yulongdu’s heart has reached its culmination, and the appreciation for Liang Ren has also reached its culmination.

This is why he said he did not win this battle today, and Liang Ren did not lose either.

“The youngster has a limitless future, and that child’s super innate talent, I am afraid that only he can fully tap and develop it.”

Think about it here and let him go A decision has been made.

“If you lose, you lose. Age is not an excuse to escape, but losing to Mr. Lance is not a shame for me and Slowpoke.”

“On the contrary, Slowpoke and I have gained a very valuable experience, and we believe that we will work harder next.” Liang Ren shook the head, and then nodded.

As a professional trainer, it is common to lose the game. After being defeated by Dragonite this time, Liang Ren didn’t feel frustrated, but was even more motivated.

“Yes, as a trainer, you have to have the spirit of the more fights the more brave is.” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Du’s eyes became more and more admired.

“I am looking for you today to fulfill the promise made by the Alliance and give you the Quasi-Legendary egg that should belong to you.” The battle trial was over, and Du also started talking about business.

Because the early stage did not invest resources for vigorous training, it was not until his Pidgeot breakthrough Elite level that Liang Ren had fully grown up before recruiting.

For this reason, Alliance has also made generous conditions. It is only part of the bargaining chip to entrust the important task, raise the internship of Big Brother Gao Taoya, and directly take over as Viridian Gym half a year later.

According to the highest recruitment of talents, Alliance may have promised a Quasi-Legendary, and he can choose it by himself.

Is it Larvitar or Dratini, a Quasi-Legendary cub that has hatched, or an unhatched Quasi-Legendary egg.

Considering the difficulty of training the Tyranitar series, and his not good at fighting style of bulky Pokémon, Liang Ren decisively chose Dratini.

As for cubs or eggs, this Liang Ren does not need to be entangled. Compared with cubs, Liang Ren prefers to incubate eggs from scratch.

In this way, after Dratini is hatched, the intimacy will be higher, and it will also be convenient to arrange training and build bonds later.

“Did Dratini’s eggs arrive?” Hearing Du’s words, Liang Ren suddenly became energetic.

He has cheat, innate talent is no longer the criterion that restricts him to choose Pokémon to cultivate, but the significance of Quasi-Legendary pet is more than that.

“No, it’s not Dratini’s egg…”

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