“No, it’s not Dratini’s egg.” Crossing the head, a mysterious smile appeared on his face.

“It’s not Dratini eggs? How come, I remember when Alliance asked me to choose, I chose Dratini eggs, not Larvitar eggs or cubs.”

When I heard Du, Liang Ren was puzzled for a while.

“haha……Liang Ren, listen to me and finish talking.” Seeing Liang Ren’s reaction, Yulongdu and Dragonite nearby laughed in unison.

“The next egg I will give you is indeed not a Dratini egg, because it is a Dragonite egg, it is my Dragonite child.”

Du Explained, his eyes were full of smiles, as if to say’youngster, are you surprised or surprised? ‘

“It’s Mr. Lance, you Dragonite’s child? Then this is not a champion egg. It’s too expensive!!”

Although Du was very happy after taking a look, I heard Liang Ren was shocked by what he said, and Du actually entrusted him with his Dragonite children.

Liang Ren, who was not too concerned about the Quasi-Legendary egg at first, at this moment, the blood in his whole body began to flow faster because of his excitement.

The survival of the fittest is an everlasting iron rule in nature.

For powerful creatures, bloodline Top Rank creatures, their offspring will also have very high innate talents due to bloodline Genetic reasons.

This is particularly prominent in Dragon Type Pokemon, which is powerful but low in fertility.

Predecessors planted trees and descendants took advantage of the shade, father worked hard to start a business to fight the world, and his son enjoyed happiness.

Dragonite, Yulongdu, has championship-level strength, and children who inherit its excellent genes will also have the potential of innate talent to hit the championship-level.

And if the breeding is done properly, Dragonite’s children will be easier than their parents in the breakthrough championship in the future.

I thought it was just an ordinary Dratini egg. Didn’t expect it to be the child of this Dragonite. Liang Ren was really scared.

“The Quasi-Legendary egg was promised to you by Alliance. As for why I chose to entrust Dragonite’s children to you in the end, this is a decision made after discussion and discussion with Dragonite.”

“This egg was conceived after the Dragonite breakthrough champion level. As you said earlier, this is a true champion egg.”

“Although I pride myself on being talented, But in fact, I also know that the championship level is the limit I can achieve. This Little Brat is trained by me and can reach the championship level at most.”

“Parents, parents, me and Dragonite hopes that this child can surpass us and reach a higher level and height.”

“You can breed the ordinary Pidgey and Slowpoke breed to the present level, I believe that only you can discover Show this child’s potential and lead it to a higher realm than Dragonite.”

“This is the wish of Dragonite and I, so I hope you don’t turn away, if you think this Present is too precious.


Then please cherish it, cherish it, use its power to fulfill your oath on the inauguration ceremony, and devote all your strength to the revival and development of our Alliance and Region.”

When Yulongdu said this, Dragonite did not know where to take out a orange Yellow Pokemon egg with purple noble patterns scattered on it and held it in his hand.

“Go and take it, from Dragonite’s hands.” Yulongdu said with a serious and sincere tone.

“Hmm–” Liang Ren nodded.

“Ah Duo~” Slowpoke, who was originally curled up in Liang Ren’s arms, also cleverly used Confusion to support himself from Liang Ren’s arms, and Levitate quietly beside Liang Ren.

Liang Ren walked in front of Dragonite and solemnly took the Pokemon egg from the hand held by Dragonite cautiously.

“Dragonite, thank you for your recognition and trust. I will take good care of this Little Brat and let it grow up healthy and healthy.”

“And I will also make an Cultivate it with all-out effort and make it the strongest Dragon Type Pokémon.” Liang Ren assured Dragonite.

“Hoooo—” Dragonite’s big gray eyes moved away from the Pokemon egg. As a father, Dragonite’s love is deep.

The two sides fought against each other just now. Dragonite recognized Liang Ren’s strength very much. Now that he has received such a sincere assurance from Liang Ren, Dragonite is very pleased.

“Dragonite said that he believes in you, this child can have a trainer like you, this is the best home for this Little Brat.” Yulongdu standing by as an interpreter said.

“Thank you, I will prove to you that the decision you made today is correct.” Liang Ren held the Pokemon egg and bowed slightly to Dragonite.

This bow is not only to respect the Dragonite champion powerhouse, but also to thank it for its trust in itself, and is willing to entrust the child to him for training.




The battle is over, and I got one from Du A precious and unusual Quasi-Legendary egg.

Because father is a champion Dragonite, it can be said that this is the most precious Pokémon with the highest potential of Innate so far.

Although Liang Ren has the ability to add points to Pokémon’s innate talent, but due to the unspoken rules, ordinary Pokémon has the limit of innate talent after all.

Like Pidgeot, Species Strength is 479 under normal circumstances, although Liang Ren can add points, but 601 is already the upper limit.

Cloyster and Slowpoke are the same.

The Species Strength of the former 525 reached 644 by adding points, and the latter considered that the evolution potential was activated when receiving the Ho-Oh transformation, and it was considered as having evolved once.

Species Strength of Slowbro and Hippo King is 490, and now it is difficult to further strengthen to 660.

However, the Dragonite egg he got from Du, as a Quasi-Legendary, even if it is an innate talent of the race, it will evolve to the final form of Dragonite, and the Species Strength will be 600.

On this basis, he added more points. Liang Ren wondered whether he would add an innate talent that has the potential to surpass the Black White Dragon or the Opelucid and reach the level of Arceus Dragonite.

If it is really possible, then he can be regarded as fulfilling the pledge he made today to Du and Dragonite.



After getting the Pokemon egg from Dragonite, Liang Ren not at all left like this.

As a rising star who just joined the Alliance, he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the Alliance. He did not show up when he took the ceremony two days ago.

Today, because Liang Ren became the trainer of his own Dragonite children, the two sides have such a relationship, and the invisible relationship has become very close.

Du first congratulated Liang Ren on his appointment, and then chatted with him about Team Rocket.

As the current director of the Alliance Supervisory Bureau, Liang Ren is a Rookie, but he is indeed a senior of the Alliance.

He already has the power and authority to know many things.

A few days ago, there was a bomb terrorist attack in Viridian. Alliance learned of the hiding place of the fourth general of Team Rocket Proton through the mouth of four Team Rocket thugs subdued by Liang Ren.

After that, Alliance immediately dispatched a search team to Proton’s hiding place: Fuchsia City.

Alliance acted quickly and did annihilate a secret stronghold of Team Rocket. At the same time, it also captured a lot of Team Rocket, but Proton, the leader of the stubborn forces, withdrew early.

“Team Rocket matters have come to an end for the time being, Liang Ren, since you plan to go to the Orange Islands to challenge the Southern Cross and the Winner’s Cup.”

“It just happens that Alliance has a mission. Over to you…”

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