Because of encountering Liang Ren coming to compete, Daisuke, who was planning to leave after the game, didn’t rush to leave at this time.

In the two and a half months during Liang Ren’s journey to Mt. Moon, discussions on his true strength have been a hot topic on the Internet.

Dasuke and his until now always use Liang Ren as the target of catching up. Therefore, seeing Liang Ren going to participate in the competition, he also wants to see how strong Liang Ren is now.



I found two empty places to sit and chat for a while.

A female staff member wearing an intercom headset with a work badge on her chest walked towards Liang Ren and said: “Mr. Liang Ren, the next game is up to you, please be ready to play. “

“Okay.” Liang Ren answered complied, and then said to Daisuke: “It’s me.”

“Okay, come on, let me see you during this time How much strength has been increased?” Daisuke said after bumping his fist with Liang Ren.

“Yes–” Liang Ren smiled and replied complied. After handing over the identity card to the staff, he also walked into the entrance passage.

“Qingteng Snake, don’t be nervous for a while. Although it’s the first time to play at Stadium, you can just treat it as a normal match.”

“With your current strength, I believe that very few Pokémon at the same level will be your opponent, so relax.”

Walk into the passageway, stand on the round platform, Liang Ren moved towards Qingteng snake comforted softly.

“Bzz Bzz ——” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, the pink Friend Ball with Ivy Snake at the end of the waist also shook in response.

As the round stage was pushed up and up, the warm cheers of the audience at the venue gradually and clearly passed into Liang Ren’s ears.

It is not the first time to play in Stadium. He has faced a larger arena and more spectators. Therefore, not only does he feel nervous stage fright, but a surge of fighting comes from the bottom of his heart. intent.

“roar roar…The next trainer on the field is a popular Celebrity trainer. If I say his name, you will definitely be screaming “

“So I’ll sell it to you, let you all see it for yourself.” At the stadium Sky, the event commentator flew in the air on a Magnezon, excitedly holding the microphone and shouting:


“Kura player and this mysterious Celebrity trainer are here!!”

The words of the event commentator successfully attracted the attention of off-site audiences, one by one He craned his neck and looked at the court.

“Mysterious Celebrity trainer, who do you think Wei Young will be?”

“Will you be the Celebrity of a certain entertainment circle.”

“Don’t ask me, I don’t know, I’ll know when I see someone in a while.”

“Why didn’t Dasuke classmate come here yet? He said he would go shopping with us for a while and help us carry things.”



In the front row of the audience, four beautiful girls discussed excitedly.

If Liang Ren were here, he would recognize them at a glance. These four girls would be Casey, Shimamura Weiyo, Abe Rei, and Yuan Shizuka.

“Boom Ka——”

“Boom Ka——”

On both ends of the battlefield, two participating trainers appeared on the platform supported by the lifting platform On the battlefield.

The camera crew, who knew where the audience’s attention was at the moment, immediately took a close-up shot towards the blue direction on the battlefield.

A cotton baseball jacket with black and white accents and bright yellow accents, and a round neck sweater with blue and white light stripes on the inside.

Then, paired with light-colored casual sneakers and ash-gray cotton trousers, the handsome and sunny boy wearing a white baseball cap appeared on the big screen of the venue.

Looking at the youth’s appearance, the venue really burst out with a burst of enthusiastic cheers overturning the dome of the venue just like the game commentator said.

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

” Ahhhh, my goodness, look, it’s the squad leader!!!”

“It turns out that this mysterious Celebrity trainer is talking about the squad leader Liang Ren.” From the west, watching the front row of the battlefield, Yuan Shizuka is full of said with smiles.

“But in terms of Liang Ren’s current popularity, it can be said that it is not Celebrity, but it is also better than Celebrity. Even many big names in the entertainment industry can’t match him.”

” ~”

Liang Ren appeared on the stage, and the whole atmosphere, which was originally very warm, immediately went up a step, and everyone seemed very surprised.

As the trainer of Liang Ren opponent, suddenly no one paid attention.

At the moment, the only one looking at her is probably Liang Ren, who is the opponent of this game.

“Are you a girl? But I don’t know how to Hold Back.” Liang Ren thought to himself.

On the other side of the battlefield, the command position was a heroic woman with short beige hair and dressed as a Red Dead Redemption.

“Elder sister, I didn’t have any luck today, and I met Mumu Liang Ren.” As Liang Ren looked this way, the cowboy-dressed woman was whispered in her heart while chewing gum.

As for the cheers from outside the audience, neither Liang Ren nor the cowgirl is taking seriously.

“Mu Mu Liang Ren said that he already has an Elite Pokémon, but this guy has always had a good reputation in the circle. It shouldn’t be sent Trump Card to abuse people.”< /p>

“Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster are the main players of the three echelons eliminated, so Lucario and Snivy are left. Of course, it is not ruled out that this time going out to experience and conquering the new Pokémon.”

“Hmm…” The Cowgirl thought about it, and decided in her heart that Pokémon would play in the first game.

“…The rules of the game are 2v2…Now we invite the trainers from both sides to send out Pokémon to play.” The game commentator, who works as a part-time referee, flew in the sky on a Magnezon and announced loudly with a microphone in his hand.

Liang Ren and the cowboy girl named Kula did not hesitate on the field, and at the same time they threw the Poké Ball in their hands.

“Ivy Snake, get ready to fight.”

“Let the other party see the power of the Void Escaper, come out, Sandslash Rek’Sai!!!”




Two Poké Balls are opened in the air, one is yellowish brown and the other is emerald green, the two are completely different in body color Pokémon all appeared on the field.

“Ivy Snake!! Has the squad leader’s Snivy evolved?” Gen Shizuka said in surprise in the first row of the battle bench from the west.

“However, Snivy has evolved into a sniper, and the broken limbs and limbs have not grown.”

“It doesn’t matter, the final evolutionary monarch snake of the Snivy series also has no limbs and limbs.

This is how the Qingteng snake is used to crawling, and it won’t become unsuitable after it evolves into a monarch snake.”

“Well, Casey, what you said is correct. .”

“You guys don’t talk, the game is about to start, Weiyang, you are in charge of taking pictures, I am in charge of video recording, and we will post it to the group in a moment.”


Two Pokémon are on the stage. Liang Ren sent a green vine snake, and the other side sent a Sandslash.

Yellow’s body, with dark brown rock thorns on his back, two sturdy fingers can not only be used for Dig, but also its sharpest attack weapon.

“The other party’s breath is similar to yours, it should be in the early LV.30, so don’t be nervous about Qingteng snake, believe me and believe in your own efforts during this time.” Liang Ren said.

“si si ——”

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