“The game begins.” Seeing that both players on the field are ready, the game commentator (referee) in Sky decisively announced the start of the game.

“Sandslash, use Dig.” The opponent is very strong, and Kula, who has always been hot and arrogant, dare not to give a little bit of support. He decisively seized the first hand right and directed Sandslash to launch an offensive.


Sandslash, who is familiar with his own trainer’s offensive rhythm, did not hesitate, his feet kicked up lightly, and his two strong and sharp claws moved quickly. One swoop forward and plunged into the ground.


The ground trembled slightly, and after the sound of plowing, there was only a 50 cm diameter hole left where Sandslash was standing.

Sandslash Dig went underground, Liang Ren didn’t know if he couldn’t do anything with the opponent, or because of other considerations in his heart, he not at all immediately launched an offensive.

“The green vine snake, move flexibly.” Liang Ren said quickly but clearly ordered.

“si si ——” On the field, the Qingteng snake that heard Liang Ren’s command lowered his upper body, twisted its body, and moved on the field like a gliding on the ground.

As a pure Grass Type Pokémon, the Qingteng Snake is restrained by many Attributes, but its physical strength and recovery ability are unmatched by other types of Pokémon.

Liang Ren is not worried about the opponent’s war of attrition, he just needs to wait patiently at the moment.

“shua shua ……”

The Qingteng snake is very fast, and the tiny and invisible scales on the lower abdomen are at a balance point between smooth and rough.

It not only provides friction when twisting so that it can move forward, but at the same time it reduces the air resistance to a level that has little effect.

“shua shua ……”

The snake’s tail twists, and the hard ground sand splashes all over the field. It moves on the field without logic and without any regularity. The faster the snake The faster he came, and the smile on Liang Ren’s mouth became more and more obvious.

The Qingteng snake is very fast, Sandslash can’t catch up with the screaming on Ground. It goes underground while digging the soil. It is even more impossible to catch up with the Qingteng snake.

Liang Ren didn’t let the Qingteng snake stay in place and wait for the rabbit, but kept walking on the court, just to guide the release of tension that’s all.

Now, the tension of the Qingteng Snake has been eliminated, the body has become flexible and rapid, and the red eyes have restored their arrogance.

Without any comfort or encouragement, Liang Ren only gave a simple command, and Qingteng Snake’s state was unconsciously adjusted to Peak.

At this moment, what Qingteng Snake has in his heart is only excitement and excitement, as well as surging, uncontrollable fighting intent.

“si si ——” The Qingteng snake who found himself transformed, suddenly saw Liang Ren winking at it insignificantly.

Liang Ren never does meaningless things. Qingteng Snake believes that it is not dazzled by himself. Smartly, he quickly understood the meaning of Liang Ren’s eyes.

Gradually, the cowgirl named Kula on the opposite side and Sandslash below the field keenly discovered that the movement speed of the siberian vine was slowing down.

“Have you run out of physical strength? You need to know that my Sandslash stopped tracking when you started to move, and stayed underground to rest to regain strength.”

In the red command position, the cowgirl named Kula showed a cunning smile.

Let Sandslash go underground and stand still, using psychological tactics to make the opponent chaotic and consume physical strength and mind. This is one of Kura’s usual tactics.

In the previous Stadium battles, I don’t know how many trainers have suffered from her.

“Sandslash, it’s now.” Kura happily moved towards the field and shouted.

Liang Ren Mental Force is very strong. After Kula gave the order, he has noticed a slight vibration in the field.

But facing this invisible enemy, Liang Ren and Qingteng Snake both acted calmly.

During the Mt. Moon pulse experience, Pokémons like Sandshrew and Sandslash would encounter no less than 100 pokémons every day.

For this kind of Pokémon who likes to burrow into the ground, Liang Ren and Qingteng snake have already formed a very mature tactic.

“si si ——” Perceiving Liang Ren’s gaze, Ivy Snake’s nodded nodded, two Vine Whip under the shoulder blades stretched out, and then gently supported on the ground like an arm.

Pokémon, who used Dig to drill underground, has various options when attacking again, but basically 99% will choose to break through the ground under the opponent.

So the Qingteng Snake not at all looked around and even closed his eyes abnormally.

Vine Whip’s perception of Ground vibration is more sensitive than Liang Ren’s feet wearing sneakers. Sandslash approached quickly from the ground, and the Qingteng snake perceives clearly.

It seemed to have a radar display in its heart. When Liang Ren issued the command, the Qingteng snake had already taken the lead.

“Ivy Snake, use Vine Whip stilts.”

“Boom——” The Ground under the Ivy Snake’s body suddenly cracked, and Sandslash held its paws high, as if shouting.’ Good Yugan’.

But Sandslash this move’rise Dragon Boxing’ is empty, because the green vine snake has stretched out Vine Whip a second before it broke ground, holding the vines like a stilt The snake lifted off at a rapid speed.


“So fast…”

At first Sandslash use Dig, Liang Ren ordered the Qingteng snake to move on the court, The situation seemed very passive, and the audience secretly worried about Liang Ren.

didn’t expect that he and Qingteng Snake will use such a novel trick, Sucker Punch of dodge Sandslash Stockpile for a long time.

Looking at the Ivy Snake, who was propped up in the air like walking on stilts, there was a burst of cheers from outside the audience.

Liang Ren didn’t get complacent because he avoided the opponent’s attack. After all, Qingteng Snake has not done any damage to Sandslash so far.

“Green Vine Snake, wrap it around with Vine Whip.” Liang Ren commanded it to quickly connect.

“si si ——” in midair The Qingteng Snake acts very quickly. After all, in the Mt. Moon vein, it has formed a mature and complete set of mouse trapping tactics.

The two Vine Whip supporting the body, one continued to maintain support, the other Vine Whip suddenly softened.

Like a snake, the normal angle jumped out strangely, and then the Sandslash was tied up firmly.

And this binding is also very particular, not like a zongzi.

Rather, it binds Sandslash’s legs, underarms, and neck, which can restrict movement to the greatest extent.

“Kuga!!!” The spirit snake shuttled continuously, and then the loose Vine Whip suddenly shrank and tightened.

Sandslash, which seemed to be strangled to an egg, burst into protruding eyes, screamed, and the expression on his face was completely painful.

“Sandslash, break free.” The female trainer opposite turned pale with fright hurriedly ordered.

But Sandslash, which was tied up by Vine Whip, not to mention breaking free or breaking, all kinds of weaknesses were tightly entangled in Sandslash, at this moment, even a little bit of strength could not be used.

“Green Vine Snake, Giga Drain + Meteor Hammer.” Liang Ren slightly smiled, calmly giving orders to the Green Vine Snake.

Vine Whip, who supported his body on the field, quickly retracted.

Back to the green vine snake on the ground, while using Giga Drain to steal energy through the Vine Whip entwining Sandslash, while dragging Sandslash moved towards the field, it smashed and smashed.

“peng peng peng peng ~”



doing two things at the same time, from time to time Interspersed with a petrochemical power control interruption, Sandslash soon lost the combat capability and the first game was successfully won by Qingteng Snake.

“Sandslash can’t fight, this game is won by the blue vine snake!!”

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