Ding, experience +330

Ding, pick up defense Attribute value +1

Ding, pick up attack Attribute value +1

————— —

“Qingteng Snake, good job.” Collecting the two Attribute coins, Liang Ren also praised the Qingteng Snake who had just won the game.

“si si —” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Qingteng Snake’s eyes narrowed into two crescent crescents with joy.

Although I have beaten a lot of Wild Pokémon in the past, there is no comparability between the wild and Stadium.

In such a field with brilliant rays of light and focal point of ten thousands, I defeated the opponent. The cheers and applause of the audience made Qingteng snake feel joy and satisfaction from the heart.

This was once abandoned as a trainer by two consecutive trainers.

The body has an Innate disability. Once I could only stand on the opposite bank of the Hoenn River and look at Mauville City. It was dimly lit. I wanted to get the respect of others from my heart! ! !

Now, after following Liang Ren, it has been able to realize this dream, and it cannot help but be excited.

Liang Ren understands the feelings of Qingteng Snake, but this is a 2v2 game. Although the first game has been successfully won, there is still one game not played.

“Qingteng snake, if you can still fight, then prepare for the second battle.” Liang Ren reminded him timely.

“si si ——” Qingteng snake nodded.

As a Pokémon carefully breeded by Liang Ren, Qingteng Snake’s temperament is still very good, not at all because of the victory of a game and the cheers of the audience.

Adjust the mentality, Qingteng Snake also began to prepare for the second game.

“Without replacing Pokémon, do you still let the Qingteng Snake play in the second game?” Although she had just lost a game, the woman named Kula on the opposite side of the field was not at all depressed.

After all, in her opinion, losing to the boy opposite is not a shame, and seeing Liang Ren not at all replacing the Ivy Snake, the cowgirl suddenly showed a smile on her face.

“Since the Pokémon is not replaced, I won the second game.” The cowgirl said, and decisively took a Poké Ball from the trainer’s belt and threw it.

“Ponyta, the second game is up to you.” The cowgirl shouted with confidence.

“xu lu lu…” Hearing the trainer’s words, Ponyta who appeared on the stage kicked her feet and raised her hair, making a long hiss in a childish but bold manner.

“Ou!! As I expected, after seeing the Liang Ren player still using the Ivy Snake for the second battle, the Kura player from the red side sent Attribute to restrain the Ivy Snake. Ponyta.”

“Although in the first game, Liang Ren and Qingteng Snake used a subtle Vine Whip to defeat Sandslash with a thunderbolt.”

” However, it is undeniable that the Qingteng Snake can defeat Sandslash so easily. In fact, it also has the advantage of Attribute.”

“Now Kura players also sent Attribute to restrain the Qingteng Snake’s Ponyta. So what will be the outcome? Let us all wait and see.”

“Qingteng snake…Qingteng snake…”



“Mu Mu Liang Ren …Mu Mu Liang Ren …”


I heard the commentator say that Liang Ren did not dominate the second game , Liang Ren’s supporters decisively broke out a burst of enthusiastic support and cheer in the audience.

“Ponyta? It seems that this game is ready to use Attribute tactics.” Seeing the Pokémon released by the opponent, Liang Ren understood the other side’s thoughts.

“Fire Element really restrains the Grass Type, but I want to defeat my Qingteng Snake based on this alone. It’s not that easy.”

“The Qingteng Snake!!!” said Then Liang Ren yelled to Qingteng Snake.

Qingteng Snake understands what Liang Ren means, but it is not at all stunned by Ponyta with the curly mane on the opposite side. It is still full of confidence in this game.

“The game begins.” Seeing that both sides on the field are ready, the referee decisively issued a game start instruction.

“Ivy Snake, use Attract.”

“Ponyta, Agility.”

The referee gave instructions, and both trainers on the court gave Pokémon immediately. Following the action order, the two Pokémon on the field also moved.

“shua whoosh…”


Both sides are speed Pokémon, the upper limbs of the sine snake leaned against the ground, the snake The torso twisted, and the speed was as fast as flying normal, and then he rushed out with a swish.

The speed of the opposite Ponyta is also not slow. The four slender and sturdy legs of the horse move fast, and the curling fire mane drifts backward. The Ponyta under Agility perfectly interprets the word “striving like flying”.

The two sides did not at all immediately initiate a head-on confrontation. Instead, they ran laps around the field as if they were competing for speed.

But obviously this is just appearance, the snake body twisted and moved forward, and then suddenly turned his head.

“si si ——” The snake kissed softly, and Qingteng snake’s original red eyes suddenly turned into a charming pink full of Captivate.

This is Qingteng Snake’s soft control Ability: Attract, which makes the opposite sex in the stroke fall into a but slow state.

“hehe…” Seeing the movement of the Qingteng snake, Kula showed a smile on the other side of the battlefield.

“Attract has no effect on my Ponyta.” After speaking, he decisively issued an offensive command to Ponyta, “Ponyta, use Fire Spin!!!”

“bang bang bang Da…”

“xu lu lu~”

Ponyta didn’t run laps on the field, but moved towards the Qingteng Snake and rushed. Leaping on the ground, a small flame funnel spits up from Ponyta’s mouth, and then grows up in the wind.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge Fire Spin with a diameter of nearly three meters, and then moved towards the green vine snake flying close to the ground as a hood.

This scene saw the audience and fans supporting Liang Ren off the court. They clasped their hands tightly with a frightened look, but Liang Ren was still calm and composed.

“Qingteng snake, use Safeguard to rush over.” Liang Ren shouted, pinching the order to the second.

“si si ——” On the field, the Qingteng snake opened its mouth and let out a rapid neigh.

A misty colorful mask suddenly appeared on the body of the Qingteng snake all around in the last second of the arrival of the Fire Spin.


The speed of the Qingteng snake did not decrease, and it rushed directly out of the flame net with the Safeguard mask.

The Fire Spin whose Ability initial damage value is identified as 35, its lethality is not even as good as the Fire Element basic attack Ability: Ember, after all, the latter has an initial lethality of 40.

< p>Fire Spin is a special ability that is very suitable for group attacks. It is also a special sticky flame that will attach to the opponent and cause continuous burns.

But the Ivy Snake rushing forward with the Safeguard mask does not have to worry about being burned by the flames, and even the pitiful little lethality of the Fire Spin is also defended by the Safeguard mask.

The Ivy Snake broke through the flame net and rushed out of the extremely dangerous Fire Spin. In the end, it was unscathed.

“Since Fire Spin is useless, then try this move.” It failed, and Kura was not discouraged because of this. Fire Element Pokemon hit a pure Grass Type Pokémon. The only way is that .

“Ponyta, don’t be underestimated by the other party, use…”

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