“Ponyta, don’t be underestimated by the opponent, use…” Kura issued a command, and Ponyta, who had just jumped in midair to cast a Fire Spin, just landed.

Can be mixed in the city Stadium, no one will be a general.

Although Ponyta is the same as the Sandslash sent by Level, it has not yet reached the level of evolution in the early LV.30, but it has a very tacit agreement with the cowgirl.

“xu lu lu ——”

“Step on Step~”

Get the instruction from the trainer, return to Ground’s Ponyta and fly , The curly fire mane on the back of the neck stretched instantly, like a flame cloak worn on Ponyta’s body.

Ponyta, who was at the same speed as the Qingteng Snake, suddenly became faster again, and the situation suddenly became fierce and moving.

“roar roar…”

“When the Fire Spin under the hood was resolved by the Ivy Snake with Safeguard, but the Kula player was not at all discouraged, but ordered Ponyta used the Gunsmoke Charge.”

“The Gunsmoke Charge is not only a move to attack Ability, it also has the effect of continuous use to increase speed.”

“Now Ponyta is getting faster and faster , It is about to catch up with the Qingteng Snake, what method will Liang Ren choose to resolve the crisis this time?”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”< /p>

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

Two Pokémon on the field, you chase me, staged a passionate race of speed and passion;


The off-site spectators stretched their necks one by one and blushed in support of Liang Ren under the mobilization of the game commentator.

By cheering loudly, the off-site spectators seemed to be involved in this fierce battle.

“Qingteng snake, use petrochemical power to control its legs.” Liang Ren spoke quickly and hurriedly gave Qingteng snake instructions.

The cheers of the audience outside the field were loud, so loud that it almost drowned out Liang Ren’s voice on the field.

However, relying on the familiarity accumulated over a long period of time, Qingteng Snake captured the voice of instructions that belonged to Liang Ren from the cheers of the noisy audience.

“si si ——” The Qingteng Snake twisted its body and continued to fly forward, and its coquettish vertical eyes turned into gray and green monster eyes.

Turning back moved towards Ponyta, who was constantly approaching in flames, stared at him. This vigorous little pony suddenly stiffened his left front and right rear legs.

Ponyta, who was running wildly with her hoofs, did not expect that her two legs would suddenly become stiff and out of control. Under the action of strong inertial force, her whole body staggered and moved towards the field bursting down.

“xu lu lu!!!” Ponyta’s eyes widened, his weightlessness made it open his mouth and let out a long hiss of horror.

“Ponyta…” Kura yelled out turn pale with fright, but still failed to change the fact that Ponyta fell to the ground.


Agility + gunsmoke charge, Ponyta, whose speed has been increased to the limit, was blasted to the ground, and his body suffered tons of damage in an instant.

Ponyta use The gunpowder charge is fierce, and the audience outside the field is worried about Liang Ren and Qingteng Snake. No one thought that one person and one pet would actually use the petrochemical technique to use Grass Knot, The effect of the stumbling horse comes.

Grass Knot is just an auxiliary ability without any lethality.

But if the opponent trips while sprinting or being very heavy, the damage will be no less than that of being hit by a Hyper Beam.

“What happened? Why did Ponyta suddenly fall? What command did Liang Ren give Qingteng Snake just now.”

“Director Teacher, please cut the previous one. Picture…” the stadium Sky game commentator exclaimed excitedly.

However, just as he anxiously asked the off-field director to replay the scene that just happened on the big screen of the venue, the fire beacon on the field resumed.

“Ponyta, moved towards the entire surrounding area, use Fire Spin.” Seeing the ivy snake approaching at an extremely fast speed, I saw the other party’s difficult Kura, now I dare not get it because the other party is a Grass Type Pokémon contempt.

“shua~ shua~ shua~ shua…”

The body of the Qingteng snake twisted from left to right, like a drift, rushing towards Ponyta against the field at great speed.

“xu lu lu ——” Ponyta, who was thrown to a standstill temporarily, endured the pain from her body and opened her mouth to Spit Up a big mouthful of flame.

The sticky flames are like clusters of poppies blooming on the hillside, putting down roots and curling blooms. Each flame is as beautiful as a flower.

But beauty is beauty. For Grass Type’s ivy snakes, the clusters of beautiful poppies are indeed very dangerous.

As long as it passes by, Frillish licks the Qingvine Snake and leaves a fiery scald on its body.

“Do you want to use Fire Spin to stop the Ivy Snake from approaching? You think it’s too simple.” Liang Ren’s mouth curled up.

Without any hesitation, a command was issued decisively, “Qingteng snake, let the other party see your singing!!!”

“wu wu ——” Liang Ren tone barely fell, the sine vine snake drifting and sliding forward swishly, the tongue kiss lightly opened, and blue ripples radiated from his mouth.

At the same time, one after another thick-walled hollow water ball is formed out of thin air, and then under the control of the Qingteng snake, it spins and dances forward.

“Peng Peng Peng Peng——”


Thick-walled hollow water ball hit the ground, accompanied by sound waves in the water ball After the eruption, the pieces of water splashed all around the clusters of flame flowers.

The flames of the blockbuster films were extinguished, a chi chi sound was made, and the entire battlefield was instantly enveloped by a cloud of mist steam.

“Oh oh oh!!! From the screen of the director cut back just now, the Qingteng snake used petrification to trip Ponyta to the ground.”

“didn’t A new round of war broke out on the expect field.”

“The Qingteng snake started to approach actively. Ponyta initiated the prevention of using Fire Spin on the field. The Liang Ren player asked the Qingteng snake to use One trick is Bubble or Bubble Beam’s Water Type Unique Ability.”

“But Qingteng Snake’s Bubble Beam formidable power is a bit big. Has it been developed in depth?”



The off-field game commentator made a lively commentary for the off-field audience in a passionate tone.

However, the battle is in full swing. Liang Ren’s ear commands completely filter out the outside sounds. At this moment, the only thing he can hear is the heartbeat of his peng peng.

“Don’t stop, continue to use Bubble’s aria!!!” Liang Ren finished with a command, and the new command quickly followed up.

“Peng Peng Peng Peng…”

Just now, Ivy Snake used Bubble’s aria to open the way to extinguish the fire that is blocking the road ahead, but now it uses Bubble’s aria to launch towards Ponyta attack.

Fire suppresses grass and water restrain fire. Originally, he wanted to rely on the advantage of Attribute to win, but now Ponyta realized what it was like to be restrained at the disadvantage of Attribute.

I was hit by a thick-walled hollow water ball one after another, as if a depth bomb exploded. Not only was it poured over by the cold water, it was blown back again and again.

The body temperature dropped sharply, and Ponyta, who was still alive the previous second, has fallen to the bottom at this moment.

“Ponyta, use a double kick.” Kura was also anxious at the moment.

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