Originally, she had already clearly understood that the boy opposite was very strong and tricky. She still underestimated and looked down upon him.

It is understandable that Ground Type’s Sandslash lost to the opposing Qingteng Snake. Ponyta didn’t expect Fire Element’s Ponyta to beat the Qingteng Snake and didn’t even get any advantage.

The front is obviously okay, didn’t expect a sudden turn of the two confluences, and Ponyta was beaten by the Qingteng Snake so that he could not find North.

“xu lu lu……” Watching the sine vine snake approaching, Ponyta, who fell to the ground, raised four hooves to face the sine vine snake, there seemed to be a kind of cutting off one’s means of retreat, Final Gambit-like fierce.

In fact, Liang Ren sees the essence of Ponyta’s strong in appearance but weak in reality.

He didn’t even give instructions. The Qingteng Snake had already stopped two meters away from Ponyta cleverly, making a circle while constantly using Bubble’s aria to attack Ponyta.

The kite tactics are not only Pidgeot and Slowpoke, but the siberian vine snake positioned by the spell assassin also wins the true biography of the two seniors in the kite tactics.

“Peng Peng Peng Peng……”

“xu lu lu !!!” was attacked by Water Type Ability, double damage made Ponyta miserable and failed to reach 3 minutes, Ponyta’s head fell directly to the ground and lost the combat capability.

Ding, experience +340

Ding, pick up special attack Attribute value +1

Ding, pick up speed innate talent value +1


“Congratulations, Qingteng Snake, the first time I went to the Stadium to participate in the official competition, I won the victory and achieved such an outstanding result.”

See Ponyta With the burst of two Attribute coins, one white and one red, Liang Ren’s mood also became a lot happier, and he smiled and said joyfully towards the Qingteng Snake.

“Come back, Ponyta, you performed very well in this game. Thank you very much.” Take out the baby ball and return Ponyta, which has lost the combat capability, to the baby ball.

“Although at first did not expect to win, it was beaten by one of your second-tier Qingteng snakes, which I did not expect at first.

I really don’t know how you cultivated and trained Pokémon. It seems that the rumors on the Internet are correct. You are indeed a genius who can go to heaven.”

At the other end of the field, Kula was shrugged, with helplessly said in his tone.

“Where, your Sandslash and Ponyta are also well-breed.” Hearing opponent’s praise, Liang Ren also said politely.

“roar roar…”

“Liang Ren’s Qingteng snake once again won, let us congratulate it, and also thank Kula and her Pokémon Excellent performance in these two games.”

“Qingteng snake…Qingteng snake…”


“Wood Mu Liang Ren… Mu Mu Liang Ren …”


The game commentator tone barely fell, and there was a mountain cry out and sea howl on the outside of the battlefield. Cheers.

In the middle of the field, the Qingteng Snake twisted his body to look around the excited audience outside the field, and waves of cheers poured into the Qingteng Snake’s ears like a tide.

“si si ——”

Under the lights of dazzling, listening to the cheers of the 50,000 spectators outside the stadium, Qingteng Snake has a very strange feeling in his heart .

He was so excited that his body began to tremble. At the same time, his heart became extremely confident, and his red eyes suddenly became dazzling like gem crystals.

“si si ——” Suddenly, the body of the Qingteng snake twisted, suddenly became restless, and circled in place.

Liang Ren noticed the abnormal behavior of the Qingteng Snake, before he had time to ask, his pupils suddenly expanded in the next second, and his face showed a surprised + surprise expression.


The green vine snake anxiously in circles, a force gushes from within the body, and then the whole body is covered by a dazzling white light package.

“roar roar roar~”

“What happened? The Liang Ren contestant’s ivy snake within the body has the light of evolution. It is about to evolve. Is it?”

“The Qingteng snake is the second rank evolution of the Unova Region Grass Type Royal Sanjia, and the next First Rank will evolve into the final form: the monarch snake.”

“It is said that in ancient times, only members of the royal family could conquer the clever and arrogant Pokémon like the monarch snake and let the other party follow him faithfully.”

“It seems that today we are not only fortunate enough to witness Pokémon under the Liang Ren contestant. The evolution of, you can even see the proud and smart Pokémon Monarch Snake.”

Looking at the green vine snake wrapped in dazzling white light, everyone’s attention in the venue All focused on the Qingteng snake.

Kura who originally planned to leave the field, Daisuke and other waiting trainers who were waiting in the waiting hall of the No. 1 branch.

As well as in the registration hall outside the game, a large group of people gathered to watch the live TV on branch 1.

Under the focal point of ten thousands, the body of the ivy snake in the light of evolution is undergoing the transformation of the power of fortune.

The original 0.8m Ivy Snake’s body is gradually elongated, double…twice…three times…four times…

The Qingteng snake has been strengthened and transformed His body grew longer and longer, and quickly stretched from 0.8m to 3.3m and became thicker.

“Wumm——!!!” The Qingteng snake after the transformation made a sound different from the past.

The light cocoon formed by the light of evolution also exploded with a bang, and then turned into a awning of bright and shining energy stars, and then disappeared into the air and disappeared.

A snake like Pokémon with seven points similar to Qingteng snake appeared in the sight of Liang Ren and the audience.

“roar roar……”

“Dear audience friends, please once again with warm applause and cheers, congratulations to Liang Ren players and the monarch snake who just completed the evolution “

“Thank you for the light of evolution, thank you for the greatest miracle of life in nature!!!” At the venue Sky, the event commentator cheered excitedly.

“Monarch snake…Monarch snake…”

“Monarch snake…Monarch snake…”


< p>“…”

Evolution is originally a moving and shocking thing, even more how is the exotic Pokémon outside the region like the monarch snake.

The cheers from the audience kept coming and going. As the trainer of the monarch snake, Liang Ren is now looking up and down the monarch snake.

The monarch snake is just like its name, Pokémon with a light green slender snake-shaped body.

A normal monarch snake, after evolving to this First Rank stage, its hands, feet, and limbs will completely degenerate and have the most complete snake-shaped body.

However, Liang Ren, the monarch snake, has not yet evolved. When he was a Snivy, he had no limbs and already had the most complete snake body.

In the early stage, you may be treated with strange eyes by outsiders and feel that you are born disabled. However, in Liang Ren’s view, this is a gift from heaven. Genetically inherits the excellent genes of his parents perfectly.

Now that it has evolved into the final form of the monarch snake, its appearance is no different from that of the same kind, but the crawling speed of the swift as wind exercised in the early stage because it has no limbs, is now perfectly preserved.

Compared with other similar evolutions, they have to study hard and adapt to mobile battles without arms and legs. Liang Ren’s monarch snake undoubtedly has a great advantage in this regard.

Evolving to its final form, the Monarch Snake’s body length has reached nearly 3.3m, which is more than four times longer than the 0.8m in the Qingteng Snake period, and is much stronger.

The Monarch Snake has a Yellow pattern on its body, just like the noble pattern Normal of the Imperial Family. The two rolled leaf vines near the neck are like the collar cuffs of a suit.

Don’t look at the monarch snake wearing a noble rattan clothes, noble and elegant, but it is an authentic suit thug, behind the elegance and nobility is quite amazing battle strength.

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