The eyes of the monarch snake are red, but different from the coquettish chestnut red during the Qingvine Snake period, the pomegranate red nowadays gives people a noble and domineering queen style.

Just like what the game commentator said earlier, the monarch snake has a cold, intelligent and proud temperament.

Among all the three Pok茅mons in the Region, the Monarch Snake series is known as the most difficult to control Pok茅mon. In ancient times, only royal family members could tame them.

It is also the King Pok茅mon, which is different from the final form of the Sinnoh Water Type Steel Emperor Penguin, which is gentle and kind, and the sword, shield and sword monster is iron-blooded domineering.

The intelligent, arrogant, indifferent, domineering king and superior temperament of the monarch snake is also very attractive.

“Sovereign snake, congratulations, it has finally evolved, and I can be regarded as fulfilling the promise made to the old frog鈥斺€?#8221; Looking at the monarch snake, Liang Ren’s expression is very pleased.

Liang Ren’s maroon eyes are as clear as amber, looking at the monarch snake’s red eyes like pomegranate flesh.

One person, one pet, four eyes facing each other, the arrogant and indifferent monarch snake to outsiders, when looking at Liang Ren, his eyes are exceptionally gentle, reverent, and full of deep gratitude.

“Wum–” The Sovereign Snake whispered softly and lowered his proud head to Liang Ren.

Following lifts the head, he pushed the slender tail like a vine and raised high like an arm.

Liang Ren and the off-site audience hadn’t understood the meaning of the monarch snake. They saw a red light appearing on the monarch snake’s tail, and then slammed it down.

“hong long long 鈥斺€?#8221; The tail touched the ground, and the whole venue suddenly The earth shook and the mountain quivered, and the audience outside the venue only heard a violent roar.


Take a closer look at the event narrator flying in the air on Magnezon, the spectators on the outside of the stadium, and the waiting hall and event registration hall. The trainers in front of TV couldn’t help holding breath cold air one by one.

“My dear, Mumu Liang Ren, the monarch snake, is terrifying. Was it Fissure for its Ability just now?”

“With a twitch of the tail, the entire venue was A crack was drawn out.”

“Horrible to see~”

Looking at the huge horrible to see crack on the field, more than one person at the scene suspicious and lamented that the Qingteng snake just showed it. What is Ground Type’s ultimate move: Fissure! !

But is this really the case? Soon the game commentator gave an explanation after verifying with the relevant staff through a headset.

“I know what everyone is thinking. Just like all of you, I saw this shocking crack drawn by the tail of the monarch snake. My first reaction was also whether the monarch snake had cast Ground Type big move: Fissure.”

“But when I asked the relevant professional staff of the competition team, the result was negative. The move used by the Monarch Snake just now is not Ground Type Unique Ability Fissure.”


“But after I announced the name of the move that the monarch snake just performed, I am 100% sure that you will be as shocked as I am at the moment, and feel unbelievable.”

“After professional work in the background The personnel appraisal concluded that the monarch snake just used the Normal Type change type Physical to attack the Ability “Return”! ! ! “

“Some audience friends may not quite clear the effect mechanism of the “Return” trick Ability, so I will give this audience a brief explanation. “

“Return is an attack on Ability, but the formidable power of Ability is directly linked to the intimacy between Pok茅mon and the trainer. “

“The higher the intimacy, the more damage the ability of Return will be. The academic community has given a formula after research, “Return formidable power = intimacy 梅 2.5″, this ability is the initial Damage identification, the theoretical minimum is 1, the maximum is 102.”

“Of course, this is only theoretically, like the formidable power of the return of the monarch snake on the field, although the initial damage value of Ability cannot be seen how many.

But what is 100% certain is that the intimacy between Monarch Snake and Liang Ren player has reached an unheard-of height, and the damage of the Ability of Return has broken the academic record. “



Hearing the explanation from the game commentator, some ordinary spectators outside the stadium who don鈥檛 know much about Pok茅mon Ability, There is a sense of unconsciousness and fierceness when you open your mouth.

The audience who really studied Pok茅mon Ability, as well as the trainers in the waiting hall and the event hall, were indeed shocked by the call from the narrator.

Liang Ren and his subordinate Pok茅mon have a very high bond, and they can even achieve spiritual communication, silently directing battles and bond evolution such incredible things.

The trainers in the usual circle just sigh, I just think it鈥檚 very impressive, but they don鈥檛 have a clear concept of the invisible and intangible bond.

Liang Ren and his subordinate Pok茅mon have a high affinity and bond. Right now, the monarch snake Many trainers regard Return as a tasteless Ability, and after exerting the formidable power of Unique Ability.

Through this small side detail, these trainers truly understand Liang Ren. How deep is the bond with my Pok茅mon.

The city Stadium has a special Weibo, WeChat and short video official account.

Usually, some brilliant videos will be posted to On the official account, this allows many trainers who have not bought a ticket and cannot go to the scene to watch the game, and they can also see the exciting events of each period.

Liang Ren, as a hot topic figure, played today The video will definitely be edited separately and sent to the Internet.

Some time ago, the Internet broke out because of the Liang Ren and Slowpoke Yunhai Calm Mind training videos, and the news that Pidgeot has broken through the Elite level. Discussion.

Those who like and support Liang Ren feel sincere admiration for the efforts of Liang Ren鈥檚 trainers innate talent, Liang Ren and Pok茅mon.

But there is also a small number of keyboards. Xia Lemon, but eccentric said.

Liang Ren led Slowpoke to exercise all night. He is suspected of abusing and squeezing Pok茅mon and should be arrested by Alliance for review.

However, the keyboard guys did not wait for the Alliance鈥檚 arrest and search warrant. Instead, they waited for a personnel appointment letter.

But these keyboard guys did not give up.

They again To the official of the Pok茅mon Friendship Association The network jointly reported Liang Ren. Liang Ren himself did not say anything about it, but he made Liang Ren fans very angry.

This time, the monarch snake posted the “Return” Ability to the Internet about the shocking formidable power.

I believe it will become a powerful weapon for Liang Ren fans, and give those keyboard men who say that Liang Ren abused Pok茅mon a heavy and powerful counterattack.

“Monarch Snake…Monarch Snake…”



After listening to the game commentary According to the explanation, the audience outside the venue burst out again with cheers of overturning the roof.

This time they are not cheering for the victory of the Ivy Snake competition, nor the surprise of the evolution of the monarch snake, lamenting the magic of life in nature.

At the moment they are cheering for the deep bond and friendship between the trainer and Pok茅mon.

If evolution is the greatest and most shocking miracle of life in nature, then the bond between the trainer and Pok茅mon is the most beautiful and touching emotion in human society.


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