Daisuke, Demushan, and Kida Shinichi left school. There were originally four people in the dormitory, but now only Liang Ren is left.

However, Liang Ren didn’t give up too much. On the contrary, because the three good brothers in the dormitory had already embarked on a school trip, there was a sense of pride in him.

“When we meet again next time, the three of them are believed to be stronger, so I can’t Slack Off.” After that, Liang Ren also took a few Pokémon out.

Downstairs in the boys’ apartment, because all the students go to the teaching building, there is no who in the boys’ apartment right now.

Liang Ren didn’t go to the school’s training hall, but instead released Pidgeot, turned over and rode up.

“Pidgeot, take us to the Huangtong Forest on the trail in the eastern suburbs as a breakthrough.” After sitting firmly, Liang Ren turned towards Pidgeot instructed.

“Beep eagle—” Pidgeot screamed, his wings slammed, and his body soared up in the wind, shooting straight like an arrow toward the high sky.

Flying to the highest point, Pidgeot moved towards the front, gliding diagonally and dived down, fast, and the wings brought strong air currents. A cloud in the sky was instantly penetrated and torn.

Learning from Saffron to Huangtong Forest in Eastern Suburbs, it takes five minutes to break through Pidgeot before the Elite level. Now, after having Elite level strength, it does not require one minute.


In the deep autumn season, the golden wind is splendid and the fallen leaves are bleak.

When the school started and returned to school, the yellow tree forest was still yellow and clear. Now I look up, only the gray-brown bare branches are trembling in the slightly cold autumn wind.

“Pidgeot, let’s land.” Liang Ren patted Pidgeot’s broad shoulders.

“hu hu…” The wind hit the ground, and the surrounding branches shook more violently. On the open and open woodland, Liang Ren released all the Pokémon in the baby ball.

“Pidgeot, Slowpoke, although you two are now breakthrough Elite, but you can’t relax.

Compared with true powerhouse, you still have a long way to go. Yuan, Slowpoke, who fought Dragonite yesterday morning, must have felt this most clearly.”

Looking at the two members of Trump Card General in front of him, Liang Ren said with a serious expression, expressing trust in them. There are high expectations.

“Ya Duo——(´◔‸◔`)” Slowpoke nodded.

In the battle yesterday, it could clearly feel that Dragonite did not use its full strength, otherwise it would not last for more than twenty minutes anyway.

“Although you two are usually off-line sometimes, I am very relieved in training.”

“So I don’t have much else. Nagging, let me talk about your training schedule for today and the next period of time.” Liang Ren took out the notebook for training planning from the system backpack and turned to the page where Pidgeot and Slowpoke are.

“Pidgeot, all the Ability proficiency in your Ability pool have been mastered to the Top Rank, but this does not mean that you have reached the limit. I will arrange three tasks for the next period of time.< /p>

1. Minimize, this skill is Ability. I want you to exercise until you are not fighting, and you can constantly reduce your body to the original Pidgey size anytime and anywhere.

2. Hyper Beam, this skill is Ability I want you to reduce the stockpile time to the shortest through continuous release exercises, and at the same time overcome the strong recoil released by Ability so that your body will not become rigid.

3. Air blasting, air blasting is the basis for your Attribute It is Ability. It can become your strongest attack Ability after being labeled with the word’False’. If it is genuine, the formidable power can be imagined how strong it will be.

In short, the air blasting trick Ability has great potential, so next I want you to carefully understand the true meaning of it when you perform the cast exercise.

In the dark, I have a feeling that in the future, you will have a chance to break through the championship level. In this Ability move.” At the end of the speech, Liang Ren’s expression became unusually serious.

“Beep Diao——” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Pidgeot also nodded solemnly.

Especially after hearing Liang Ren say that its future breakthrough championship chance is very likely to be in it. Pidgeot flashes through a bright light.

“Slowpoke, your strength skyrocketed after breaking through the Elite level. Although it seems that your foundation strength is not vain.

But I still hope that you can start from the most basic ability. A period of exercise, such as Confusion telekinesis, should focus on more subtle directions as much as possible.

The power inheritance of the Wisdom King and the experience in the Slowbro Spirit Orb have already pointed out the way forward. To look up at the universe, you must first look at the grandeur of categories.

Observing everything on the earth, and understanding the truth from the subtle, you will look up at the vastness of the universe, cultivation perception The nourishment of the mystery of astrology is the same as what Weizhi said.”

Looking at Slowpoke who blinked at him, Liang Ren said patiently.

Slowpoke breakthrough to Elite level, although daily training cannot relax, but Liang Ren does not need to arrange everything as before.

Just like the company’s strategy and vision, Liang Ren only needs to point out a general direction, and Slowpoke knows what it should do.

“Lucario, now you have completed the development of the first rank of Aura. Next I need you to fully integrate Aura’s abilities into all your other moves and tactics.

< p>Starting from today, you will use this cloth tape to block your eyes, take Aura perception as your eyes, and then practice obstacle avoidance and fighting cultivation in the woods when running.”

Liang Ren from Take out a cloth strap prepared in advance from the system backpack and hand it to Lucario.

“ao 嗷——” Lucario replied complied, without hesitation, he looked at the cloth belt in his hands with novelty and put it on directly.

“As for the monarch snake, you just evolved yesterday, so the goal for today and the next few days is to master the skyrocketing power and the newly realized Ability in the shortest time.”

Liang Ren closed the notebook in his hand and said, looking directly at the monarch snake.

“Wum–” The monarch snake is nodded, and has no doubts about Liang Ren’s arrangement.

“pa…Now that everyone understands their training tasks, let’s take action.” Putting the notebook back into the system backpack, Liang Ren patted said.

“Beep Diao——”

“Ya Duo——”

“ao 嗷——”

“Wum— —”

After the four Pokémon answered complied, they also acted decisively according to Liang Ren’s arrangement.

Daisuke, Idemushan, and Kida Shinichi left, let Liang Ren calm down and exercise harder.

The same goes for Pidgeot and Slowpoke. Cloyster leaves the team and heads to the Ice Island for intensive training. I foresee that Cloyster’s strength will also skyrocket when we meet next time. They have even broken through to the Elite level. Pidgeot dare not have any Relax.

The Huangtong Forest, which was silent for a night, quickly became lively because of the arrival of Liang Ren and a few Pokémon.


Levitate cross-legged in Slowpoke one meter above the ground, propped up a spherical protective cover, and then reversed the Gravity field to adjust its Gravity to a negative multiple .

Slowpoke in the ball of light, like a soap bubble floating with the wind, and like a hydrogen balloon, let the wind in the forest take it away.

Multitasking, Slowpoke performed Calm Mind, and at the same time unconsciously released Confusion, causing the fallen leaves where it drifted to float in the air.


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