“shua~ shua~ shua~ shua…”

Pidgeot, whose body has shrunk, seems to have returned to when he was Pidgey.

Lower the height, like a gray-feathered peregrine flying through the forest, dodge obstacles to improve physical agility and hone flying skills.


The training content of Lucario is roughly the same as Pidgeot and Slowpoke. The thick cloth band is wrapped in a circle to block the sight of the eyes. Aura’s perception alone Running in the woods.


As for the monarch snake, Liang Ren personally supervises the coaching training.

Because the monarch snake has just evolved, being familiar with power and controlling it is the first priority. As for the method of familiarizing yourself with power, what is more effective than actual combat?

There are many Wild Pokémon living in the Huangtong Forest. They took the monarch snake around and quickly found a Marowak.

“Hey!!” Seeing Liang Ren suddenly appearing with the monarch snake, Marowak waved the thick stick bone in his hand, threatening one person and one pet with a warning voice.

Liang Ren ignored Marowak’s threat and took the White Flute from the system backpack and put it beside his mouth.

“Di咻xiu…” With a strange whistle sound, Marowak not only escaped without being frightened, but rushed towards Liang Ren with his Bone Club waving.

“Quah!!” Marowak glared at Liang Ren, rounded his arms, and threw the stick angrily over. This is Marowak’s Unique Ability: Bonemerang! !

“The monarch snake, leave it to you.” Liang Ren has no dodge, and commanded the monarch snake with a calm and collected expression.

“Wum–” After the monarch snake returned to complied, a dashing body rushed directly in front of Liang Ren, using his body to block the attack for him.

“Peng” was hit by Marowak’s Bonemerang. Even if he was wearing a pliable cane, the monarch snake showed a painful look on his face.

“After using the provocation, continue to bear the opponent’s attack.” Liang Ren said to the monarch snake.

For Pokémon, when you learn to be beaten, you almost understand how to fight. Liang Ren agrees with this theory.

Get used to pain, no longer behave in battle because of the fear of physical pain, so that you can let go in battle, dare to take risks, and will not be afraid of execution when necessary. Instructions.

Of course, the strength of this Marowak is not at all strong, and Liang Ren chose to let it bear the damage and be beaten.

In addition to making it no longer afraid of physical pain, it also allows the monarch snake to have a clear understanding of the strength of its own body.

“Wum–” The snake kissed softly, and the monarch snake took the initiative to rush towards Marowak, raised her head and provoked her to attack with a proud look.

Faced with such a request from the monarch snake, Marowak would naturally not refuse.

“Quah!!” Marowak of the Bone Club who caught the spinning back shouted in an imposing manner, and moved hard towards the body of the monarch snake use Slash.

“peng peng peng peng…”

Liang Ren did not have any instructions. The monarch snake who had been vaccinated beforehand, stood still and let Marowak attack.

Soon, the monarch snake was covered in cuts and bruises, but it still raised its head proudly, condescending, looking down at Marowak who attacked him with arrogant and indifferent eyes.

Just after being attacked, at first the monarch snake would frown and show pain, but soon afterwards the monarch snake recovered its arrogance and indifference.

The monarch snake has a warlike gene, especially after it has evolved into a monarch snake, this has become more and more obvious, even compared to Cloyster and Lucario.

“The Monarch Snake, it’s almost there, retreat and use Giga Drain.” Seeing that the Monarch Snake has fully adapted to Marowak’s attack, Liang Ren finally issued a counterattack order.

The monarch snake did not respond, but it responded to Liang Ren’s instructions with actions.

“shua shua ——”

The snake body twisted, easily dodge Marowak slashed from the Bone Club, the body slid back and opened the distance, the shoulder blades were under the’collar’ Suddenly shoot out two emerald green energy Vine Whip.


Although Vine Whip looks delicate and is formed by energy condensation, the monarch snake is no less flexible than the real Vine Whip in manipulation.

Two energy Vine Whip, one twisted and twisted to attract Marowak’s attention, the other whizzing like a python flying out of the grass, instantly wrapped around Marowak’s body.

“Quah!!” Marowak was screamed in surprise by being entangled in the energy of Vine Whip.

Then it didn’t wait for it to figure out a way to break free, its power within the body was quickly stolen by the energy Vine Whip as if it had opened a faucet.

The two Vine Whips were launched together, Marowak was exhausted in the blink of an eye, and sat down on the ground, Both eyes are spiritless looking at the monarch snake.

“We will test the speed for a while.” Liang Ren finished speaking, took a blue orange from the system backpack and let the monarch snake wrap it with Vine Whip and hand it to Marowak.

Although Vine Whip who saw the monarch snake was scared, Marowak, who knew what blue orange had to do, took it and gobbled it down.

“Hey!!” Seeing that the Monarch Snake and Liang Ren did not attack, Marowak, who had recovered some strength, jumped up from the ground and rushed into the nearby bushes that disappeared.

Liang Ren not at all reacted too much when he saw this scene. Instead, he took the monarch snake and turned around to find the next opponent to fight against.

Soon, Liang Ren found a suitable Wild Pokémon under a big dead tree.

This is an arbor snake. It will be hibernating soon. This slender rattlesnake with yellow pupils and purple scales is wrapped around a Rattata, which seems to be storing winter food. .

“ka ka…”

Seeing the sudden appearance of humans and strange Pokémon, the arbor snake shook its rattle, and made a rapid ka ka sound in the scales.

Aber snake is indeed very dangerous in the wild, it is best not to easily provoke the existence, but for Liang Ren is not at all so terrible, Aber blames him not to be afraid, let alone Aber snake Up.

“Woohoooo~” Liang Ren took out the white flute and put it to his mouth to blow. He was strangling Rattata’s arbor snake, and the snake’s eyes suddenly became fierce.

“si si ——” Arber snake no longer threatened by wagging its tail, but suddenly loosened Rattata whose internal organs had been squeezed to pieces, and slowly crawled towards Liang Ren.

Seeing Aber snake be eager to have a try preparing to attack, Liang Ren couldn’t help showing a smile on his face: “I’m not afraid of you attacking, I’m afraid you will not attack.”

“The monarch snake, try speed this time.” Liang Ren said to the monarch snake standing in front of him.

“Wum–” the monarch snake was nodded, and before Aber snake launched an attack, it had already rushed forward.

“Chaba——” The arbor snake opened its mouth, and venom ticked on the two sharp fangs of its upper jaw. If it was bitten, it would be poisoned instantly.

However, the Monarch Snake is very agile, and his slender body twists abruptly at a strange angle that ordinary people can’t do, easily dodge the bite of the Aber Snake.

“Chaba——” The Arbo Snake did not give up. Seeing that the Monarch Snake did not fight back, the fierce light in its eyes became more intense.

The neck is like a clockwork, and the whole stretches like a woodpecker. The venom ticking in the mouth of the snake bites fiercely towards the monarch snake.

“Wum~” The Monarch Snake’s eyes were very calm, while provoking the Aber Snake with his arrogant and disdainful eyes to keep it away from Liang Ren, while twisting his body to avoid the Aber Snake’s bite.

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