Fight up close to avoid Ability, pull the distance away than speed…

Faced with the attack of the Arbo Snake, the Monarch Snake did not counterattack, but dodged continuously, and then chased and beat the ground for speed. .

Stamina and speed are the strengths of the Monarch Snake. The Arbor monster is naturally inferior to the Monarch Snake in this respect. The result is destined from the very beginning.

The fundamental reason why he has to provoke the Arbor to race with the Monarch Snake is that Liang Ren wants the Monarch Snake to have a clear understanding of his own speed.

Leaving Marowak to attack just now, and now provoking the Arbor snake to compete for speed, is to make the monarch snake familiar with and master the skyrocketing power after evolution as soon as possible.

In the open space in front of the dead tree, two snakes, one green and one purple, Pok茅mon chased for a while, and saw that the speed of the snake had slowed down slowly as the physical exhaustion increased.

Liang Ren finally didn’t plan to accompany Aber Snake to play with him. He raised his head and made a color at the Monarch Snake, which instantly understood.

“Swish鈥斺€?#8221; The forward body slammed to a halt, and half of the tail became stronger after being armed with energy dragon scales.

“Chaba~” Arbor snake opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl moved towards Monarch snake bite again, but this time, Arbor snake was surprised to find that Monarch snake not at all chose to dodge .

Just when its mouth full of venomous bacteria was about to bite the monarch snake, the arbor snake only saw the green light flashed by.

A powerful dragon’s tail struck fiercely, and was caught off guard on the cheek of Aber Snake. The whole body of Aber Snake was taken away directly.

“Peng” hit the ground, and the arbor snake, which was still fierce just now, has become like a stiff snake in a crevice in winter.

One move, the Monarch Snake only used one move. This Aber Snake whose Level exceeds LV.20 directly loses its combat capability.

“Not bad鈥?#8221;Liang Ren nodded, very satisfied with the current battle strength of Qingteng snake.

After evolving to its final form, the battle strength of the Monarch Snake has matured, and the two and a half months of painstaking cultivation of Mt. Moon’s vein has made its foundation very solid.

What we need to do now is to become familiar with and master the skyrocketing power after evolution, and then slowly increase the background of the monarch snake and let it grow to the point where it can stand alone.

“I believe that this day will not be too long.” Liang Ren thought to himself that he has been breeding four main Pok茅mon who can stand alone. Liang Ren, who has rich experience, is still very confident about this. of.

“Let’s go, let’s continue to find Wild Pok茅mon to practice hands.” He took a potion and gave it to the snake, and Liang Ren took the monarch snake to look for the opponent.



Practical combat is an excellent way to become familiar with and master power. After a whole morning of continuous combat, the Monarch Snake is already fully familiar with it The skyrocketing power after evolution.

However, it is not far from Full Mastery to reach the perfect realm. Therefore, after lunch and rest for a while at noon, Liang Ren continued to take the monarch snake to sweep in the suburban forest in the afternoon.

With White Flute, Liang Ren doesn鈥檛 have to worry about attacking Pok茅mon, who has a peaceful personality and does not like to fight. The monarch snakes are all very offensive Wild Pok茅mon.

Consume the tug-of-war, familiarize yourself with your physical strength and resilience, passively bear injuries and be beaten, and have a clear understanding of your own defensive power;

Dodge Ability, compete with speed, clear comprehension of your own speed limit , Material attack and special attack, to understand how high the attack power has increased after evolution.

Although it is boring to’bully’ Pok茅mon whose strength is weaker than his own, after enduring this boringness, the rise of the monarch snake is visible to naked eye.

This kind of feeling is like losing weight. Many people know that you can lose weight by keeping your mouth open and opening your legs, but it takes a lot of time and energy to see the results.

But if you apply for a very good personal training and implement it in strict accordance with the plan made by the other party, you will soon see results.

There are two reasons behind this. One is that the self-control is not enough and requires human supervision, and the other is whether the plan is scientific or not, and the same time and energy are spent to achieve results.

Many trainers train Pok茅mon for three days to fish and two days to hang on the net. Apart from this training content is fancy and unscientific, and often changes again, one trick every day.

This is how many trainers breed Pok茅mon, whose battle strength increases very slowly, while some trainers breed Pok茅mon, whose battle strength increases can be described as Norman in one day.

One morning, the monarch snake will be fully familiar with and master the power of the skyrocketing after evolution, and in the afternoon, the monarch snake will master the growth power to the point of handy and mellow.

Liang Ren and Monarch Snake only took one day to complete a lot of the workload that a trainer needs a week. The efficiency of both parties is obvious at a glance.

On the other hand, although there is no supervision by Liang Ren, Pidgeot, Slowpoke and Lucario do not have Slack Off, and the training is also carried out in an orderly manner.

After the breakthrough Elite has its own will, the mastery of its own power has reached an unimaginable height for ordinary people.

The Ability of “Minimize” involves the change of living matter. Because the essence and core are too esoteric, many Pok茅mon have mastered this ability.

It is also only with the help of the fixed technique in Ability to make the body shrink in a sudden and improve the efficiency and success rate of dodge Ability.

But Liang Ren’s requirement for Pidgeot is to be able to keep Minimize constantly at any time and anywhere, so that the technique in Ability is always running in the background with low energy consumption.

It is actually very difficult to do this, even for Normal trainers and Pok茅mon it is impossible to do.

Because this requires Pok茅mon to have a very high degree of mastery of its own power, and at the same time have a very deep understanding and comprehension of the internal power technique of Minimize, Ability.

However, it is so difficult and even impossible to complete. Pidgeot can complete it in only one morning, and Full Mastery can fully master it in one day.

Although this is not as shocking as the Divine Beast exclusive Ability of Comprehension Learning “Air Blasting”, mastering this huge might attack Ability is as shocking.

But people who have really studied this area understand how incredible Pidgeot can do this.

However, Liang Ren himself was not too surprised. Pidgeot was very smart when he was Pidgey. Needless to say, comprehension and so on, and power control is also Elite.

If it is an impossible task, Liang Ren will not set up such a training task for Pidgeot.

As for Slowpoke and Lucario, the former is the strength of Elite Early-Stage Peak, and the latter has completed the development of the Aura First Rank segment.

The two Pok茅mon also completed the training tasks arranged by Liang Ren beautifully.

“Good job, everyone worked hard today. Let’s go to dinner first, and we will have dinner after the Stadium game.”

Look at a few Pok茅mon, Liang Ren’s face It was full of smiles.

Although he has profound knowledge and rich experience, he has many training tips to enhance Pok茅mon’s strength.

But if Pok茅mon is disappointed and execution is not strong enough, there is nothing he can do.

Fortunately, Pidgeot is very proud of them. They have never made him worry about the implementation of training arrangements.

“Om—-” At this moment, the Dratini egg in the hatching bin of Liang Ren’s backpack emits a white light and flickers.

“Sure enough, as Sheba said, is this Dratini egg almost hatching?” Liang Ren noticed this scene, with a smile of joy on his face.

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