Pokemon: Something's Not Right With My Pokemon

Chapter 15. Injury Door, Open! (55 Ask For A Flower Evaluation Ticket!)



"Burning youth like a manga!"


For the first time, Jiang Huai asked Pancham to use Lilianhua!

Pancham, who received the order, also forgot his physical fatigue and the pain of his injury.


The green energy around him seemed to skyrocket again.

Immediately, an afterimage was left on the body.

"Is he going to attack? Sure enough, he can't hold back!"

Gangcun Bei smiled proudly at this time.

Granbull and Pineco are used to consume Pancham's HP.

He also has the most powerful Trump Card in his hand.

Soon Gangcunbei's smile disappeared.

I saw that Pancham's speed continued to increase, and in an instant, he stepped on the thorns and came under Pineco.

The speed was not even slowed down by the diamond thorns on the field.


Gang Village North instantly ordered.

Jiang Huai looked at Pineco and smiled:

"Can you hold it?"

I saw that Pineco's scales quickly radiated energy, but.

Pancham's heavy legs have arrived first!

The speed is faster than when the watch lotus flower is released, and the force is more ruthless!

Pineco was kicked high into the air.

But at the same time, the skill Protect has also been released.

Seeing this Gangcun North was slightly relieved, but when he looked closely, he was surprised.

"What kind of skill is this?"

I saw Pineco in mid-air, although the Protect Contest Condition was turned on.

But the Pancham at the moment is like the aurora Normal bursting with green energy.

Bombarding Pineco back and forth with heavy legs at supersonic speeds.

After kicking in a row, Pineco has completely broken the defense at this time.

Immediately, the bandage in Pancham's hand wrapped around the falling Pineco again.

Pull hard!

Jump down quickly, punching hard!

Pineco was bombed directly on the Ground!

Incapacitated to fight!

"round2, user ROY wins."

"round3, please prepare..."

And seeing Li Lianhua's new skills, the viewing room exploded:

Sakura Country Trainer:

"What new skill is this? I've never seen it before!"

"Is this really a fighting skill??"

"I can't believe my eyes! Was that speed a Pokémon's speed just now??"


Bangguo Trainer:

"My God, the three views have been refreshed!"

"This skill is too scary! That bandage punch is so handsome to me!"

"Yi Yixi, this Dragon Countryman must be a champion trainer!"


Dragon Country Trainer:

"ROY beep!"

"My mother asked me why I was kneeling!"

"Is this a new skill developed by God ROY himself? It's too top!"

"Dragon Kingdom is proud!!!"


At this time, Gangcunbei was surprised, but still looked at Pancham.

Pancham has started to gasp for breath now.

The injury on his body was also aggravated by the hard stepping on the diamond thorn just now.

Gangcunbei felt that he was in a safe position to win.

Immediately facing Jiang Huai, imitating him, he made a gesture of contempt.

"You think you won?"

Jiang Huai smiled.

Jiang Huai naturally noticed the same situation.

Jiang Huai looked at the time, 4 minutes....

At this time, he also found that most of Pancham's physical strength had been consumed, and he was still injured.

That seems.

Gotta shock little Sakura and the little sticks again.

"Go on, my Trump Card, Gliscor!"

A Pokémon with the characteristics of a scorpion and a bat.

The ends of the wings have large pincers.

The two pointed teeth are exposed outside the mouth, which is very attractive.

【Gliscor (Ground, Flying)】

[Strength: LV29 (Normal)]

[Ability: Machamp tongs (in Sandstorm, the evasion rate will increase)]

[Character: Stubborn (physical attack + special attack-)]

[Skills: Poison Barb, Sand Blast, Harden, Knock Off, Quick Attack, Fury Cutter, Slash, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang...]

[Potential: Elite level]

It turned out to be Gliscor with sharp teeth!

Flying-type and Ground-type dual-type Pokémon will not be damaged by the current thorns on the field.

Fully evolved form with 510 Species Strength.

Stubborn character, enhances the power of physical attack moves.

Sure enough, it was a harvest character that came out after consuming the opponent.

In the ordinary field, it is indeed very strong, and it will become stronger as the level increases.

But Jiang Huai was still smiling.

"The round begins!"

Looking at Pancham, who had already consumed a certain amount of HP at this time.

Gangcunbei decided to also give Jiang Huai a taste of one-hit kills.

"Gliscor, use Fury Cutter!"

Gliscor in mid-air is not troubled by Ground thorns.

The double pincers start to burst with a powerful burst of energy, starting the Stockpile.

If this move hits Pancham, it should directly disable it.

"I'm sure to win..."

Gangcun North was still smiling triumphantly.

And Jiang Huai, at the time of the Gliscor Stockpile, issued an order:

"Eight-door Dunjia, wounded door, open!"

The eight doors of Dunjia, the fourth door, open!

in the comic world.

Injury door: Further increase the attack and speed, the body begins to be damaged, and enter the danger zone of the eight-door Dunjia, in the true sense of entering the eight-door Dunjia Contest Condition.

But the addition of the system will not make Pancham lose.

Instead, he stepped into the eight-door Dunjia Contest Condition in the true sense.

I saw Pancham roar, and the muscles around him swelled again.

The green energy on his body is even more galloping, turning into a terrifying Astral Qi.

Elevate, elevate, elevate!

At this time, Pancham's Attribute strength has reached the terrifying level 53!

The terrifying power shocked everyone in Gang Village North and the viewing room.

"Another new Contest Condition skill?"

"How can his Pancham have so many new skills!"

"I thought Gliscor was going to win! Now it's hanging!"

"But how can a Pancham beat Gliscor!"


At this time, the arrow was on the string and had to be sent.

Gliscor Stockpile done, Fury Cutter on Pancham!

A pair of giant pincers bursting with powerful energy attacked.

"Go, Pancham!"

"Li! Lian! Hua!"

Jiang Huai ordered at the same time.


Pancham, who opened the four doors, turned into a green beast, and charged Gligar with supersonic speed.

The pain in the body has been forgotten.

There is only endless power flooding the body.

Gliscor's giant pincers, Pancham's heavy legs.

In an instant, it collided in mid-air!


Stupidly, Gliscor's giant pliers full of Contest Condition.

Get kicked away by Pancham!

Gligar's entire body seemed to have been hit by a cannonball and flew upside down.

Immediately, Pancham seemed to be the incarnation of lightning normal.

He kicked Gligar repeatedly in the air with his heavy legs.

Gang Cunbei frantically issued instructions for defense skills off the field.

But Gliscor had no chance at all.

Last blow, down kick!

Bandage wrapped! Pull back!



Gliscor was bombarded on the Ground, and a deep pit appeared in the Ground.

Gliscor, incapacitated! !

once again! Spike!

"round3, user ROY wins!"

"The winner of this game! ROY!!"

At this point Pancham fell back to the Ground, gasping for breath.

Immediately, the Contest Condition was automatically lifted, and Pancham's eyes went black.

Enter the exhaustion Contest Condition.

Luckily Soaring in the sky Stadium doesn't damage Pokémon.

Won before Pancham exhausted.

Jiang Huai looked at the time. This time, it took 7 minutes to wear three times.

Seems like I need to look into this issue myself.


Ask for a flower review ticket! ~

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