Pokemon: Something's Not Right With My Pokemon

Chapter 16. Mysterious Roy, Shocking The World! (15 Ask For A Flower Evaluation Ticket!)

User ROY goes offline.

At this time, the tens of thousands of trainers from various countries who stayed in the battle room fell into complete madness:

Sakura Country Trainer:

"Even the Gangcun bosses have lost, they can't beat it, this is really impossible to beat..."

"This ROY must be a champion-level trainer to train the new Pokémon."

"Barbie Q is over, we Sakura are going to be nailed to the pillar of shame tonight."

"Do we Sakura state-owned Pancham to sell?"


Bangguo Trainer:

"I've done it, I've really done it now."

"Gliscor, was instantly killed by Pancham, who can believe it?"

"Xiba, this Dragon Countryman is at least an Elite or even a champion."

"Yi Yixi, who can contact Elite from our Bangguo and go to the ordinary field to teach him a lesson!"


Beautiful Country Trainer:

"Does the Pokémon of the Dragon Kingdom have any special buffs?"

"Oumai, what a wonderful battle!"

"The people of the Dragon Kingdom have developed a new skill for Pokémon!"


Dragon Country Trainer:

"The national football team will lose, but our trainers will not lose!"

"ROY God raises our country's prestige!"

"Tomorrow, the brothers must go to grab Pancham!"

"How much money I will buy!"


Unconsciously it was late at night, Jiang Huai took off his helmet.

Unleash Pancham immediately and check Pancham's condition.

At this time, Pancham, who was still in the exhausted Contest Condition, was exhausted and unable to move.

But in reality there is nothing wrong with the body.

At this time, it can also open its big round eyes and look at Jiang Huai.

Seeing Pancham's Contest Condition getting better, Jiang Huai was relieved.

At the same time, the information that the account has received 45W Huaxia coins came.

Including today's 20-game winning streak.

At this time, Jiang Huai was earning more than 90 W Huaxia coins from Little Sakura and Little Stick trainer in just one day.

Jiang Huai, who was originally a family member, now has sufficient capital.

And Pancham's level also came to LV23 at this time (47,521/48,594).

With so many powerful Rivals in one day, they rose to level 3 at once.

Jiang Huai is very satisfied with Pancham's performance.

"Fantastic performance today, Pancham."


"Tomorrow we will continue to work hard!"


Pancham is also very satisfied with his actual combat today.

Sure enough, his hard training in the world of Konoha comics was worth it.

I must be able to become the one who burns youth.

A blue-blue beast that protects what is most important to him.

"Are you hungry?"

Jiang Huai smiled and touched Pancham's head.


Pancham nodded.

After making a late-night snack, I was full.

Both Jiang Huai and Pancham fell asleep.

But late at night, Longguo's network was already in the fryer Contest Condition.

After watching Jiang Huai's terrifying 20-game winning streak, they became restless.

Someone uploaded a video of Jiang Huai's battle to Bib.

Directly rush to the top five hot searches:

#Mysterious trainer ROY, won 20 consecutive victories.

#Soaring in the sky StadiumROY's real identity?

#MysteryChampionTrainerROY, has the ability to develop new skills

#pancham with bandages

#龙国proud, ROY

The netizens of the scarf have heated discussions:

"My God, this is the first time in my life I have seen such a famous scene."

"Twenty games in a row, three times in a row, which champion-level trainer is this ROY here to abuse the vegetables?"

"What kind of skill is that Pancham using?"

"There are no relevant records at all."

"Is it a new skill developed by ROY himself?"

"Why is my cousin's Pancham only mischievous?"

"Your cousin has Pancham? I'm envious!"

"Tomorrow I must go buy a Pancham, I will buy it for any money!"


In the same way, in the Douyin video, the popular video is also Jiang Huai's battle.

"Does Pancham have the potential of a quasi-god?"

"I agree, 20 games in a row, no Pokémon below level 29 can do it."

"ROY never uses his second Pokémon."

"He's so strong that he doesn't care about any Attribute restraint, he's done!"

"Too fierce, too fierce."

"I don't know if it's Trainer or Pancham!"

"I really want to know what kind of power his second and third Pokémon have!"


When they came abroad, foreigners also marveled at the strength of this Dragon Country Trainer.

Stick Country:

"Oh Dok, this Dragon Country's Trainer is too fierce!"

"Our Oppa was beaten so badly!"

"Yah, Xiba, it's a shame!"

"Does that Pancham know Dragon Kingdom Kung Fu? I have never heard of those skills!"

"It's a new skill developed by that Trainer!"

"There seems to be very little Pancham in our country, crying Smecta."


Sakura Country:

"Baga, it's a shame to be worn three times by the Dragon Country trainer!"

"Such a fierce Dragon Country trainer must have the strength of a champion!"

"This Pancham must be his latest low-level Pokémon!"

"Only a low-level Pokémon has such terrifying strength, so how terrifying is this trainer who is a good Pokémon from Breeder!"

"I must grab a Pancham tomorrow, maybe I can develop these skills too!"


Overnight, the ID of ROY shocked the world.

The next morning, Aoki City.

City Center, Aoki Pokémon Market.

Aoki Pokémon Market Unlike Pokémon Center, Pokémon Market is a marketplace dedicated to the sale of Pokémon.

There are Pokémon Eggs that have not yet hatched, and Pokémon that have just hatched.

And each Pokémon is based on rarity, Species Strength.


Specifically for trainers who want to add more Breeder Pokémon after acquiring the Earl Dervish Pokémon.

At this time, the market staff living in the staff dormitory in the trading market building had just opened the door.

I was stunned by the scene in front of me.

The people in line were all out a few streets away.

Seeing that the door of the trading market opened, they rushed in.

He kept talking in his mouth.


The employee who went to bed early last night had no idea what was going on.

But he has been frightened by this huge battle.

Immediately call the general manager of the trading market.

"Hey...what's the matter..."

The general manager, who was awakened by the sound of the phone, was a little annoyed.

"General... General Manager, come over quickly, our trading market is full of people!!!"

"A lot of people, like crazy, don't know what they're looking for."

The staff said anxiously.


The general manager was surprised. Could it be a transaction dispute?

Is someone making trouble?

The general manager immediately put on his clothes and rushed to the market in no time.

As soon as he entered the gate, the crowd in front of him scared him.

In this battle, I haven't seen so many people since I joined the company.


A new day, ask for some votes! !

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