The big guns were killed, and the big guns were killed.

"Dragonite distribution? These two rewards are so strange."

"Human, this is my reverse scale. You can summon me by injecting wave power, but you can only summon me three times. I hope you use it well." The giant Dragonite said.

"Why me?" Ning Hao asked.

"Because you are the chosen one."

Hearing this inexplicable words, Ning Hao wanted to ask something, but the giant Dragonite did not give him a chance and left directly.

"Forget it, the truth will come out sooner or later."

After waking up the three people, he took the Pokémon egg back to the lighthouse, but before waking up the three people, Ning Hao put the reverse scale into the system backpack.

"What a pity, he fainted. But where did the Pokémon egg in your hand come from, Xiaohao?" Heichuan Ze asked.

"I just picked it up." Ning Hao said.

After chatting for a while, they went back to the room to rest.

At this time, the surface of the Pokémon egg cracked, Ning Hao held his breath and watched the mini dragon come out nervously.

"Mystery!" Mini dragon was born and stuck to Ning Hao's face intimately.

"The system uses detection."

"Pokémon: Dratini, Gender: Female, Qualification: Legend, Level: 1, Personality: Stubborn, Characteristics: Shedding, Hidden Characteristics: Magical Scales, Attribute: Dragon, Skills: Tightening, Staring, Electromagnetic Waves, High-Speed ​​Movement, Dragon's Fury, Destructive Rays, Smashing, Dragon Dance, Dragon's Dive, Dragon's Tail, Reverse Scales, Tornado, Mystical Guardian, Carrying Items: None, Intimacy: 90."

"Legend! It's actually a legend, worthy of being the child of the giant Dragonite, with so many skills, and dual characteristics, a perfect personality. I'm rich." Ning Hao thought excitedly.

"Hello, Dratini, let's work hard together in the future." Communicate with Dratini through the power of Changpan.

The next morning, the three of them started their learning journey with Zhenghui, but it was only a short afternoon after all, the three of them had decided to go to Golden City first.

"Ding, trigger a new sign-in location: Fighting Dojo, reward: points*100."

"Ding, trigger a new task: Defeat Wude, reward: Advanced lottery*1, points*100."

"Ding, trigger a new sign-in location: Golden Gym, reward: Intermediate lottery*3, points*100."

"Ding, trigger a new task: Get the Golden Badge, reward: Advanced lottery*1, points*100."

"Congratulations to the host for signing in for one month, reward: Advanced lottery*1."

"Directly trigger two tasks and two sign-in locations? Now there are advanced rewards*2, intermediate rewards*7, skill upgrade scroll*1, points*1430, and you can collect 10 intermediate lottery after challenging the gym."

"Mini Dratini? Did the Pokémon egg hatch yesterday?" The moment he saw the Mini Dratini, Kurokawa Ze was stunned.

"Yes, it was hatched last night." Ning Hao said proudly.

"This is a quasi-god. I really envy you." Heichuan Ze said enviously.

Ning Hao was training Dratini all the way. The legendary talent was indeed extraordinary. In just four days, Dratini reached level 28. It was so terrifying, but the speed also slowed down.

Watching Dratini's various skills along the way, Heichuan Ze exclaimed, "It's worthy of being a quasi-god. He has so many skills just after birth."

"Hahahaha, this is something you can't envy." Ning Hao said meanly.

"Get lost!" The three of them were very comfortable playing and fighting along the way.

"If you want Dratini to level up quickly, you can only challenge trainers. Wild Pokémon can no longer meet Dratini's experience needs."

As the upgrade speed slowed down, the three decided to speed up to Golden City. With the three of them deliberately rushing on the road, they arrived in Golden City in an afternoon.

"Let's have a meal and challenge other trainers."

"Okay, let's have a meal." Heichuan Ze said.

After lunch, Ning Hao, Kurokawa Ze, and Qingshui Kui went to the battle site. Ning Hao's main purpose this time was to evolve Bulbasaur. As for Dratini, Ning Hao decided to let Dratini carry the Unchanging Stone first, because evolving too quickly would cause damage to Dratini.

Ning Hao was challenged by a trainer just after arriving at the battle site and before he started to choose his opponent.

"Go Bulbasaur."

"Go Dreaming Tapir."

"The system uses detection on Dreaming Tapir."

"Pokémon: Dreaming Tapir, gender: male, qualification: gym, level: 39, personality: gentle, characteristics: dream foresight (modified), attributes: superpowers, carrying

Props: None. Skills: Hypnosis, Nightmare, Slap, Telekinesis, Headbutt, Petrification, Yoga Pose, Illusion Light, Conspiracy, Telekinesis, Hold On. "

"Bulbasaur uses Parasitic Seed."

Bulbasaur ejects the Parasitic Seed onto the body of the Dream Tapir and begins to absorb its vitality.

"Dream Tapir uses Telekinesis."

The invisible force quickly hits Bulbasaur, but unfortunately does not cause any damage to Bulbasaur.

"Bulbasaur uses Sleep Powder."

Green powder sprays out from the garlic behind Bulbasaur and flies towards the Dream Tapir.

"Dream Tapir uses Illusion Light."

The Dream Tapir quickly condenses the Illusion Light, but before it can use the skill, its eyes slowly close and the Illusion Light dissipates.

"Dream Tapir? Wake up! "The trainer shouted nervously when he saw the Dream Tapir fall into a sleeping state.

"The previous sleep powder has taken effect, Bulbasaur use Solar Beam to end this battle." Ning Hao commanded.

"You are very strong and your command is very accurate. My Bulbasaur barely won with the help of the sleep powder." Ning Hao said to the trainer.

At this time, the light of evolution appeared on Bulbasaur, "Show up, Bulbasaur."

"The system uses detection."

"Pokémon: Bulbasaur (Shiny), Gender: Male, Qualification: Champion, Level: 36, Personality: Calm, Characteristics: Lush, Hidden Characteristics: Chlorophyll, Attributes: Grass/Poison, Carrying Items: None. Skills: Howl, Impact, Parasitic Seed, Poison Powder, Vine Whip, Leaf Blade, Growth, Solar Beam, Sleep Powder, Hold, Petal Dance, Photosynthesis, Falling Flowers and Snow, Sweet Fragrance, Earthquake, Repay, Intimacy: 92."

"Do you still want to use Bulbasaur to continue fighting? "Trainer Natsu asked.

"Well, continue to use Venusaur." Ning Hao replied.

"Go ahead, Flareon." Natsu sent out the second Pokémon.

"System uses detection."

"Pokémon: Flareon, Gender: Female, Qualification: King of Heaven, Level: 36, Personality: Stubborn, Characteristics: Fire, Attribute: Fire, Carrying Items: None. Skills: Impact, Tail Shaking, Sand Kicks, Lightning Flash, Bite, Stare, Sparks, Flame Jet, Big Word Explosion, Flame Fang, Sunny Day, Flame Whirlpool."

"Flameon, use Sunny Day." Natsu commanded.

Under the effect of Sunny Day, the temperature gradually rose.

"Vulpeculiar uses photosynthesis." Ning Hao commanded.

I saw Venusaur using photosynthesis, and in the sunny weather, the effect of photosynthesis was directly doubled, and it was directly restored to its peak state.

"Was it read first? "Natsu said in surprise.

"Bulbasaur uses Earthquake." The ground began to shake.

"Earthquake? This Bulbasaur can actually use Earthquake?"

"Flameep, use Jet Flame on the ground." Natsu quickly commanded.

Depending on the reaction force of Jet Flame, the damage received by Flameep was reduced by at least half.

"Bulbasaur, use Impact."

Flameep, who was already injured and flew into the air with Jet Flame, fainted the moment he was hit.

"You are very strong." Natsu said to Ning Hao.

"Thank you, you are also very strong and have a quick response ability." Ning Hao also praised.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Natsu and I am a local of Golden City."

"My name is Ning Hao, from Pallet Town. Nice to meet you."

"Ning Hao, I remember you and hope to fight you again at the Quartz Conference." Natsu challenged Ning Hao.

"Okay, see you at the Quartz Conference." "Ning Hao also accepted the challenge.

After that, Ning Hao continued to challenge other trainers, but he switched between several Pokémon in turn.

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