After the battle, the two of them were forced to fight.

After returning to the villa, everyone started special training again, but Ning Hao and Sirona often went to other areas to play, and the naughty fantasy beasts naturally liked it very much.

Although Ning Hao often went to other areas with Sirona, the special training of Liebite Lu Shark, Longing Cloud and the three-headed dragon was not left behind. At this time, Longing Cloud and Liebite Lu Shark were already level 56.

There is still a month before the Higaki Conference, which is enough time for him to train.

After this period of getting along, Victini has further integrated into this big family.

Time passed quickly in special training and fun. There were still two weeks before the conference, and everyone was planning to set off. On the way, they could go to the Double Dragon Gym to get the Gene Wedge, and go to the Dragon Village.

The Rocket Team trio far away in Eindoak didn't know that Victini had left the Earth Village, and were still looking for its traces, thinking of giving it to Boss Sakaki or Agent Hao.

Ning Hao naturally didn't know all this, after all, he had long forgotten about the Rocket Team.


On the way, Alice introduced the Dragon Village, Xiaozhi and Tiantong were naturally very interested.

With Alice's introduction, everyone arrived at the Dragon Village.

Alice also brought everyone to the Grandmother, introduced everyone to the Grandmother, and reported to the Grandmother what happened on the way.

The Grandmother was obviously very satisfied with Alice's growth.

After the report, the Grandmother asked Alice to lead everyone to visit the Dragon Village.

As Alice led everyone to stroll around, Alice also met her childhood playmate Acorus, but this name reminded Ning Hao of the ramen master in the next village.

Acorus was very happy about Alice's return, so she invited everyone to her house for lunch.

At this time, Acorus was followed by two two-headed Tyrannosaurus, but one of them looked listless.

Ning Hao remembered that one of the two-headed Tyrannosaurus would evolve today, and would appear very irritable after evolution, but he did not take any precautions, and all this was left to Alice to solve.

Then the group walked towards Acorus's home.

The two two-headed Tyrannosaurus naturally stayed in the yard.

Just as everyone was enjoying a delicious lunch, the two-headed Tyrannosaurus hurried into the house.

Seeing this, Acorus and the two-headed Tyrannosaurus came to the yard, and the two-headed Tyrannosaurus had already begun to evolve.

A moment later, a three-headed evil dragon appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, the three-headed dragon was obviously caught off guard by this sudden evolution, and it started to make a fuss!

Alice saw this scene and said, "Leave it to me!"

Just like the original, Alice went through a lot of hardships with the help of Dragonite and Flying Squirrel to restore the three-headed dragon to peace.

Just as the grandmother praised Alice, a strong voice came.

"Is it really like this?"

Hearing this voice, Alice couldn't help shuddering and said, "This voice, could it be..."

Then Alice looked up and saw Shaka!

"Sure enough! How could Mr. Shaka be in the Dragon Country?" Alice asked.

The grandmother on the side smiled and said, "Mr. Shaka heard that you would appear in the Dragon Country and came to see your practice results."

Hearing this, Alice couldn't help but say, "Mr. Shaka, I'm sorry, I left the academy without permission!"

"It seems that you have grown up." Shaka looked at Alice and said.

Then the two agreed to have a battle, and the battle location was naturally the Shuanglong Gym.

Xia Ka also recognized Ning Hao, after all, this trainer with fairy-attribute Pokémon impressed him deeply.

"We meet again, young trainer." Xia Ka said.

"Yes, Mr. Xia Ka, I just happened to have something to ask you." Ning Hao smiled.

"Well? Then I'll wait for you at the Shuanglong Gym." After saying that, Xia Ka turned around and left.

Everyone was curious about the reason why Ning Hao looked for Xia Ka, but no one asked Ning Hao.


After staying in the Dragon Country for a day, several people set off for Shuanglong City.

On the way, Alice kept asking her idol Shirona for fighting skills, which shows how nervous Alice was about the next battle.

As everyone got closer and closer to Shuanglong City, Alice became more and more nervous.

She wanted to calm down, but found that it was impossible, even if her idol comforted her, and finally Alice ran away alone!

The location is naturally the iron tower in Shuanglong City

Go up!

At this time, the tower was already surrounded by people eating melons.

When Xiaozhi called out Alice's name, Miss Junsha below had already recognized the problem child.

And Ning Hao naturally pulled Sirona to stand in the distance, he knew that Miss Junsha would start to teach them next!

Sure enough, Miss Junsha began to teach until Miss Martha appeared.

Miss Martha also knew that Alice would come to Shuanglong City to challenge Xia Ka today, so she invited everyone to have a meal together, just in time to let Alice calm down.

However, just as everyone entered the academy, Xia Ka appeared in front of everyone.

"I heard about what happened in the afternoon." Xia Ka said.

Hearing Xia Ka's words, Alice was obviously a little embarrassed.

"Have a good meal and calm down before coming." Then Xia Ka left.

Back to Miss Martha's residence, she began to prepare food for everyone, and Alice began to recall the life of Shuanglong Academy.

At this time, Shirona asked, "What do you want to see Master Shaka?"

"I want to get the Gene Wedge." Ning Hao said.

"What is that?" Shirona asked curiously.

"That is a prop that can combine Kyuremi, Zekrom, and Reshiram." Ning Hao said.

"Yeah." Shirona nodded thoughtfully.

In the afternoon, Alice, who had calmed down, mustered up her courage and set off for the Shuanglong Gym.

She was ready to fight Shaka.


As for the result, Shaka naturally won, and Alice was still far behind at this time.

And Shaka also invited Alice to continue training and come back here after becoming stronger.

"Mr. Shaka, I want the Gene Wedge." Ning Hao said.

"Gene Wedge? How do you know this thing?" Shaka was obviously a little surprised.

"Because of them." After saying that, Ning Hao summoned the three dragons of Unova.

"Kyurem, Zekrom and Reshiram! I didn't expect them to be by your side!" Even Shaka, who had seen many storms, was shocked by the scene in front of him.

"Well, the Gene Wedge is very important to me, I hope you can give it to me." Ning Hao said.

Shaka didn't think much, "Okay, wait for me."

After that, Shaka left first, ready to take out the Gene Wedge.

After a while, Shaka came to Ning Hao with a box.

"This is the Gene Wedge, give it to you." Shaka said.

For him, the Gene Wedge was originally the property of the three beasts. Since the three beasts were with Ning Hao, it would be fine to give it to him.

"Thank you, Mr. Shaka."

"Congratulations to the master for completing the task: obtaining the Gene Wedge, reward: God-level lottery*1, points*10000."

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