After the wedding, the two of them had a long and happy time.

In the evening, when everyone wanted to say goodbye to Miss Martha, Miss Martha told the truth about Alice's travel.

"Alice, the reason why the old lady asked you to travel was because Mr. Xia Ka asked her to do so." Miss Martha said.

Alice was shocked to hear this, but Miss Martha continued to speak.

The implication was that Xia Ka and the old lady planned to train Alice to become the next gym owner.

"What a great story!" Xiaozhi and Tiantong said.

"Yes, the gym trainer!"

Alice was also surprised, but Miss Martha spoke.

"Of course, whether to become a gym trainer is Alice's own choice, that's what Mr. Shaka said."

After hearing this, Alice also made up her mind and planned to respond to everyone's expectations with hard work!

Seeing that everything in Shuanglong City had settled, everyone also planned to move forward.

On the way, Ning Hao also took out the Gene Wedge and looked at it, but unfortunately he couldn't see the reason, so he asked, "What's the use of this thing?"

"It can force us to merge." Zekrom said.

"Force?" Ning Hao grasped this key word.

"Well, even if we don't want to, we can't resist." Zekrom said.

"Then if you want, you don't need this to merge?" Ning Hao immediately became interested.

"Yeah." The three dragons said together.

But Ning Hao knew that this was impossible. Although the three dragons were once one, they all disliked each other. And once they merged, Kyurem would be the main one.

Even if they could separate, they would not want to.

Ning Hao didn't care whether the three dragons could merge or not. Now, except for his good friend Arceus and the Rainbow Rocket Team that might appear at any time, everyone else could be ignored.


As the few people approached the top of the mountain near Higaki City, they found that it was blocked by rocks.

In response, Mewtwo naturally used his superpowers to move the rocks away, and Basil, who was ready to rescue everyone at any time, was stunned.

Ning Hao naturally recognized the champion of the Higaki Conference, and his rescue team uniform was extremely conspicuous.

Looking at the Sun Eevee and Eevee, Ning Hao became interested. The system had given him the idea of ​​cultivating the Eevee clan, but he chose the Washing Cui team.

Looking at the person in front of him, Ning Hao hadn't spoken yet, but Xiaozhi stepped forward and said, "Are you a trainer who came to participate in the Higaki Conference?"

"Yes." Basil replied, but his eyes were always on Mewtwo. He was very curious about Mewtwo, a Pokémon that had never appeared before.

"Your costume, are you from the Pokémon Rescue Team?" Xiaozhi continued to ask.

Xiaozhi's question made Bajiel look at him.

Then Bajiel said, "Well, I'm from the Pokémon Rescue Team. I received a notice that the road here was blocked, so I came here."

Without waiting for Xiaozhi to continue speaking, Bajiel began to introduce his team, "My rescue team is called the Eevee Team."

At this time, Xiaozhi took out the Pokémon Pokémon Encyclopedia and scanned Eevee and Sun Eevee.

At this time, Tiantong spoke, "Who are the members of the Eevee Team?"

"Of course, the seven evolutions of Eevee." Bajiel said.

"Can we take a look?" Xiaozhi, Tiantong and Alice said in unison, only Shirona and Ning Hao stood aside calmly.

"My house is nearby, if you want to see it, you can go to my house." Bajiel said, and invited everyone.



Arriving at the ranch of Bajiel's family, six Eevees of different forms appeared in front of everyone at Bajiel's call.

At this time, Xiaozhi took out the illustrated book again and scanned the Eevees.

Just as Bajiel introduced the origins of the Eevees, the bell rang!

Bajiel's face suddenly changed "An emergency has occurred!"

At this time, Bajiel's brother Debbie appeared in front of everyone in a helicopter.

This is naturally the scene in the original book where the geometric snowflakes froze the dam, but Ning Hao didn't want to waste time and asked Reshiram and Kyurem to follow.

The two dragons who left Palkia naturally showed up.

But Debbie didn't notice it at this time.

Bajiel, who felt that the matter was not simple, ran to the office.

"What happened?" Bajiel asked.

"The water in the dam was frozen by a group of geometric snowflakes, and the dam management office lost contact." Bajiel's father said.

"Hmm?" Bajir was startled.

At this time, Debbie had already arrived at the dam and just said, "I am Debbie. I have arrived at the dam. The surrounding lake surface is frozen...frozen?"

"Huh? What's wrong, Debbie?" Bajir's father heard that Debbie's tone was a little strange.

"The ice melted, just melted." Debbie said in a shocked tone.

This answer confused Bajir and his father.

"Is the matter solved?" Bajir's father asked.

"I think so."

At this time, the people in the management office also contacted the rescue team.

"The ice here suddenly melted, and two dragons appeared in the sky, which looked very similar to the legendary Reshiram and Kyurem!"

Bajir's family was stunned, and only Xiaozhi and others knew that it was Ning Hao who solved it.

At this time, the staff in the management office said again, "They flew towards the direction of the rescue team."

Finally, Bajir and his father looked at the two dragons in surprise as they appeared above them and then disappeared.

Following behind was Debbie who was returning.

"Don't worry, this matter is resolved." Ning Hao spoke.

His words also made the family of the rescue team guess that the appearance of the two dragons was related to him, but they did not ask.

"It's time to leave." Ning Hao continued.

After saying goodbye to the Bajiel family, several people set out for Higaki City again.

Xiaozhi and Bajiel also agreed to have a big fight at the conference.

This time, the trip to Higaki City was much faster and arrived in the afternoon.

At this time, Higaki City was crowded with people. After all, the annual Higaki Conference was about to begin, and the Four Heavenly Kings and Adek could be seen here.

When they arrived in Higaki City, everyone went to the Pokémon Center to register as soon as possible, and Ning Hao was quite special. He had nine badges, but it didn't affect it.

Later, Xiaozhi's rivals also arrived one after another, such as Xiudi, Kenyon, Bailu and Bajiel who had just left.

After completing the registration, the group headed towards the contestants' dormitory. Only Sirona was not a contestant, but she was invited as a guest, so she had another place to live.

However, on the way, Xiaozhi saw a tent and a Riolu, and he always felt that the scene was a little familiar.

Tiantong and Alice were the same.

Finally, the three looked at each other and said, "Could this be that guy?"

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