The two of them were very excited, and the two of them were very excited.

At this time, the person who came out of the tent confirmed their thoughts.

"Xiao Che!" Xiao Zhi walked forward happily.

After some communication, Xiao Zhi hurriedly pulled Hu Che to the Pokémon Center!

With the accommodation of Miss Joy, Hu Che successfully signed up.

After successfully signing up, Xiao Zhi and Hu Che naturally came to the dormitory provided by the conference. Shirona had left long ago and joined the top leaders of the United Alliance.

The competition will start tomorrow, so everyone rested early.

In the evening, Ning Hao returned to Pallet Town to pick up Hanako and let Hanako stay with Shirona.


The next day.

Early in the morning, Ning Hao and others arrived at the competition venue.

The opening ceremony was different from the previous one. The host Zhu Guang jumped from the helicopter.

This scene naturally scared everyone present, but as Zhu Guang opened the parachute, everyone calmed down.

With the help of the parachute, Zhu Guang successfully landed on the stage.

"The United Alliance's Higaki Conference has finally opened. I am the host Zhu Guang!" The passionate speech directly led the atmosphere on the scene!

"Now, please look at the holy flame platform! The holy flame lighting ceremony will be completed by Miss Junsha from Higaki City!"

Everyone looked and saw Miss Junsha holding a torch to light the holy flame platform! This also means that the Higaki Conference has begun!

"Next, there will be a preliminaries, and the successful winners will enter the official competition!"

"And only one Pokémon can be used in the preliminaries!"

"Now everyone, please look at the big screen! Now the selected battle combination will be announced!"

Ning Hao's opponent is an opponent he has never seen before, and Xiaozhi's opponent is naturally Xiudi!

And Xiaozhi naturally ignited the war!

At this time, Adek, Shirona, Hanako and the four kings of the United Alliance in the VIP seats were chatting enthusiastically, and Victini and other mythical beasts were naturally following Shirona.

As for the champion of the conference, they all agreed that it was Ning Hao. After all, his strength was there, so they simply guessed the runner-up of the competition.

Ning Hao on the competition stage naturally advanced easily. The opponent was quite strong. If he hadn't met Ning Hao in the first round, it would be estimated that he would be able to enter the top 16.

As soon as Ning Hao's Attachment Cloud appeared, it attracted the attention of the scene. After all, the Attachment Cloud has never appeared.

Even if the trainers present took out the illustrated book to scan, there was no record of it. This also made the contestants and non-contestants cheer up.

As for the match between Xiaozhi and Xiudi, Xiaozhi naturally won, even though Pikachu's electric attribute was restrained by the Monarch Snake.

The preliminaries ended soon, and the list of participants for the official competition was also released.

However, the official competition will be held the next day, and everyone returned to the dormitory to celebrate. Only Xiaozhi was worried about Xiudi's situation and ran to say goodbye to Xiudi.

In the first round of the preliminary competition, Bailu played against Kotetsu and left the stage with regret. Xiaozhi and Ning Hao naturally won all the way.

In the third round, Xiaozhi also defeated Kenyon.

At this time, there were only eight people left on the field, Xiaozhi, Bajiel, Kotetsu, Dino, Lixiong, Xiaochun, Anthony and Ning Hao.

In the third round, Ning Hao faced the original top eight player Yutaro and eliminated him.

The list of the fourth round of matches has also been released. Just like the original work, Xiaozhi vs Kotetsu, and Ning Hao's opponent is Lixiong.

Ning Hao's game is naturally no suspense, after all, the only Pokémon he has now is the cloud of attachment that makes everyone present curious.

Even in the battle with Black Malixiong, Ning Hao's Attachment Cloud overwhelmed the opponent and successfully defeated six. Except for Darko in the Lily of the Valley Conference, no one could defeat six in a 6v6 match in the League Conference.

Ning Hao's game was not suspenseful, but Xiaozhi's game was full of suspense. Even if he was with Xiaozhi every day, Ning Hao didn't know how strong Xiaozhi was. After all, his strength limit was related to whether Pikachu was an actor.

Soon, Xiaozhi and Kotetsu's game began.

"Come out, Three-Headed Dragon!"

"Come out, Pang Yanguai!" Unlike the original, Xiaozhi's Mantle Rock has evolved into Pang Yanguai.

"Three-Headed Dragon uses triple attack!"


But how could Pang Yanguai's speed avoid the attack of the Three-Headed Dragon? However, Pang Yanguai's defense is much stronger than that of Mantle Rock, and it is only slightly injured after taking the triple attack.

"Three-Headed Dragon continues to use Dragon Wave!"

The Dragon Wave of the Three-Headed Dragon hit the Rock Monster again!

"Rock Monster uses Rock Crit!"

"Three-Headed Dragon, get out of the way."

The Three-Headed Dragon easily avoided the five consecutive Rock Crits, but Xiaozhi also took the opportunity to let Rock Monster use Rock Crushing to hit the Three-Headed Dragon!

"Three-Headed Dragon uses Dragon Dive!"

"Rock Monster uses Harden!"

At this time, the attack of the Three-Headed Dragon worked and knocked Rock Monster away, but the terrifying hardness of Rock Monster also caused the Three-Headed Dragon to suffer some backlash!

"Three-Headed Dragon continues to use Triple Attack!"

"Rock Monster uses Cannon Beam!"

But unfortunately, the special attack of Rock Monster is still much weaker than that of the Three-Headed Dragon, and the Cannon Beam was directly offset! And Rock Monster was also knocked away.

"Three-Headed Dragon uses Dragon Wave!"

"Granite, use Stone Attack!"

Three-Headed Dragon, which was gathering Dragon Wave, was hit by Stone Attack before it could react! However, Granite was also knocked away by Dragon Wave again.

"Granite uses Brute Force!"

"Three-Headed Dragon uses Dragon Dive!"

The collision of the two Pokémon set off a sandstorm! But Ning Hao already knew that the two Pokémon would perish together.

Sure enough, the sandstorm dissipated, and both Pokémon lost their combat effectiveness, but this time Xiaozhi was lucky. The rock attack just now hit the Three-Headed Dragon well, causing Brute Force to perish with it.

"Come back Three-Headed Dragon, come on Nut Dumbbell!"

"Come back Granite, come on Fried Pig!" Xiaozhi did not let Water Otter go on the court first. After all, before the game, Ning Hao taught him a lesson and told him not to be a master of reverse attributes!

"Nut Dumbbell uses Metal Claw!"

"Chaochao Pig dodges and uses Jet Flame!"

But Nut Dumbbell also avoided Chaochao Pig's attack!

"Nut Dumbbell uses Missile Needle!"

This time Chaochao Pig was not so lucky and was hit directly! However, the power was not high and the insect attribute did not cause much damage to Chaochao Pig, which made it easy to withstand this attack!

"Chaochao Pig uses Jet Flame again!"

Before Nut Dumbbell could react, Jet Flame had already hit it!

"Chaochao Pig uses Flash Charge!"

Chaochao Pig flew towards Nut Dumbbell in flames, like a cannonball, so fast that it could not dodge!

And this attack also successfully made Nut Dumbbell lose its combat effectiveness!

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