Not enough Luo Yi's heart is still very happy, the stronger the strength of Sweet and Sweet Nas, the happier he is of course.

In this battle, Luo has won again and again!

However, although Luo Yi was victorious, he didn't have the embarrassment to disturb Adam at this time, because now Adam, looking at Minas, who had turned into a stone, seemed to have lost his soul.

"Okay Minas, let's change Mr. Adam's Minas back to its original state."

Sweetness Nas heard the words, and suddenly called out softly. Immediately, the color of the petrified Minas on the opposite side began to become normal, and then regained its vitality and vitality.

However, the revived Minas, looking at the sweet and sweet Nas eyes, was no longer addicted, but deeply feared.

The feeling of turning into a stone just now is really terrifying!

Without waiting for Adam to put it away, Minas himself returned to the Poké Ball, daring not to meet Sweet and Sweet Nas again.

At this time, Adam also recovered from the lost state just now, but Luo Yi saw that his eyes were bloodshot.

"Impossible! How can your elves be so powerful! How long have you been a trainer, I don't believe it!"

Adam was about to go crazy. He shouted at Luo. The two battles that happened on this day almost made him doubt his life.

No, he is already doubting life!

"I'm going to fight your Pikachu!!"

Adam seemed to have countless bad breaths in his heart and wanted to vent, and reached out to Luo Yi's shoulder, where Pikachu was looking at Adam innocently.

"I'm going to challenge your Pikachu! I must win against you! I don't believe that every one of your spirits is so powerful! It's this Pikachu!"

Adam no longer cares about demeanor and the like, and now there is only one thought in his heart, that is to win!

In his opinion, no matter how strong Luo Yi is at training elves, a very ordinary elves like Pikachu can't have such a powerful strength.

Adam believed his own guess in his heart, otherwise Luo Yi would not let Pikachu play with that tyrannical carp dragon at first.

Wanting to understand this, Adam's tone became stronger, and he said loudly: "Luo Yi, I'm going to fight your Pikachu!"

"If I lose, I will give you the badge!"

Hearing Adam's words, everyone's eyes focused on Pikachu on Luo Yi's shoulder.

At this time, Pikachu, with an innocent and cute face, was looking for where to play with Xiao Shuijun at night. Suddenly, he heard someone shouting his name, and everyone's eyes were focused on him, and he was a little confused. force.


Pikachu was stunned, his attention was completely absent from the field just now, and he suddenly showed an inexplicable expression.

Seeing Pikachu's appearance, Adam was even more certain in his heart. This Pikachu was used by Luo Yi as a pet, and he has no strength at all. Now he can't even figure out the situation. If he challenges it himself, he will definitely win!

He is afraid now, Luo Yi will not agree!

However, Luo Yi smiled, patted Pikachu's head, and said, "Pikachu, the uncle on the opposite side said that he wants to have a battle with you, how about it, are you interested?"

Pikachu suddenly showed a stunned expression. Thinking of Adam smiling sweetly, he jumped off Luo Yi's shoulder and came to the battlefield.

Adam was pleasantly surprised, and immediately released his fourth elf, the love fish!

At this time, Adam's excitement could hardly be restrained. He had to defeat Luo Yi once, but Adam didn't realize that in the audience, Xiaoyao and Shirona had strange expressions on their faces.

"He actually chose Pikachu!" Xiaoyao said.

"Yeah, I hope his mind can stabilize for a while." Shirona said.

"It's still stable. It's no longer stable now. I'm afraid it's better not to collapse for a while."

"The poor owner of the Liuli Gym, met a guy like Luo Yi, alas."

The two girls discussed, but their eyes did not leave the field at all.


A minute later, Adam was in tears and sat on the ground, his eyes full of despair.

How can a Pikachu be so powerful! ?

Chapter 176 The Eighth Devil Fruit!

"I'm going to fight your Pikachu!" Adam shouted, choosing himself as an opponent he would definitely win.

However, a minute later, Adam was in tears and sat on the ground, doubting life.

Why can a Pikachu be so powerful?

Opposite Adam, Luo Yi looked at Adam's desperate look, and couldn't help showing an embarrassed smile.

Just a minute ago, Adam released his love fish, ready to fight against Luo Yi's Pikachu, but Pikachu just waved lightly, and a bolt of lightning smashed through the roof and landed on the love fish~.

Love fish, hit the street on the spot!

Adam looked at the love fish fluttering on the street, and the big hole in the roof made by lightning, and finally understood that this harmless Pikachu in front of him was actually so awesome.


Pikachu, who killed the opponent in seconds, happily returned to Luo Yi's shoulder, very cute.

Luo Yi patted Pikachu. Since then, although according to the rules, Adam still has a chance to shoot a elf, it is obvious that Adam has completely lost his fighting spirit.

Luo Yi stood on the opposite platform, waiting for Adam to recover from despair and challenge his own Pikachu. It can only be said that Adam's eyesight needs to be exercised.

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