But without making Luo Yi wait too long, Adam had already stood up from the ground and put away his love fish at the same time.

Adam lost a long breath, calmed down his mood seriously, then raised his head and looked at Luo Yi, his eyes were very strange.

At this time, Adam has completely understood that the reason for such a situation today is not that his strength is too bad, but that Luo Yi is really too strong!

Each of his elves cannot be measured by common sense. Those who are not mentally prepared in advance are likely to suffer a big downfall.

Just like him today.

There was no despair in Adam's eyes, and after recognizing the facts, he was completely convinced.

Luo Yi's strength is invincible!

Adam stared at Luo Yi, and it was almost certain that Luo Yi would be the champion in this year's League Championship!

"Your strength is really strong. I have never seen a trainer as strong as you!" Adam said, no longer feeling aloof, but amazed and admired.

As the owner of the gym, he has a deeper understanding of the strength of trainers. Luo Yi has already stood at the top of the Fengyuan Continent just by virtue of the three elves that Luo Yi showed.

Adam believes that Luo Yi must not only have these three elves, but the remaining elves must be equally powerful!

Looking at Luo Yi, Adam's eyes showed anticipation. The league tournament has only started a few days ago, and he really wanted to see Luo Yi appear in the league tournament to hang and beat all trainers.

What kind of popular candidate to win the championship, the default champion, after meeting Luo Yi, must kneel!

"I'm really curious, why you are so powerful, but I haven't heard of it before, and I haven't seen your name in the predicted winner of Fengyuan Daily." Adam expressed the doubts in his heart.

Hearing Adam's words, Luo Yi smiled mysteriously and said, "Maybe it's because I've been working in some ruins and isolated islands before, but all of you eight museum owners know me."

Adam was speechless. Not only did he know Luo Yi, but he was afraid that he would never forget Luo Yi for the rest of his life.

He felt that the other pavilion owners should feel the same as him. How could they forget about a pervert like Luo Yi.

"No more fighting. Although there is still one elf who has not played, let's forget it. The impact today was too great." Adam said.

Luo Yi was a little regretful. He finally met a sparring player who was quite acceptable, but he was beaten and didn't want to fight with him again.

But Luo Yi couldn't force it. He got off the opposite platform and took over the badge in Adam's hand. Since then, Luo Yi's eight badges have all been collected.

"If nothing else happens, I'll keep an eye on the league tournament!" Adam said, "I just don't know if just one league tournament will allow you to use your full strength."


Adam, who had said goodbye to Luo Yi, left the Liuli City Gym. Xiaoyao and Shirona followed Luo Yi, and they were in a good mood.

Watching Adam's reaction just now, the two girls almost laughed out loud. Now Adam's various expressions are still lingering in his head, and he has the potential to make expression packs.

"Lvling City... There is no news about the people of Meteor from Yundun's side. If you don't have any clues, it is really difficult to find someone who can summon the Rift Seat."

"Let's sign up first."

With a decision made in his heart, Luo Yi immediately released the fast dragon, and the two girls came to the back of the fast dragon, and went to Caiyou City, the final location of the league championship.

During the journey, Luo Yi put the crystal ball that could control Groudon that he had obtained, and put it in the space where the system was located, completely isolating the breath of the crystal ball.

You must know that Groudon is sleeping under the island where Caiyou City is located. If Luo Yi just got close to Caiyou City, Groudon would have a feeling in his heart and wake up from his slumber, it would be very lively!


"The space of the system has to be wasted to maintain points, which is really a bit of a fool!"

Luo Yi checked the things he had stored in the system space, the huge Poké Ball, the crystal ball that controlled Groudon, and all kinds of messy daily necessities.

Don't look at the relatively few things in Luo Yi's backpacks, but Luo Yi and three people have everything they need, whether they are camping in the wild or all kinds of daily necessities, and they are all placed in Luo Yi's system space.

However, the system space is convenient to use, but the only disadvantage is that the more things Luo Yi places, the more points he needs to consume.

Although Luo Yi's current points are no longer a problem to exchange for a few Devil Fruits, Luo Yi is still a little distressed when it is consumed like this.

"We must find a way to solve this problem!"

Luo Yi thought in his heart, and suddenly a light flashed in his head, thinking of a magical devil fruit!

This devil fruit can just solve Luo Yi's problem!

Not only that, the ability of this fruit is of great help to Luo Yi in all aspects!

Luo Yi said nothing, directly communicated with the system and exchanged this fruit!

Fortress Fruit! !

The person or elf who eats the fruit is like a huge castle inside the body, and can shrink all kinds of things into their own body!

Home travel, must-have fruit for killing people!

Chapter 177 The Fruit of the Fortified City and...

The Devil Fruit that Luo Yi replaced with points from the system is the Fruit of the Fortress!

The Devil Fruit used by Capone Becky, the pirate who wanted to assassinate the aunt of the Four Emperors!

After eating this fruit, the inside of the body will become a castle, and you can shrink anything into your body, whether it is a thing or a living thing.

Moreover, the structure of the castle in the body can be changed arbitrarily, no matter how luxurious or strange the castle, as long as you want it, you can transform it out.

It's a great tool for home travel!

Not only that, but this fruit also has super defensive ability, and those with the ability can turn themselves into a solid castle to resist the attacks of others.

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