
The thick whip composed of the burning fox tail pulled towards the platypus body without pity, and the severe pain and burning stimulated the platypus, causing it to make a miserable scream.

"The platypus, run out! Left and left! Oh, why are you so stupid!"

Seeing the platypus beast being whipped, Jing Xiu was so anxious that she could not wait to go in and pull the platypus out.

However, only the platypus can understand its own suffering.

Whether it wants to break out in the direction of the nine tails in front of it, or flee in which direction, the long fox tails connected by a dozen fox tails and attached to the flames seem to have eyes, and they can always move in the direction of their actions. Stop it one step ahead and let all its thoughts be ruined.

"Okay... what a powerful nine tails, what a powerful move!"

"It's just... Luo Yi's Pokémon, none of them are simple."

First, the giant gold monster and Pikachu, who were brilliant in the league championship, and then the volcano hotel, stopped the Rumble Stone Group with one block and a group of spirits, and defeated the Rumble Rock.

Now, it's a nine-tailed body that seems to possess mysterious power. It doesn't matter if it can grow wings, and it can also unleash such weird moves. It's really... too strong!

The two looked at Luo Yi who was not far away, and their eyes were full of admiration.

"Luo Yi deserves to be my idol, invincible!"

"I adore him a little bit now...I don't know where he caught such a strange Pokémon."


"The victory is decided."

Luo Yi said calmly.

From the very beginning of the battle, Luo Yi saw the defeat of the platypus, which was an established fact.

After all, Luo Yi's nine tails, before he ate Huahua fruit, was firmly above the platypus.

Now that Luo Yi's nine tails have eaten Huahua fruit, the improvement in combat power is not a star and a half, and the battle scene at this time fully illustrates this point.

Knowing that the duck-billed flame beast has no strength to escape Jiuwei's control, Luo Yi's indifferent sentence put an end to this battle.

As if to confirm Luo Yi's words, the platypus flaming beast finally exhausted its physical strength in the flurry of foxtails. It was knocked flying by the combined force of the two long foxtails, and fell out from a distance, unconscious.

"Duck-billed flame beast..."

Jing Xiu watched this scene in disbelief, and slumped on the ground.

He didn't know how much he paid for this platypus.

In the end, I didn't expect that the platypus flame beast, which had been regarded as a treasure by him, was easily defeated by the nine tails he looked down on!

Jing Xiu felt that the sky was falling, her eyes dimmed, and her arrogance was gone.

"You seem to be deliberately making me laugh, do you want to say that this duck-billed flame beast is your arrogant capital?"

Luo Yi walked forward slowly, looking at the decadent Jing Xiu with disdain.

Luo Yi didn't know where Jing Xiu's confidence came from. With an unusual to unusual platypus, he challenged himself?Also said that Nine Tails is a trash Pokémon?

I really don't know if this Jingxiu's brain is broken, and he actually thinks that such an ordinary platypus can cause a volcano to erupt.

What a touching IQ to have such a ridiculous idea?

"Speaking of which, what did you say to me just now?"

Luo Yi leaned down and looked at the fearful Jing Xiu with interest.

"I...I didn't say anything..."

Jing Xiu shrank his neck, this wretched appearance almost made Luo Yi wonder if the person in front of him was Jing Xiu who was arrogant and rude to him just now.

"Huh? Didn't say anything? Didn't you say you want me to bow to you and be your little brother?"

Luo Yi had a gentle smile on his face.

But in Jing Xiu's eyes, Luo Yi's smiling face was as terrifying as a terrifying demon.

"Big, big brother, I was wrong..."

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, but Jing Xiu gritted his teeth and called Luo Yi the eldest brother.

Jing Xiu's big brother almost made Luo Yi laugh out loud.

"Let me think about it, you seem to be saying something, nine tails is a garbage Pokémon?"

Luo Yizheng said, Jiuwei also walked up gracefully, a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

Then, an off-white fox tail emerged from Xiong's mouth in Jing Xiu's terrified eyes.


With a crisp sound, Foxtail slapped Jing Xiu loudly.

"No, no, nine-tailed is not a trash Pokémon. Nine-tailed is the most beautiful, most temperamental Pokémon in the world, and the strongest!"

Jing Xiu's face was flattering, even if his face was reddened by the fox tail, it didn't affect his maintaining a flattering expression.

Only then did Jiuwei show a satisfied smile and take the foxtail back.

At this moment, two other teenagers suddenly rushed over to Luo Yi at high speed.

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