If it wasn't for seeing that the two of them were not malicious, Luo Yi would have let the Nine-Tails send them straight away.

"Luo Yi! I adore you so much!"

"You are killing harm for the people! This Jingxiu is not human at all!"

"That's right, he forced us..."

The two gathered around, spitting bitter water in Luo Yi like a grudge, and the speed of speaking like a rap master made Luo Yi stunned for a while.

However, Luo Yi immediately reacted, smiled faintly, and said nothing.

However, Jing Xiu, who was defeated at this time, looked at Luo Yi and those two people with hatred.

These three goddamn boys!

Damn, it must be that the platypus's injury has not fully recovered, otherwise how could it be defeated so easily!

When I go to the elf center and fully restore them, see if I don't settle today's accounts!

Jing Xiu lowered his head, thinking viciously in his heart how to get back on the scene.

At this time, several people felt the ground suddenly vibrate violently at the same time!

This is? !

earthquake? !

No, the volcano is about to erupt again!

Luo Yi and the other three teenagers realized this at the same time.

Realizing that the volcano was about to erupt, Luo Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he subconsciously looked at the location of the crater.

As for Jingxiu, because of the sudden earthquake, her whole body was shaken, her eyes lit up, and she felt that her backbone was back!

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Jing Xiu stood up steadily following the rhythm of the earthquake. He had never felt so excited and relieved at this time!

"You are finished! Let you dare to offend me, my platypus has a violent temper, and I will tell you! Do you feel it! This earthquake is caused by my platypus's anger!!!"

Jing Xiu even forgot to take a look at his own platypus, so he laughed wildly, and his previous arrogance reappeared.

Unscrupulously, he swept his fierce gaze over Luo Yi and the other two teenagers one by one, as if he was contemplating how to teach Luo Yi and others a lesson in turn.

Hearing Jing Xiu's sudden mad shouting, Luo Yi was stunned for a moment, then glanced at the platypus beast that had just been defeated by Nine Tails.

The platypus was lying on the ground dazedly, and the saliva flowed out.

The platypus flaming beast is still in the street.

Luo looked at Jing Xiu, and the meaning in his eyes was obvious.

I'm afraid this person is not a fool...

At this time, Jing Xiu also found that Luo looked at his eyes as if something was wrong.

There is no fear and fear that should exist, but looking at myself is like watching...


Jing Xiu, who noticed something was extremely wrong, couldn't help but look at his biggest support, and looked at the place where the duck-billed flame beast was...

Chapter 232 Divine Beast, Groudon!

Jing Xiu, who noticed something was extremely wrong, couldn't help but look at his biggest support, and looked at the place where the duck-billed flame beast was...

He saw... a platypus beast lying quietly on the ground, not moving at all...

In the state of the duck-billed flame beast, rush to the street!

Jing Xiu was in a cold sweat, forced to pretend to go out, but you got up!

Jing Xiu was dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded.

Luo Yi sneered: "I heard - you are still a grumpy?"

"I used to have a bad temper, but now, I won't beat people."

As if feeling Luo Yi's mood, the nine tails on one side immediately activated the ability of Huahua Fruit, and two tails suddenly grew on Jingxiu's shoulders, bowing to Jingxiu's face left and right.

Suddenly there was a crisp applause.

Two minutes later, Jing Xiu knelt on the ground with a red and swollen face, already beginning to doubt life.

The volcano is about to erupt, and Jingxiu has no reason to stay here any longer. Xirona and Xiaoyao are still in the camp.

Although this earthquake was not huge, it would definitely wake them up. If they saw that the volcano was about to erupt and found that they were not in the camp, they didn't know how anxious they should be.

But at this moment, the person who had been forced by Jing Xiu to find the elf for him at the beginning also followed Luo Yi.

After Luo Yi took two steps, he stopped, turned to look at them and said:

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of walking with people."

Luo Yi's face was expressionless.

The two looked at each other, and immediately realized that their little thoughts had been seen through.

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