They thought about following Luo Yi and picking up some bargains.

But now, it was obvious that Luo Yi didn't want to go with them, and they didn't want to upset a powerful trainer like Luo Yi, so they could only go in another direction.


The sense of vibration under my feet became stronger and stronger. There were panic sounds of flying-type Pokémon fleeing the volcano everywhere in the sky, and the ground mountains were also frightened Pokémon from everywhere. From time to time, prominent mountains were shaken and shattered and fell, which intensified. A sense of panic spread around the volcano.

Luo Yi knew that this was a harbinger of Groudon's imminent awakening, and the speed of his feet increased a little.

According to his memory when he came all the way, Luo Yi hurried along the road.

A few minutes later, the temporary camp finally appeared in Luo Yi's sight.

When Luo Yi disappeared and realized that the volcano was about to erupt, Xirona and Xiaoyao looked around anxiously, and Luo Yi saw it, and immediately felt a little warm.

They really do care about themselves.

After seeing Luo Yi's figure emerge from the jungle, Xirona and Xiaoyao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where have you been? I'm so worried."

"Don't tell us about it when you go out, let's worry about it for nothing, hate it."

Only then did Luo Yi realize that Shirona's eyes were all red, and Xiaoyao had even burst into tears, and the crystal tears were swirling in her eyes.

Although Luo Yi wanted to appease them first, the current situation was urgent. The closer the volcano erupted, the greater the threat. The most important thing was to let Xirona and Xiaoyao avoid them first.

"Uh, let's not talk about this, the volcano is about to erupt, let's leave this area first."

Xirona and Xiaoyao also know that the current situation is not optimistic. If they stay here, they will face the devastating blow of the terrifying volcanic eruption, so they naturally have no objection.


"The volcano erupted again! Everyone, run!"

"What are you afraid of, we are so far away, at most, some volcanic ash will fall, so what's the panic."

"This time it seems to be more violent, and it doesn't seem to be the same as yesterday..."

"Isn't this hotel saying that it can be built without fear of volcanic eruptions?"

"This kind of thing is only believed by a fool, but I don't think it is necessary to run."

The hotel where Luo Yi stayed before was thrown into chaos by the volcanic eruption, but due to the experience of the volcanic eruption yesterday, most people still behaved very calmly.

The same is true for the people in Caiyou City. Most people think that this volcanic eruption, like yesterday's, will not pose a threat to them.

However, their illusions were soon shattered!

Because this time, it is Groudon who has truly awakened!

oh! !

In the sky, in the direction of the volcanic crater, there was a sudden loud noise, and everyone felt the ground under their feet suddenly shake.

With this change, whether people were frolicking, trying to escape, or doing other work, they were all stunned in place.

All the people in the house ran out of the house one after another, all staring at the lava that spewed out of the crater!

After a brief, deadly silence, the hotel under the volcano was plunged into chaos.

"Fuck, run, the volcano erupted!"

"Check out, check out! I want to check out!"

"Our manager said that we are not afraid of a volcanic eruption!"

"Are you blind? Look there, he's already running away!"

The intensity of the volcanic eruption this time is obviously not comparable to yesterday, and the hotel under the volcano where they are located bears the brunt of the volcanic eruption.

0 …………

Even the hotel manager, who swore before that the hotel was not afraid of a volcanic eruption, ran away without even looking back. How could they still have the courage to take risks.

Immediately, the originally bustling hotel suddenly went to the empty building and quickly fell into a dead silence.


On the other side, Caiyou City, like yesterday, fell into chaos again.

Because the volcanic eruption this time was too loud, they all had a sense of the imminent end of the world, so even if they were far away from the volcano, they could not help but be occupied by fear.

Even if there are law enforcement officers or volunteers like Junsha who want to maintain order, Caiyou City has just held an alliance tournament and there are so many tourists, how can they control it.

The people of Caiyou City are in a state of panic, wishing they had longer legs to run.

At this time, the person who observed the volcano with a telescope seemed to notice something and was surprised.

"Look! There seems to be a huge object emerging from the top of the volcano!"

His voice, drowned in the noise of the chaotic people, did not cause the slightest disturbance.

However, at the same time, Luo Yi, who had been observing the crater in the airspace near the volcano, seemed to have noticed something, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a smile of excitement and anticipation.

"Gulado, you're finally awake!"

Chapter 233 Panic and Greed!

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