The two of them were so excited that they were so excited.

Hupa: "Are you scared?"

"So awesome!"

Celebi looked at Hupa with admiration. How should I put it? Lord Hupa has always claimed to be the most powerful under Ye Xuan.

Although I don't know where Hupa's mysterious confidence comes from.

Ye Xuan doesn't remember Hupa having any contact with Liang Jingru, but Hupa's presence is so strong that even Ye Xuan can't do anything about it: "Okay, there's another new companion. Don't watch Celebi for now."

"There's another new companion?" Jirachi and Manaphy looked at each other.

Manaphy spread her hands helplessly: "Alas, the status of the homeland is reduced by one."

"Same as reduced by one."

Jirachi and Manaphy are sisters in distress. Both are weak girls with low combat power (compared to the legends) but do not like fighting very much.


Dianxi didn't quite understand: "If there are newcomers, shouldn't their status be increased by one?"

"Dianxi still doesn't understand."

Jirachi said like a little adult: "Except for us, everyone under Xuan is already a big boss!"

"Uh..." Diancie: "Although I don't understand, I feel that Jirachi, your words are so powerful!"

"Anyway, if we, the phantom elves, want to avoid being eliminated, we can only work hard..."

"Become stronger?"

After Diancie finished speaking, she was despised by Manaphy and Jirachi: "Of course, I tried my best to be cute!!"

Of course, after the two little guys finished speaking, Diancie showed a distressed expression. She thought about it and said, "But Diancie thinks that if we have to fight, Diancie will be more powerful after super evolution."

Manaphy: "..."

Jirachi: "..."

"Dianncie, you traitor!"

"Have you finally betrayed the revolution!"

"Oh, you should quit the group, Diancie," Jirachi covered his abdomen, I don't know if it's heartache or stomachache: "You are already an elf who can talk and laugh with the big guys. If you stay with us, you will only become more and more insignificant!"

Dianxi covered her mouth and laughed: "Jirachi's words are so fun."


Celebi found Manaphy, Jirachi and Diancie who were about the same size as her, and flew over happily: "You are the same age as me, I am Celebi, can you be my friend?"

"I am Manaphy."

"Jirachi's words."

"Nice to meet you, I am Diancie," Diancie weighed her skirt and saluted: "Nice to meet you, let's get along well in the future."


Celebi looked at Diancie: "You are so shiny, like a gem, so beautiful."

"Ah, thank you for your compliment," Diancie: "I was originally called the Diamond Princess."


"Although I don't know what that is," Celebi: "But it feels so awesome!"

Okay, okay.

Manaphy and Jirachi looked at each other, thinking that this was another newbie who was exposed by the boss.

Newbie, have you not realized your position in the homeland?

Please open your eyes and look at those burly, strong, and powerful elves. They are the main force under Xuan, and we are just the spectators who shout 666 on the side!


"Ah meow."


"It hurts."

Ye Xuan flicked Jirachi and Manaphy's foreheads respectively: "Don't lead the new companions astray."

And what the hell is that Ah Meow?

Jirachi, your cry doesn't sound like this, right?


Gender: Female

Level: 1

Quality: Orange Legend

Celebi's attributes did not surprise Ye Xuan: "Then what's next..."

"Celebi, I have something to ask of you."

"Xuan, do you have anything to tell me? Celebi can only run around, and is useless except for growing grass on the land. She is not good-looking, and her combat ability is basically zero. She has been beaten from beginning to end..."

For some reason, Celebi changed her previous cute style and was shrouded in shadows.

"What the hell is this sudden depression?!!"

Although what Celebi said seemed to be true, in the animation, whenever Celebi appeared, she was basically the one who was "caught".

"This has nothing to do with you, right?"

"Oh, yes, it doesn't matter," Celebi instantly revived with full health: "That's what Celebi's predecessors told me, from their own experience!"

I always feel...

Celebi, her life was pretty miserable...

"There are other people in this world

Celebi? "

"Yes," Celebi said, "We are different from other legendary elves because we can travel through time and space, so basically every time and space has a guardian. As for me, I should be the guardian of this world, right?"

"You are not sure?"

"I don't seem to remember the past very clearly, but Celebi is very sure that I am the guardian of time and space in this world!"

The world where Ye Xuan is located is the earth, and the Celebi of Ye Xuan's family should be the Celebi born on the earth.

"What about the other Celebi?"

"I have seen other Celebi in the time and space tunnel," Celebi said, "They are very nice. They will tell me stories and play with me. Although every time they tell me about their own experience of being caught, playing hide-and-seek, but suddenly running out of the time and space tunnel, they have no game quality at all..."

"Stop, stop! ”

Seeing that Celebi was about to turn evil again, Ye Xuan interrupted her: ‘I feel that my Celebi seems to be a melancholy little girl. By the way, can such a Celebi really treat those berserk elves?’

There will be no side effects, right?!

“I have something here, it’s like this…”

Ye Xuan explained the matter of the berserk elves to Celebi. After listening, Celebi said in an angry tone, which was rare: “Too much! How can it be like this?”

“Xuan, where are those elves? Celebi wants to help them get rid of the painful torture.”

“In the home, in the underground cave, let Diancie take you there.”

“Hupa has a catch!”

At the critical moment, Hoopa once again showed off his own cool operation, and directly opened the halo in the center of these sleeping berserk elves.

“Awesome! "

Sherabi admired Hoopa even more, and was vaguely driven to become Hoopa's little fan girl.


Hoopa: "Hoopa's laolao is invincible! "

Of course, except for being beaten by the Creator God's little brother with a bottle, Hoopa has never lost.

Ye Xuan looked at the halo in front of him, thought about it, and finally decided to go in and take a look. As Ye Xuan stepped into the halo, he entered the home for the first time: 'Can I enter the home?'

Before, Ye Xuan had made many attempts, but he could not really enter the home. He could only create an illusion to play with the elves instead of himself.

But this time, with the help of Hoopa's halo, Ye Xuan really let his entity come in!

'This home is interesting.' Ye Xuan said secretly: 'Hoopa's halo cannot be opened in a non-existent world, which also means that the home should be a real world.'

But saying these is useless now. Ye Xuan is more concerned about whether Celebi can heal these violent elves and restore them to health.

"Celebi, how is the result? "

Celebi was floating above a wind speed dog, examining its body in a way that Ye Xuan didn't know. Soon, Celebi came to the conclusion: "This is no longer a simple loss of life force. Someone seems to have changed the origin of the elves."

Genes are not something that humans know. Elves also know about them, but elves call genes "original".

The elf world was created by the creator god Arceus, and genetically, it is rumored that Mew is the ancestor of all elves, because she has the genes of all elves and can perform all elves' skills.

At the same time, Mew is also one of the only two elves that can use the transformation trick, the other is Ditto.

Because of these legends, many people believe that Mew is the mother of all elves in terms of genes. Although it is not about a specific Mew, the first elf like Mew must have a direct connection with the origin of life and species.

If Arceus is the father of the world, then Mew is the mother of life.


"It's genes," Mewtwo said: "We call genes original. ”


Ye Xuan: “Then what?”

“Original, oh, there is something wrong with the genes. This is not a disease or trauma, but a phenomenon of the collapse of the life structure itself. It cannot be cured by simple treatment,” Celebi said: “So, if you want to save these elves, there is only one way.”

“What way?”

“Reverse time and space!”


Listening to the method Celebi said, Ye Xuan inexplicably felt that Celebi was so great.

“Yeah, the newbie is really amazing.”

“Compared to that, we are useless.”

Jirachi and Manaphy have officially formed an alliance, and in the future they will be the seniors who cheer for the newcomers.

“Leave this to me, Xuan.”


A light green light emanated from her body. She looked at the elves here and said, "I will use individual time reversal on each elf here, and return their bodies to the state before they were transformed!"


Well, Ye Xuan didn't expect Celebi to be so powerful that he could even do such a thing: 'Reversing individual time, Celebi, are you cheating? '

Is Celebi in the original book so powerful?

Maybe, it may be so powerful.

It's just that it didn't work, or, compared to fighting, this is the real use of Celebi!

Then, Celebi enveloped a certain wind speed dog with a strange energy, and the next moment, the wind speed dog's body suddenly changed strangely.

Ye Xuan couldn't explain the specific changes, but he just felt that it was like watching a special effects movie in a movie. It seemed that the hair on the wind speed dog became shorter, and it seemed to be shorter first and then longer. In short, the state of the wind speed dog was constantly changing.


Celebi breathed a sigh of relief. Windy Dog had been reversed by her to the state before it was transformed. Its physical condition had recovered.

[Windy Dog]

Quality: Blue

Status: Healthy

Sure enough, after the scanning of the wave power, Windy Dog's physical condition was no longer the previous collapse, but completely recovered, and it completely turned back into a healthy elf.

"Celebi, can you still hold on?"

"Don't worry, Master. I can control some of the laws of time and space. Although I can't be as unscrupulous as the twin gods of time and space, my energy is also endless."

Celebi can indeed use the power of time and space continuously, but she needs to pause in the middle and cannot use it continuously.

This can be considered as a kind of cooling. Otherwise, if she uses it forcibly, it will probably put a burden on Celebi's body.

"Well, you take care of your body, and then I will pick out the elves with the worst physical condition. There is still a lot of time," Ye Xuan said, "Don't worry, take your time."

"Let's go faster."

Celebi is a very kind elf. Seeing these elves suffer, how could she bear it: "I'm going to speed up, Xuan, please help me."


Ye Xuan did not ask, and directly input the power of Changpan into Celebi's body. At this time, Celebi no longer estimated the burden of the power of time and space on her body. Even if there was damage, it would be restored by the power of Changpan.

Of course, Celebi endured the pain during the period, without frowning...

Because compared with the pain suffered by these elves, her current discomfort was nothing. For this, Ye Xuan saw it in his heart and naturally felt very uncomfortable.

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