The two of them were in a state of confusion.

But just like the understanding and trust between people, Ye Xuan knew that Celebi was doing a great thing, so he just watched silently without persuading her. The only thing he could do was to use the power of Changpan as much as possible to relieve Celebi's pressure.

About half an hour later, the 1,000 or so Pokémons in the worst condition were all cured by Celebi.


Hupa was not idle either. After curing a Pokémon, Hoopa would send it away to prevent it from suddenly waking up.

Of course, Mewtwo, Latias, Gardevoir and the others were all here, and they would perform large-scale hypnosis regularly to ensure that these violent Pokémons were in deep sleep.

After about four hours of treatment, Celebi slowly floated down. Ye Xuan hurried over and hugged her: "Thank you for your hard work, Celebi."


Celebi shook her head: "This is what I should do."

"Celebi is not good at fighting. She is very happy to be able to do this for everyone."

Sure enough, whether it is Celebi or other elves, they are all simple creatures. In comparison, those who use elves as experimental subjects and kill them at will make Ye Xuan hate them even more: 'The laboratory will kill you sooner or later. ’

“Okay, everyone has worked hard. Next, let’s go out.”

Through Hoopa’s halo, Ye Xuan left his home. At the warehouse square, as Ye Xuan appeared, a large group of elves cast their eyes over, and then…

“Hey, hey, hey!”

“What’s going on?”

“Hey! Wait, don’t lick it randomly, it’s itchy, hey, it’s itchy hahahaha…”

The elves’ hearts are pure. Maybe they have been sleeping in their homes for a while, or maybe they can feel in the dark that it is the person in front of them who saved them.

For a while, the elves all had a great liking for Ye Xuan.

In other words, if Ye Xuan is willing, then he can immediately subdue these elves, and they don’t even need to fight, and they will line up for Ye Xuan to subdue.



Ye Xuan called out Mewtwo, and then said in a deep voice: "I'm sorry, you have your own life, and nature is where you should live."

"Mewtwo, let them forget all this," Ye Xuan looked at these elves and said with a little sadness: "Forget these painful memories and start again."

Celebi's time return is not a real return. She has only changed physically, but her memory has not been eliminated too much. In other words, these elves still remember some of the painful memories when they were frenzied.


"What's wrong with Mewtwo?"

"I don't think it's necessary to put them back into nature."

"There can't be so many elves in the home. Although it is huge, it is still not the real world," Ye Xuan said: "And the situation in the home is not stable. If so many people go in at once, I'm afraid..."

"No," Mewtwo said: "The home can't accommodate so many elves, but there is a place that can!"

"There is a place?"

Ye Xuan suddenly thought of a place: "Yes! There! There can be!"

Where is it?

That island, no, that archipelago, the archipelago that was just won from Shakele!

Since it is an archipelago, it must be extremely empty.

"Let me see."

Ye Xuan opened the elf bracelet, then found the map and searched for the Amon Archipelago. Soon, a bird's-eye view of the entire Amon Archipelago appeared in front of Ye Xuan and Chaomeng.

The entire Amon Archipelago consists of a large central island, two medium-sized islands, and sixteen small islands.

But even the small islands are huge, hundreds of kilometers long and tens of kilometers wide.

If it is just for the elves to live, all the archipelagoes combined, it is estimated that millions of elves can survive, and there is no problem.

In comparison, a mere 6,000 elves are just a fraction.


Ye Xuan sighed: "Shakele is not so useless, he can still assist at this time."

Since it is free-range, it doesn't matter where it is released, it's nature, the Amon Archipelago is also fine.

The most important thing is that the quality of the elves here is not low. The worst ones are all blue quality, and there are even ultra-rare purple quality elves. After all, the laboratory needs to be transformed, and the general level can't bear it.

Only high-quality ones can have the ability to sustain life after transformation.

"That's it," Ye Xuan was reluctant to let them go: "I say everyone, are you willing to follow me to my island in the future? There I will not restrict your freedom. You can live freely in the forest, the ocean, and the sky as before."




All kinds of elves told Ye Xuan their answers with their calls. They are willing to live a new life in the territory of their savior.


Ye Xuan felt their mood, so he said to Mewtwo: "Let's start, Mewtwo, use memory cleaning, just clean up the pain."

"Okay, Xuan."

Mewtwo's power is naturally needless to say. When the elves forgot the pain, Ye Xuan asked Hoopa to open the halo and let them all enter their home and live here temporarily. Ye Xuan also decided to set off to the Amon Islands after the matter in Omen was over.

It is not only about releasing these elves, but more importantly, it is to explore the problem of advent and see if we can reversely enter the world of Pokémon through the power of the mythical beasts.

"It's over."

After Ye Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, he set his sights on the system, where there was a task reward for Ye Xuan's successful challenge to the Omen Gym, a brand new legendary Pokémon.

"Do you want to receive it?"

"Receive it!"

A Poké Ball appeared in Ye Xuan's hand again, but this time...


"Hot! Hot!" Ye Xuan suddenly threw away the Poké Ball, then caught it with his left hand, but still couldn't hold it, and threw it up again.

"Let me do it."

Mewtwo used his superpowers to hold the Poké Ball.


On the other side, Ye Xuan shook his hands desperately: "What the hell is this? Why is it so hot?!"

That's right, this Poké Ball was very hot, just like a red-hot iron pan, and almost burned Ye Xuan's hands with blisters.

"The power of Changpan!"

It really blistered!

Ye Xuan quickly gathered the power of Changpan in his palm, and the next moment, the blisters disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye: "What kind of elf is this? Why is it so hot?"



Ye Xuan suddenly thought of several possibilities, and the biggest possibility should be...

"Can't it be?"


Just as Ye Xuan was about to say the name of the elf he guessed, a huge red monster with strange glowing patterns all over its body appeared in front of Ye Xuan.


Almost at the moment when this elf appeared, the temperature in the entire warehouse instantly rose by more than 20 degrees. Even if the temperature control device tried its best to cool it, it had no effect.


The ground, which was originally made of special alloy, was turning red, and a large amount of magma flowed down from the elf and spread in all directions.

"Oh my god!"

Ye Xuan stepped back quickly. He was just one step away from having his feet swallowed by the lava.

Fortunately, Ye Xuan had let the elves enter the home first, otherwise, this wave alone would have seriously injured a large number of elves.


Gender: Female

Level: (Level 1)

Quality: Red Myth

It was her indeed!



Grawdo, who had been standing there like a statue with dull eyes and expressionless face, heard Ye Xuan's voice. She lowered her head and saw Ye Xuan. Then, Groudon's eyes narrowed: "Master."


"Fortunately, it still recognized me."

Ye Xuan was worried that Groudon was not in the right state or had a personality problem and would not recognize him. Now that he saw that Groudon was normal, Ye Xuan was relieved: "Grawdo, please put away your power, it's too hot here."

"Okay, Master."

Grawdo's voice, how to say it, was not manic, but rather a little quiet, just a kind of dazed feeling.

Soon, Groudon withdrew its power, and the surrounding magma turned into a dark earth, no longer eroding the metal ground here.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Gurado walked towards Ye Xuan step by step, but this time, Ye Xuan, who had already used the power of waveguide to feel Groudon's heart, did not lose his composure again, but smiled and raised his hand to touch Groudon's claws.

This time, Ye Xuan did not feel the heat again, but felt a warm feeling: "Welcome to be our companion, Groudon."

"In addition," Ye Xuan: "Just call me Xuan from now on..."


Gurado gave Ye Xuan a feeling, how to say it, a little, stupid?

"Don't stay here, go back to your home, there are

An environment suitable for you. "

The Groudon in front of Ye Xuan was not in its usual state, but in its original return form, with bright patterns on its body.


Ye Xuan took Groudon back into the Poké Ball, then closed his eyes and put his consciousness into it. But before he opened his eyes in his home, a hot current that seemed to melt everything came over him!

"What's going on?"

In his home, Ye Xuan was like a god. He would not be hurt here, and although the Pokémon would be hurt, they would not die, because once they were hurt, they would recover immediately.

"Xuan! Xuan!"

A halo appeared, and Hoopa flew out with Jirachi, Manaphy and Celebi: "Something happened, it's not good."

"What happened?"

"A big monster, a big monster fell into the sea!"


"A red, very big guy."

"Take me there quickly! "

Ye Xuan had never thought that after Groudon entered the home, he did not go to the volcanic environment, but fell into the sea. So, what was the reason?

'Uh, wait, I seem to remember.'

Ye Xuan thought of a possibility: 'I remember that Groudon's existence seems to be to create land, and creating land on the earth, the land area will never change. In other words, if you want to expand the land area, then the best place should be...'


To create land, the best place is of course the ocean!!

So, that is to say!

Kyogre and Groudon are the two overlords in the ancient times in the elf world, the original creators of the sea and the earth.


Ye Xuan: "If these two guys fight, won't the climate of the home be blown up?"

He hurriedly used instant teleportation to rush to the port. At this time, because of Groudon's sudden appearance, the temperature of the sea suddenly rose a lot, and even some glaciers in the home where water and ice elves live have melted.

"Bang! ! "

Kyogre sensed the breath of its natural enemy and rushed out of the ocean. Her appearance caused thick dark clouds to appear in the sky over the entire ocean.

For a moment, the waves rolled, lightning and thunder roared, and in the heavy rain, water-type elves all went to the bottom of the sea, trembling as they watched the confrontation between the two primitive demon gods.


Kyogre entered his primitive form, gently flapping his wings and floating in the air. In front of her, Groudon had forcibly stepped out of a small island where the ocean had originally been.

"What's going on?"

Ye Xuan and Mewtwo were flying in the air: "Mewtwo, if they start fighting later, go and stop them."


Mewtwo's strength is no worse than that of Green Sky. Although the Skybreaker has not yet been obtained, it is estimated that Mewtwo is the only one under Ye Xuan who can stop the two.

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