The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

So, Ye Xuan and Mewtwo watched the confrontation between Kyogre and Groudon, and at this moment, the atmosphere was a little anxious.

At the same time, Kyogre and Groudon's eyes became more and more solemn.

They felt each other, and it was a subconscious cognition written into their bones. They were opponents and lifelong enemies.


Suddenly, Groudon moved, and she raised her hands and made a terrible cry.


Here, Kyogre also raised his body and fought back with a cry without showing any weakness.


"Are you going to fight?"

Ye Xuan and Mewtwo stared at the two giants fighting against each other, but the strange thing is...

Why don't they move?


Grawdo raised his hand again and made an earth-shaking cry.


Kyogre, um...

It can be said that he responded to Groudon loudly.

The scene was a bit awkward for a while.


Ye Xuan felt that he seemed to have misjudged. They didn't seem to be going to fight, so he flew over: "What are you doing, are you saying hello?"

"I don't know Sea Fang."

Grawdo put down his hands, and she showed a surprised look: "New here?"

"I don't know you either," Kyogre also said: "General Groudon (this name is used for other individuals) will attack me frantically when they see me."

"The Sea Fang I met was the same, and they would fight me when they saw me."

Grawdo and Kyogre, what's the saying?

Since ancient times, red and blue have always been a perfect couple!

These two are actually quite pitiful. In the animation, they are basically in a difficult situation.

How to say it?

First of all, the first plot they appeared in was in the animation, Ruby and Sapphire, where they were captured by the Aqua Fleet and the Magma Team, but because they were in a deep sleep, they needed gems to wake them up and control them.

It can be said that the first confrontation between the two elves was completely forced, and they were affected by the ruby ​​and sapphire, and then they started a war.

Later, in the original return plot, the original Kyogre fought against the original Groudon fiercely, but in the end, Super Rayquaza fought one against two and forcibly suppressed it.

So the process of this story is that Kyogre, who finally became stronger, fought with Groudon, who also became stronger, and was finally beaten by the invincible Rayquaza. Both of them left the group. No matter how Ye Xuan thought about it, he felt that they were miserable.

As for the Light Demon God movie, they were just soy sauce characters.

Especially Groudon, the only super beast that can't fly in the entire movie. From beginning to end, except for a few gushes of energy, it has no achievements, and was even accidentally injured by Kyurem.


Ye Xuan suddenly felt that Groudon's overall image really fits her positioning: 'Standing there stupidly and being beaten up. '

"If you don't know each other, it means that you are not from the same world?"

"I don't know."

Kyogre said: "In my memory, the ocean under my leadership is about to submerge the continent. Although there are many Groudons, they are not my opponents..."

"My world..."

Grawod thought for a while and said: "I am the only one. I have never seen the same kind, but there are many big fish that are much smaller than her."

"But those big blue fish are useless except for their large number. I blow up a large number of them with one trick," Groudon proudly raised his head: "I almost covered the whole world with the earth."

Well, it feels like the opposite.



For some reason, after the two Pokémon finished talking about their past, the fighting spirit in their eyes seemed to be stronger.

"So you are very strong?"

"Not bad," Groudon: "It is no problem to blow up the big blue fish."

Kyogre: "..."


Kyogre's laughter is very gentle and kind.

"Spray water!"

Kyogre flapped his wings, and the tsunami-like sea water turned into shells and hit Groudon.


Groudon would naturally not be hurt by such a simple attack, not to mention that this is still home, and any injuries will recover immediately.

"Kyogre, what are you doing?"

"I didn't do anything, I just splashed her with water."


Red fireballs flew from Groudon at a very fast speed.

The fire spurted out of Groudon's mouth like a bomb, and before Kyogre could react, it exploded directly on her head.


"I just sprinkled some sparks on her."

Kyogre was enraged by Groudon, and the originally cloudy ocean was even more turbulent. Of course, Groudon was not to be outdone, raising his hands, and the earth suddenly trembled. At the same time, magma rushed up from the mountains, and the volcanoes in the homeland erupted because of Groudon's power.


Ye Xuan's voice, under the dual blessing of wave power and super power, shocked Kyogre to cover his wings on his head, and Kyogre even made a very stupid and cute action of crouching with his head in his arms.

"You two!"

Ye Xuan: "Today, I must criticize and educate you!"

Afterwards, Ye Xuan used reason and emotion to persuade the two overlords of the primitive era, the great demon kings of the ancient elf world, to explain to them that steel is, ah, the principle of friendly coexistence of elves.

So, twenty minutes later...

Groudon raised his hands: "Meowpas!"


Kyogre flapped his wings.

On the side, Ye Xuan looked at the two big sister-level Pokémon getting along well, and felt very relieved: "Look how good, how cute, how loving this is. Do you have a reason to fight?"

Kyogre: "No."

Grawo: "I don't know."

The next moment, Kyogre and Ye Xuan looked at Groudon together. The latter blinked and said, "Probably not."

"You two have no reason to fight at all. Kyogre, you live in the sea, so go to the deep sea. Groudon lives on land. If you want to develop the land, you can extend underground!"

This is also the choice of Kyogre and Groudon in the animation. In fact, they have no reason to fight. They have always been attracted to one place because of certain factors, and then the battle broke out.

"Okay, don't use that kind of climate-changing field trick in your homeland from now on. Look how scared the other Pokémon are."

Grawo turned around and looked at the Pokémon shivering on the land. She showed an apologetic expression on her face and said in a silly tone: "Oh, I didn't notice it. Sorry."

"Me too. I forgot about it. I shouldn't have done that."

In fact, both Groudon and Kyogre are kind-hearted Pokémon.

In the animation, Groudon also let Pikachu stand on his head to help him stop Kyogre from running away. It can be seen that their nature is not really destructive, but like other Pokémon, they are all simple and gentle creatures.

"You two, get along well, don't make trouble, and don't bully others, especially you, Groudon. I'm very confident in Kyogre, you..."

"Actually, I just took the wrong road."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Watching Groudon turn around stupidly and walk towards the mainland step by step, Ye Xuan's heart was actually a little broken.


As the only mythical beast who walked back in the Hoopa movie, Groudon is simply the shame of the mythical beasts!

Ye Xuan actually wanted to say: 'You should quit the group, Groudon. '

But now, Ye Xuan can't say it, because Groudon has always silently adhered to the bottom line in her heart. No matter when, she will go back to where she came from with her feet on the ground.


Gurgle is very fast. She just found a volcano at random, then jumped into the hot volcano.

That’s right, I just jumped in for no apparent reason.


Ye Xuan said he was a little embarrassed: "Are you sure you are my elf? You didn't ask for my opinion at all!"

"Fell into the magma."

Manaphy flew lightly to the crater, but was forced back by the hot airflow and pungent sulfuric acid: "It's so hot and smelly."

"Everyone jumped in. Does she live in the magma? So amazing."


Hupa pretended again: "Magma or something, if Hoopa wants, he can go in!"


"Hupa is so awesome!"

"Manaphy's home status has been reduced by one again."

"So many elves came in before," Jirachi: "Manaphy, you should be able to add 6,000, right?"

"Manaphy, I am a mythical beast after all, and I can only be a legendary elf."

"But can Hoopa really jump into the magma?" The new Celebi is still a little sweet, she really wants Hoopa to show off: "Can you show it to Celebi?

, Lord Hoopa?"

Hoopa: "..."

"Of course, uh hehe..."

Can Hoopa swim in magma?

It seems impossible, right?



"What's wrong?"

"Is the volcano going to erupt?"


Suddenly, a nearly 20-meter-long behemoth popped out of the crater: "Meowpass!!!"


"The monster jumped out!"

"Run!!!" ”

“Hupa, Hoopa Aura, hurry up!”

Looking at the Manaphy, Jirachi, Hoopa and Celebi who suddenly ran away, Groudon, with his arms raised, was a little confused: ‘Didn’t Xuan say that you can make friends by greeting like this?’


Why did they all run away?

Grawo lowered his head and looked at himself in the magma: ‘Do I look scary?’

Confused, Groudon slowly sank into the magma, probably going to the core of his home.

In this way, Ye Xuan watched the tranquility restored again, and under the influence of the mysterious power, he regained his In the newly revitalized home, he silently counted the legendary elves he owned: "Latias, Articuno, Entei, Steel Pillar, Kyogre, Jirachi, Manaphy, Mewtwo, Hoopa, Diancie, Yveltal, Celebi, Groudon, I have already owned so many legendary elves without realizing it..."

The status of legendary elves actually has no clear definition. Most of them are fan works and some simple classifications made by people based on race values.

"System, orange quality is legendary beast, red quality is super legendary beast, is this how it is divided?"

"Specifically, it depends on the situation."

Rarely, the system gave Ye Xuan a reply, and the explanation it gave was basically in line with Ye Xuan's previous thoughts.

First of all, some legendary elves of fantasy are not classified as legendary beasts.

"Fantasy elves should be special legendary beasts. Although they are also legendary beasts, they are not divided. "

The phantom elves are special beasts, and most of them are not good at fighting, such as Jirachi, Manaphy, Celebi, Diancie, Hoopa, etc., which Ye Xuan already has.

Most of these elves are not particularly outstanding in terms of strength, but they all have very special abilities.

"Jirachi is the elf of the Wishing Star, who can borrow the power of the starry sky to realize people's wishes," Ye Xuan said secretly: "Manaphy is the guardian of the sea, the Prince of Waves, who can calm the sea and the hearts of the elves living in it."

"Celebi travels through time and space, is the guardian of time nodes and branches, and can also revive the earth and save elves."

"Diancie, the Diamond Princess, the guardian of the underground world, can create life red diamonds and establish a special ecosystem underground," Ye Xuan: "If Manaphy is the guardian of the sea, then Diancie is the guardian of the underground world. ”

“As for Hoopa…”

The combat power of the phantom elves is not absolute. For example, Diancie, who can super evolve, and Hoopa, who has a liberated form, are no less powerful than the so-called super beasts (also known as the first-level gods).

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