The two of them were so close that they had to kiss.

Ye Xuan pinched Emilia's snow-white chin and then put his mouth on hers, forcing the girl to close her eyes shyly, becoming weaker and weaker.

In Ye Xuan's heart, Emilia is not the kind of coquettish mature woman, she is a pure girl, and Ye Xuan hopes that she will always be clean and pure in his heart.


However, at this moment, after being touched by Ye Xuan's tenderness, Emilia made a choice.


Shy, afraid, and even failed to do it several times.

But Ye Xuan could feel her feelings. Just as Ye Xuan hoped that she would always be pure, Emilia also wanted to serve Ye Xuan as much as possible, no matter where and in any way.

"Okay, that's enough. You are not good at this."

Ye Xuan gently patted Emilia's hair, then helped her up. Ye Xuan stood up and hugged Emilia: "You must be tired after a hard day. Come on, don't be polite. I will help you take a bath."

Feeling the thief's hand that kept bullying her, Emilia really wanted to say that she had never seen such a shameless person!

"Do you like Alice?"


In the huge hot spring pool, Ye Xuan was a little embarrassed. What kind of problem was this? How old was Alice? At most, she was twelve or thirteen years old. Even in this world, if you attacked such a young child, it would start from three years, and the highest penalty was death penalty!

"I like her, but not that kind of like," Ye Xuan said, "It should be the kind of like for a younger sister."

"Is that so..."

Emilia thought so too, Ye Xuan was not the kind of person who would change his mind: "That child, did you meet Brother Ye on the trip to Fuzhou?"

"I guess so."

Ye Xuan had nothing to hide from Emilia: "Alice came from the world opposite to the Advent, a place called Dragon Country..."

"The world opposite to the Advent?"

Emilia knew about the blackened Articuno before, and she also had some understanding of the mythical beasts from the Advent opposite: "Is there anyone else who can come this way?"

"Does Emilia know Sister Sana?"

"That, the legend of immortality?"

"Her ancestor was called Joey, and he also came from the world opposite to the Advent." Ye Xuan: "He came to this world 200 years ago, during the first Advent."

"Is that so?!"

"It's just that they can come, but once they come, they can't Go back, but before that, I met a person, her name is Hunter J," Ye Xuan said: "I don't know what means she used, but she did return to the world opposite to the landing."

"Really go back? ! ! "


Ye Xuan: "I promised Alice before that I would help her save her hometown."

"Maybe you don't believe this, but there is a, well, it should be said that Alice's world and I have a connection in the previous life." Ye Xuan said: "It's like a dream, I have dreamed of that world countless times."

"So that's it! ! "

"Do you believe it?"

"Of course!"

"You also believe in dreams."

"What's wrong with this?" Emilia said as a matter of course: "This world has all kinds of things. Don't elves have a trick called predicting the future?"

Okay, Ye Xuan was comparing it with the world of his previous life, forgetting that this world has elves and special skills such as superpowers.

"My next destination is Amon Island," Ye Xuan said, "Not only do I want to send the 6,000-plus elves there, but more importantly, I want to explore that fixed landing point."

Emilia had naturally heard about the fixed landing point, but...

"Isn't this too dangerous?"

"Don't worry," Ye Xuan gently held Emilia's soft silver hair and smiled, "Don't worry about my strength. Not to mention the elves, my abilities are also very strong."

This is not just talk.

Ye Xuan's power is not limited to powerful beasts like Mewtwo.

In fact, even if Ye Xuan is only given an ordinary psychic elf, combined with the power of wave penetration, the blessing of psychic power, and the constant recovery of the power of Changpan, plus Ye Xuan's current superhuman reaction and calculation ability, apart from experience, whether in this world or the Pokémon world, there are very few people who can be compared with him, even if they exist.

"Then, can I be a

"Are you going with me?"


Ye Xuan: "I don't know about that either, but I still don't want you to go with me."

"Let's not talk about how I don't know how to get to the other side of the Landing. Just from what I heard from Alice, there has been a collapse of balance there, and there are many blackened beasts. I can't let you take the risk."

"What?" Emilia pouted, showing a rare little girl's expression: "Alice can go too."

"Okay, be good, that's Alice's hometown. Although she is not strong enough, she is an extremely important guide."

That's right, in Ye Xuan's view, Alice is really just a guide now, as for combat power...

Stop it!

After a day of rest, Ye Xuan took Emilia and Alice and said goodbye to the gambling king and Honglian, but Honglian said that she would also participate in the national competition, so there would be a chance to meet then.

"When the time comes, please ask Mr. Ye to test my ability! "

"Okay," Ye Xuan: "But if you lose, don't cry."

"Don't you know this is a polite remark?" Honglian: "Don't let me lose too badly, you monster! !"


Amidst the laughter, Ye Xuan and the other two boarded the Eda, and their destination was Amon Island.

Amon Island is located in the central Pacific Ocean. Because of its important role as a transit point, many safe routes have been opened up by explorers in this world over the years.

However, for safety reasons, Ye Xuan still released Kyogre and asked her to use her power to dispel all possible storms.

Along the way, Ye Xuan and Alice, who were really out to sea for the first time, saw him The magnificent scene they had never seen before.

The countless water spirits in the ocean, the strange islands, and the whirlpools along the way all opened their eyes.

In addition, the most wonderful thing about sailing on the sea is that you can eat the freshest seafood.

Using local ingredients, delicious dishes were served on the plate, making Alice, a little foodie, lie on the chair for more than half an hour before she could barely digest part of it. She staggered on the railing of the boat and blew the sea breeze leisurely.

"How many days will it take to get there, Aimi?"

"I told you not to call me this weird nickname," Emilia lifted her hair, then looked at the virtual map in front of her and said, "We are now in this position. After another change of course, we can reach the Amon Islands."


Emilia: "It will take about a day and a half."

"That means we can still play for a day and a half?! "

Ye Xuan pounded his palm and felt that life was really wonderful.

Emilia: "..."

"By the way, let's have a discussion."


"After arriving on the island," Ye Xuan: "Do you want to..."


Decisive and direct, she didn't give Ye Xuan a chance to say that dirty idea at all.

"I haven't said it yet! !"

"Determined," Emilia crossed her hands in front of her: "Veto! !"


Ye Xuan: "Beach cave play, very loving!"

Emilia stopped talking to Ye Xuan and turned her head away, because she knew that Ye Xuan was just joking and not serious.

'Beach cave...'

Emilia looked back at Ye Xuan who was looking at the sea, her face flushed: 'What am I thinking, I'm not that kind of shameless woman! !'


Emilia heard a sigh: "What's wrong with Alice? ”

“Captain sister.”

“Why are you sighing? Are you unhappy on the Eda?”

“No, no,” Alice: “I’m just a little homesick.”

Emilia’s concept of home is relatively weak, because the Eda is her home. Emilia, who knows about Alice’s hometown, comforted her at this time: “Don’t worry, Alice, Brother Ye is very strong.”


“It’s just that I’m not worried about this now,” Alice: “I’m worried about whether I can go back to Amon Island.”

“I heard Brother Ye say that he met someone who returned from our world to the opposite world,” Emilia: “I think, since she can do it, Brother Ye and you should have no problem. "

The key is to find the right way.

Afterwards, after more than a day's voyage, Ye Xuan brought Emilia and Alice to the Amon Islands.

"This place," Ye Xuan looked at the endless forest and rolling mountains at the bow. It was hard to imagine that this was just an island: "It's really big."

Although he had heard about it before, Ye Xuan still saw the natural scenery of Amon with his own eyes.

I couldn't help but sigh: "Good place, here, it's very suitable for elves to survive."

Without hesitation, Ye Xuan found a quiet place, released all 6,000 elves in his home, and told them through the power of Changpan that this would be Ye Xuan's territory in the future. They lived here just like they were in Ye Xuan's home, so they didn't need to feel burdened.

After all, after these days of getting along, these elves actually regarded Ye Xuan as their trainer.

At this time, hearing that Ye Xuan did not intend to abandon them, but let them live in his territory, it was no different from being fostered at home.

The elves accepted it happily, and then happily went to the island to find a home suitable for their survival.

"Okay, next, it's our business."

There are regular arrivals in the Amon Islands, and this matter has been circulated in many places.

So this place is like a military stronghold, attracting much attention, and many people want to take this place for themselves.

Of course, it is not just the Amon Islands that are so attractive. There are similar areas in other places around the world, and they are almost all controlled by the bigwigs in this world.

It can be said that Shakeley made a bet on the Amon Islands and lost in the end. Just saying that he lost a lot is not enough to describe Shakeley's loss.

But this has nothing to do with Ye Xuan. Who said he won?

"Emilia, let's camp on the island today."


"Brother Ye, I'll go explore."

"Oh," Alice is a child who grew up in nature, not to mention that she has elves herself, so Ye Xuan has nothing to worry about: "Be careful."

"Don't worry."

As soon as the voice fell, Alice climbed up the tree like a wild animal, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Wow, so amazing."

This scene made Emilia stunned: "Is this the so-called, wild survival master?"

What wild survival master?

Isn't it just a Pokémon trainer?

Generally, trainers who travel outside are almost all masters of wilderness survival, right?

"Okay, Alice is like this, you'll get used to it," Ye Xuan released the Pokémon: "Come out, everyone!"

Amon Island is Ye Xuan's own territory, there will be no outsiders here, even the crew of the Eda did not come down together.

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