The more you go, the more you will be able to see the bigger the island.

If this happened in the previous life, a large group of people would come to explore an island, and they would have to carry all kinds of weapons with them, and a bunch of people would carry instruments, and advance in a mighty manner.

But in this world, Ye Xuan and his friends all have elves in their hands, so they don't need so-called bodyguards at all.

After all, no matter how powerful a person is, can he be more powerful than an elf?

"Latias, you stay here to protect Emilia and me."

"Articuno, Zapdos, Yveltal, you explore this island from high altitude, and keep an eye on Alice's whereabouts, and keep her safe if necessary."

Ye Xuan did not think that Alice's behavior was causing trouble for himself. Alice had a very strong wild intuition. Many times, Alice could easily find clues that he could not find.

Therefore, letting Alice act was actually tacitly approved by Ye Xuan.

But tacit approval is tacit approval, and necessary protective measures are still indispensable.

"Come out, Kyogre!"

Ye Xuan threw Kyogre's Poké Ball into the sea. After Kyogre fell into the sea, the Poké Ball returned to Ye Xuan's hands: "Kyogre, swim along the edge of this island and check if there are any caves or other places around. By the way, look for the seabed to see if there are any entrances and exits."

Ye Xuan had previously asked the system how to reverse the descent, that is, to travel to the Pokémon world through descent.

The system told Ye Xuan that to reverse the advent, two conditions must be met.

First, a divine beast, or in other words, a powerful divine power.

Only by meeting this condition can there be enough power to support Ye Xuan to go to the other world.

As for the second point, it is the door!

The door, that is, the gate, a gate that can connect this world and the other world.

The door here is naturally not a real door, but refers to the weak node of the advent, an extremely fragile but quite stable dimensional tunnel. Only by finding such a place can Ye Xuan break the limitation through the power of the divine beast and travel to the elf world.

But the problem now is here, Ye Xuan doesn't know where the door is.

The Amon Islands are too big, a little beyond Ye Xuan's expectations.

In such a large area, there is no way to determine where the weak point is.


Kyogre dived into the water and started to help Ye Xuan search. Later, Ye Xuan sent out other legendary elves. Groudon went to explore the volcano, Entei ran in the mountains, Celebi quickly shuttled through the forest, Steel Pillar took Diancie to find the underground cave, and Manaphy explored the water sources on the island.

"Hupa," Ye Xuan released Hupa, he wanted to try whether the halo could find it: "I want to find the dimension on this island..."

Ye Xuan didn't know how to call that place, he could only share his meaning with Hupa with the power of waveguide: "It's probably that kind of place, Hupa, try to find it with the laolao."

"Okay, Xuan."

"Hupa laolao, Hupa laolao."

Unfortunately, the halo was opened, but there seemed to be no shadow of the "node" inside.

The problem is that Ye Xuan himself doesn't know what the node looks like. Can he really find it by searching aimlessly like this?

"Hupa is not strong enough..."

Hupa was a little disappointed that he could not bring what Ye Xuan wanted, but Ye Xuan immediately patted Hupa's head: "It's okay, I am the one who made things difficult for you, I don't even know what the connection point looks like."


I don't know what it looks like...


Ye Xuan released Jirachi and said: "Jirachi, can I make a wish to you?"

"Of course!"

Jirachi is not a child of other families, her power exists for Ye Xuan: "Xuan, what wish do you want to make? Jirachi has accumulated a lot of energy this time, it should be no problem."

"Can you help me find the door?"

"Jirachi, try it!"

Jirachi held her hands in front of her, a pale yellow light appeared beside her, and the eyes on her belly slowly opened, but halfway through, they closed again.


"No way?"

Looking at Jirachi's frustrated expression, Ye Xuan was somewhat helpless: 'It shouldn't be, even if Jirachi's power can't change life now, it's just to find something, this shouldn't be difficult, right? '

Ye Xuan didn't ask Jirachi to conjure up the door for him, or to teleport it to him, he just asked Jirachi to locate the door.

Can't even do this?

If this can't be done, Ye Xuan feels that Jirachi's power cannot be so weak.

"Xuan's wish seems to involve another world. Jirachi's energy cannot directly cross a world to help Ye Xuan locate the door."

"Another world?"

Suddenly, Ye Xuan seemed to understand something: "You mean, the door is not in this world, but in another world?"

"Yes, Jirachi can feel the barrier of time and space, the door is not here!"

Okay, Ye Xuan understands.

This should be because the advent has not appeared yet, so the door has not appeared in this world. Only when the advent comes, the location of the door will appear.

"Then show me what the door looks like, this should be no problem?"

Just look at the appearance, not the location, just want to know what the dimensional node looks like, this, Ye Xuan thinks it should not be difficult.


Sure enough, this time the eyes on Jirachi's abdomen opened completely, and at the same time, a picture appeared in front of Ye Xuan: "This is it!"

This is a thing that flashes brightly, it is like a huge diamond, like a kaleidoscope, fascinating.

"Dimensional singularity?"

Such a term appeared in Ye Xuan's consciousness. He knew that this was Jirachi's wish for him, and let him know all the information about the door phenomenon: "So that's it, so this thing is like this!"

If you want to pass through this door, just find it when it appears, and then let the beasts input the tricks containing divinity into it.

After receiving the divinity, this dimensional node will gradually stabilize, and finally, form a tunnel to the elf world.

"Xuan, did you see it?"

"I saw it!" Ye Xuan smiled and said: "It's very clear, and I also know the specific method to go to the elf world. Jirachi, your wish is amazing!"

Although it has always failed before, this time, Ye Xuan feels that Jirachi is really a treasure.

In other words, many phantom elves are treasures.

Jirachi can fulfill people's wishes, Hoopa can bring you everything you want by fishing, Diancie can make eternal diamonds and become rich, Celebi can change time and space and give people magical powers...

In addition, there are too many, and now, all these powers belong to Ye Xuan alone.

"This wish consumed about one twentieth of Jirachi's energy."

Only one twentieth?

The power of Ye Xuan's Jirachi is calculated according to the time interval. The longer the interval, the stronger Jirachi's desire to continue.

Theoretically, if Jirachi can absorb the energy of the thousand-year or ten-thousand-year wishing star, then she can even do something that can be called a miracle or even a miracle.

Of course, the miracle here is beyond the imagination of humans, which is beyond the reach of legendary elves.

"It cannot be located because the node has not yet descended to this world," Ye Xuan analyzed: "So, as long as it descends, we can immediately know where the position is."

However, it is not without problems.

There are still problems.

For example, there is a time limit for the advent. If you fail to find the door and open it before the end of the advent, then Ye Xuan will have to wait for the next advent.


"What's the matter, Xuan?"

"Help me collect the coordinates of the advent points on Yamon Island in recent years, and then mark them on the map for me, okay?"

"No problem."

Emilia quickly took out the elf bracelet and answered a phone call: "I need the record of the advent points on Yamon Island, mark them on the map and send them to me immediately, the sooner the better!"

One phone call, done!

"That's it?" Ye Xuan was a little confused. He thought it would take some effort: "It's done so quickly?"

"Usually, there are records of this, I'll just take the ready-made ones."

Emilia's words are not wrong. After all, it is a advent point, the most important thing in this world, how could no one pay attention to it.

"Ding Dong."

"We're here." Emilia showed the map in the elf bracelet to Ye Xuan: "Here, Xuan, do you want to analyze the location of the door?"

"I don't think I can analyze it."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "But I have a super thigh here."

After Ye Xuan finished speaking, Mewtwo appeared beside him. At this time, Mewtwo was staring at the map and all the landing locations on it.

A light blue light flashed in Mewtwo's eyes. As a super beast in the super power system, Mewtwo's IQ is absolutely amazing. Let's not talk about anything else. Think about the original work, on an isolated island, Mewtwo actually relied on

His own memory, restored all the technology that created him, and even on this basis, created a Poké Ball that can capture Poké Balls.

To be honest, the black technology Poké Ball that can even capture Poké Balls is really a BUG.

If you say which Mewtwo is the strongest in the Pokémon animation, it is undoubtedly this one. In comparison, the Mewtwo in the Origin Cerulean Cave is more like a wild Pokémon that exists to fit the game. Except that the racial value may match Mewtwo, it is not worthy of Mewtwo's strength at all.

You know, in the Kanto version of Mewtwo, it has the power to blow up the entire island in just a moment, and then it crushed the Rocket Army led by Boss Sakaki, and even modified the memories of all of them.

It can be seen from this that the real Mewtwo is definitely not something that a trainer can defeat.

"Sakaki in the animation is the boss of Team Rocket, so he should have the strength of a super king. It is absolutely no problem for his elf to reach level 80, but he was beaten by Mewtwo like an ant," Ye Xuan judged: "The level of that version of Mewtwo is probably at least above 90, and the official may even have created it with a full-level Mewtwo."

However, Ye Xuan's Mewtwo will definitely not lose to it in the future, and will definitely surpass it by a long way.

"Found it!!"

Suddenly, Mewtwo activated his telekinesis and directly deprived the projection of the elf bracelet, and then controlled it, zooming in quickly like a satellite map: "Here! The location of the door is right here!!"

"Although the time interval and location of each advent are different over the years, they all have certain rules and connections without exception," Mewtwo explained: "And through analysis and calculation, I found this place."


"This location is the most likely place for the door!"

The place pointed out by Mewtwo is exactly in the middle of the main island of Amon, the second island and the third island.

"There..." Ye Xuan: "Is it the sea?"

"At the bottom of the sea!"

Mewtwo didn't wait for Ye Xuan's instructions, and immediately sensed Kyogre through the waveguide, and asked her to explore this place.

Then, about ten minutes passed.


Ye Xuan asked through the waveguide power: "What kind of place?"

Unfortunately, the distance was too far, and Ye Xuan couldn't use the waveguide power to image, so he decided to go and see it for himself.

"Then I'll go prepare a diving suit."

"No need."

Ye Xuan said: "I have superpowers that can separate the sea water, and Mewtwo will go with me. Her superpowers are much stronger than mine, so nothing will happen."

"By the way, if Alice comes back, tell her not to look for it anymore, I have already found it."


After that, Ye Xuan and Mewtwo instantly moved to the sky above the sea area where Kyogre had found something.


Kyogre rushed out of the sea: "It's right here, follow me, Xuan, Mewtwo."

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