The old man was very happy.

"Do you call this advent?" Dr. Oak thought for a while and said, "And you said that 200 years ago, even time had problems?"

Dr. Oak's understanding ability is quite strong. Ye Xuan only communicated with him a little bit, and he had already understood the information Ye Xuan knew, and even analyzed a lot of ideas that made Ye Xuan's eyes light up.

"What happened here?" Ye Xuan asked, "Hanako said before that you have to cultivate the land here to be self-sufficient. Has this world fallen behind to this extent?" "It's not backward." Dr. Oak said, "This world underwent a huge change about half a year ago." "Change?" "It was the legendary Pokémon," Dr. Oak said, "Dialga and Palkia, they appeared at the same time and brought a time and space storm that swept the whole world. Since then, the whole world has been separated by space barriers." "It's like a glass plate is inserted in the middle of a water tank, dividing the water tank into two parts," Dr. Oak said, "The time and space barrier is like a piece of glass plate, dividing the whole world into hundreds of areas." "Fuck! Ye Xuan had guessed what the elf world would become, but Ye Xuan had never dreamed of this situation! "Mewtwo!"


Professor Oak was stunned, and then, seeing Mewtwo walking out from Ye Xuan, he was shocked: "It's true!"

"Doctor, do you know Mewtwo?"

"I know a little bit," Professor Oak looked up and down at Ye Xuan's Mewtwo: "But it doesn't seem to be the Mewtwo I know. Although they are both clones of Mew, the one I know doesn't have as much potential as her, but has more defects."

Products of the system must be fine products.

However, the Mewtwo in this world seems to have defects because of incomplete cloning. Although it is also very powerful, it is not as good as Ye Xuan's Mewtwo after all.

"Let's not talk about this for now," Ye Xuan asked Mewtwo: "Mewtwo, can you help me find out what happened here?"

"Okay Xuan."

Mewtwo disappeared in front of the two people with a teleportation, and then soon, Mewtwo came back: "What a strong power!"

As soon as he came back, Mewtwo said in a very surprised tone: "It is completely different from the blackened Articuno we met before, and in this world, there are two very powerful forces interfering with the laws of time and space..."

Dialga, Palkia.

Blackened beasts!

Even these two super beasts that symbolize time and space have been affected by blackening and degenerated into blackened beasts!

The twin dragons of time and space are not on the same level as Articuno. How strong will their power be after blackening? Even if Ye Xuan goes all out now, he may not be able to defeat it, and he may even have to escape.


Suddenly, Mewtwo seemed to feel something, and she was stunned: "Good, such a strong power, this kind of divinity, no, this is no longer the level of divinity!"

"Mewtwo, what did you feel?"

"A very, very powerful elf," Mewtwo said: "Even in my prime, I can't defeat it!"

Even Mewtwo can't defeat it in his prime?

In the elf world, does such an elf exist?

'Fuck! No way? '

Ye Xuan thought of a possibility: 'There is indeed a bug-like elf in the elf world, theoretically, no matter who can beat it! '

"The God of Creation."

Ye Xuan murmured: "Arceus?"

If it is really Arceus, then Ye Xuan is really arrogant this time. This is not a game world. The real Arceus is the God of Creation, born in the beginning. Its level is absolutely full, that is, level 100.

As for the quality, Ye Xuan felt that Arceus's quality was 100% above the red myth, reaching the rainbow color mentioned in the system, that is, the seven-color quality.

"Doctor, have you seen Arceus?"


As for the God of Creation, Dr. Oak must know: "I only saw the shadow of the twin dragons of time and space before, but I didn't see the God of Creation."

So the question now is whether Arceus has been blackened, or what is the relationship between the appearance of blackening and it.

If Arceus is not Ye Xuan's enemy, but a member of the same formation as him,

If there is a camp, then it can still be fought, otherwise...

In the elf world, there is only one elf that can reach 720 racial value by its own strength, and that is Arceus.

Many people say that alpacas are weak, but the question is, have you really seen Arceus in his prime?

Is the alpaca with stone tablets its complete form?

What if, Ye Xuan means if, Arceus with seventeen stone tablets is just its normal state, like Kyogre and Groudon, and it also has hidden powers such as the original form and mega evolution?

Without any morphological changes, in normal conditions, Arceus already has such strong power and absolutely invincible defense.

Once it shows a stronger power, how should Ye Xuan deal with it?

Arceus is too unfathomable. Let Ye Xuan deal with it now, no, before Ye Xuan gets his own Arceus, to deal with the blackened Arceus, Ye Xuan feels that this is courting death.

The only one who can deal with Arceus is Arceus. This is not just talk.

"If the God of Creation is also corrupted by the blackening, then..."

Professor Oak no longer dared to think: "Then this world is really going to end."


"I didn't feel the specific location, and the breath was very weak. I just felt it before, and I can't be sure whether it really came."

"Is that so..."

Hearing Mewtwo's explanation, Ye Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. Don't say that Ye Xuan is timid. This is not the previous elf world. If it is a normal Arceus, Ye Xuan will certainly not be afraid. Instead, he can reason with it, or try to conquer it.

But the blackened beast...

You are just ignoring it if you reason with that kind of monster?

"But what should we do now?"

Ye Xuan temporarily said goodbye to Professor Oak and Hanako, and then took Alice to the exit of Pallet Town, which is the road that Xiaozhi took the disobedient Pikachu in the original animation.

"You can walk here, there are no obstacles."

The space barrier is invisible to the naked eye and can only be felt through the body. When you are blocked by something and cannot pass through it no matter what, then...


"What is this?"

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