"It's true," said Diancie, "but the diamonds Diancie made are divided into two types. One is skill. Although a large number of diamonds are made, they are time-limited and will disappear in ten minutes at most. If it is to make permanent diamonds, even Diancie needs time and cannot make too many at once." For example, after making one, it takes some time to make the second one. If the life red diamond is created, it will take a long time to make an eternal diamond. Of course, skills are still random, and permanent diamonds are not related to skill diamonds. "Is that so?"

"Xuan, is Diancie's diamond very precious?"

"Not just ordinary precious." Ye Xuan thought for a moment and gestured: "Dianncie, if you can make diamonds as big as eggs, we won't have to worry about food and drink in the future."

"Is that so?"

Dianncie suddenly felt that she seemed to be more useful: "Then, hey..."

Dianncie held her hands to her chest, and with a flash of pink light, a large diamond with an extremely perfect shape jumped out.


Ye Xuan hurriedly caught the diamond. He was not a professional and didn't know the value of the diamond, but such a large, high-quality, and perfectly cut diamond must be worth hundreds of millions, right?

"Suddenly I realized that I don't have to worry about money in my life..."

Maybe someone would say, how can you use elves as a tool to make money.

This is true.

But the problem is that Diancie is Ye Xuan's elf, not something Ye Xuan robbed, nor was it something he deliberately captured for money. Money to Ye Xuan is just a number, just like what he said. On the basis of not worrying about it, Ye Xuan will not waste his time for those unfounded numbers, and will not use Diancie to make profits for himself.

Diancie made diamonds for Ye Xuan, more because she wanted to contribute her own strength.

Just like Dragonite gave her a cake as soon as it came up, Hupa wanted to make various gifts for her.

"Thank you for your care, I am not talented," Diancie said: "If this little power can make everyone happy, I will be relieved."

"I have to thank you, Diancie."

Ye Xuan pointed the gem towards the sun. This brilliance, this transparency, such a treasure, if outsiders knew that Diancie could make it at will, how much of a sensation would it cause?

Fortunately, this world is the world of elves, and with the advent, there are countless large and small minerals.

In the previous life, the existence of Diancie would be enough to cause all kinds of commotion, and even set off a bloody storm.

In the whole elf world, the only elf that can make a fortune by getting one should be Diancie, right?

"Dianncie, you must not show your power to create permanent diamonds in front of outsiders in the future," Ye Xuan was not afraid of trouble, but was worried that Diancie would be hurt: "Then, if you use skills such as Diamond Storm, don't keep the diamond for too long, so as not to make people have bad thoughts."

"Well, Diancie knows," Diancie smiled and said, "I learned another lesson."

It is said that elves can control the laws. Diancie's laws are various gems, and diamonds are just one of them. As Diancie's strength increases, the gems she can control and create will increase.

So, Diancie is a priceless treasure. If the hunter organization in this world knows her existence, Ye Xuan will be annoyed to death by them.

"Are you the new partner?" Gardevoir looked at Diancie curiously: "So pretty."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Dianncie saluted and said: "You are also very beautiful."

Dianncie, Gardevoir, Latias...


Ye Xuan suddenly felt that the maid group composed of 20 Gardevoirs was too low. Look at it now, Diamond Princess, Psycho Queen, Water City Girl, this is the configuration of his Ye's combat maid group!


Ye Xuan: "From today on, you are a member of my Ye's combat maid group."

"What is that?"

"Although I don't understand," Diancie: "But it seems very powerful."

"Dianncie is going to join this combat maid group."

After that, Lucario, Vulpix, Claws and Milotic all knew Diancie. The very polite Diamond Princess was very

Soon they became good friends, and everyone surrounded her and played in the sea of ​​flowers.


Dianxi laughed happily. She had been living a lonely life in the dull underground. She had never thought of living like this now.

But it felt really good to have friends.

Diancie liked this home very much, and liked the elves here even more, and of course, Ye Xuan: "Is this a friend, Diancie, so happy!"


Suddenly, Ye Xuan, who was in the home, heard a knock on the door. He said to Diancie: "Dianncie, play with everyone in the home. I have something to do outside now, so I'll leave first."


The elves in the home have a sense of Ye Xuan, and the divine beasts among them can even break out of the home without Ye Xuan's permission.

Some people may think that this will make Ye Xuan look very undignified and unable to control his elves.

But in fact, elves themselves are not meant to be controlled. Trainers treat elves as family members, and elves only recognize trainers and absolutely trust them.

Home is not a bondage, but a pure land where everyone can live in peace.

However, when Ye Xuan encounters danger, the elves will still appear at the first moment. Maybe they can't see or hear what's happening outside through their homes, but the mythical beasts are very sensitive to danger and malice. Sometimes, Ye Xuan may not notice it, but the mythical beasts will appear at the critical moment to protect Ye Xuan's safety.

This point is very clear to both Mewtwo and Kyogre.

To be honest, they are not good mythical beasts. In the original work, Mewtwo killed many people as soon as he appeared.

Although those are the people who deserve to die, they were the first to wrong Mewtwo, but this cannot cover up the fact that Mewtwo's hands are stained with blood. Maybe after meeting Xiaozhi, Mewtwo changed his style and habits, but his essential character remained unchanged.

Mewtwo only gives kindness to elves, and is not very friendly to humans.

In comparison, Kyogre is even worse.

The meaning of her existence is to expand the ocean and swallow the earth. What is the difference between such a thing and destroying the human world?

If Mewtwo only punishes a few people, then Kyogre will kill all mankind!

"The new companion is quite well-behaved."


Kyogre said: "He is a good child."

"Can such a child protect Xuan well?"

"When Xuan needs it, she will also be serious," Kyogre said: "No matter how kind the Pokémon is, they will fight for the wishes of the trainer."

"If anyone dares to hurt Xuan," Mewtwo said with a chill in his eyes: "I will destroy him completely!"

"I am the same in this regard."

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