The big guns were thrown into the water.

Kyogre's huge body soared from the sea, and then slammed heavily into the sea water beside it, causing a huge wave: "Even if I am against the whole world, I will protect Xuan!"

"By the way," Mewtwo said, "Who do you think Xuan will send to the Pokémon Duel later?"

"I don't know about this."

Kyogre said, "But according to the gym environment you saw before, Mewtwo, it doesn't seem suitable for me to appear."

Although the earth building is huge, Kyogre's size...

If the battle starts there, I'm afraid it will destroy a lot of things, so Kyogre believes that Ye Xuan will not send himself who is so big, but will choose some small Pokémon.

"But the opponent's Pokémon are above level 80, and the quality is at least purple."

Mewtwo said: "In this case, I am afraid that I will be 20 levels behind the opponent if I put most of my Pokémon."

70 levels comprehend the law, 80 levels control the domain. Although the law domain is not mysterious, it is also a qualitative leap and sublimation. If the rules are equal and fair, it is easy to say.

But it's not like I haven't fought gym battles before, and it's not the first time I've been shameless!

It's simply a dream to want to let you go when challenging someone's territory, so when Kyogre and Mewtwo took into account the disadvantage of being away from home, they suddenly realized that this wave was really difficult to fight.

"Please come in."

On the other side, inside the Tulou Dojo, in Ye Xuan's guest room, a Jelly Egg came in with food: "Luky"



"This is dinner, right? OK, I got it."


Jeely Egg stared at Ye Xuan blankly, seemingly not understanding how he understood what he said.

"Well, it tastes good!"

Ye Xuan took a bite of the dish brought by Jelly Egg, and it was very delicious: "Did you make this?"


Jeely Egg was praised by Ye Xuan, and happily danced on the spot, turning around on one foot: "Luky!"

"Your cooking skills are really good, comparable to my Dragonite."


"Nothing, go get busy."

"Luky! Luky!"

"Oh, put the food here after eating, you will come to take it away, right? OK, then thank you."

This Tulou is so big, how could there be only Shu Weng alone?

In fact, this is a Pokémon sanctuary, where all kinds of Pokémon live. Rather than saying that the Tulou Gym is a gym for humans, it is better to say that it is also the home of Pokémon.

"But the Chickpeas should be very rare in this world, right?"

I heard that the eggs of the Chickpeas are a very delicious food, comparable to the milk of the Milk Can, and because of the production, it can be said to be even rarer.

"Isn't this the egg of the Chickpeas?"

Ye Xuan looked at the fried egg on the chopsticks, and then took a bite. The taste was simply indescribable.


After dinner, the Chickpeas came to collect things on time, and Ye Xuan also followed the Chickpeas to visit this gym. During the period, Ye Xuan saw many Pokémons, and what surprised Ye Xuan was that the Chickpeas, which were quite rare outside, seemed to have formed a group here. Although there were still not many, there were also fifty or sixty.

The Chickpeas were not good at fighting, but they were rare Pokémons that countless trainers dreamed of.

As for the reason, do I need to say it?

The best nanny in the world!

If you have a Jigglypuff at home, you can sweep the floor, wash clothes, cook, massage and take care of your body.

What is the saying in this world?

With Jigglypuff, what's the need for a wife!

"How was your rest, young man?"

On the corridor, Shu Weng was leaning on his cane and waiting for Ye Xuan.


"Come with me."

"Isn't it tonight?"

"Real shadows are the same morning and night," Shu Weng took Ye Xuan down the corridor of the earth building, and then came to the middle courtyard. The two stood face to face, keeping a distance of about 20 meters: "Now it's just right that no one disturbs us, so finish the fight as soon as possible."

"Alice and Ahri..."

"They are probably asleep under the massage of Jigglypuff..."

Is there such a service here? ! !

"Then now, I will explain the first rule of the next game," Shu Weng said: "The first rule is that from now on, our fight cannot wake up the two girls."


What does it mean?


"There will definitely be collisions or vibrations during the game, which will produce huge noises," Shu Weng: "The first rule of Fuzhou Gym is 'quiet', and we will let the two girls judge this standard."

"How to judge?"

"Time limit," Shu Weng: "When the two girls realize that the game has started and come out, the game is over."


Ye Xuan: "Who wins and who loses?"

"Of course you lose!" Shu Weng stroked his snow-white beard: "If you haven't defeated my three elves when the two girls come out, then you still lose."

Fuck! !

Ye Xuan inexplicably had the urge to curse, what kind of broken rule is this!

What if Alice and Ahri woke up in a few minutes, and then came out for a stroll, and just noticed that the game was going on here, then Ye Xuan would have to kill Shu Weng's three champion-level elves within a few minutes? !

How could this be done?


"What else?" Ye Xuan didn't think that the competition here was that simple. There must be more rules that are more disadvantageous to the challenger.

"The second rule is," Shu Weng raised his head and said, "This earth building is an antique that has been passed down for many years. Everything here is authentic."

"So, you can't destroy anything here."

"You can't destroy..."

Ye Xuan: "To what extent?"

"Anything that moves even a little bit," Shu Weng: "You lose."

Ye Xuan: "..."

What does it mean that you can't move even a little bit?

It's very simple. That is, if a piece of brick or a piece of dust falls to the ground due to an explosion or wind during the battle, Ye Xuan loses.

"Old man," Ye Xuan: "Are you competing? Isn't that too much?"

How terrible is this rule?

It directly seals most of the big moves of Ye Xuan's elves.

Destroy the dead light?

The power is great enough, but can you ensure that it won't destroy this place?

Electromagnetic gun, thunder, water gun, flame jet...

Well, they are all good skills. Then, can you guarantee that they will not touch the things in this earthen building?

Moreover, Ye Xuan is not playing a single-player game alone. He has opponents. Shu Weng's elves will cause all kinds of troubles for Ye Xuan. And when powerful skills cannot be used, or even dare not be used, how to fight, even Ye Xuan is a little unsure at this time.

"I told you two bad news, so now, I will tell you a good news."

"What news?"

"The second condition is not only followed by you, but also me," Shu Weng said: "If my elves cause a little collision and damage in the battle, then it is also considered my loss."

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