The two sides have been fighting for a long time.

"What if our two elves collide in the air, what will happen to the explosion?"

"We will both perish!"

Okay, Ye Xuan understood. If the explosion was caused by the collision of skills, then it would be a tie and everyone would leave together.

But Ye Xuan felt that even if he won this way, it would be meaningless and too shameful.

What's more, a champion-level elf would not give you this opportunity to perish together.

"The third rule."

Seeing Shu Weng raise his hand and extend the third finger, Ye Xuan complained: "There is one more?"

"Yes, the last one," Shu Weng said: "This entire earth building, every room, every place, is considered a battlefield. Of course, this is different from the bottom of Bai Kongtan's sea. You can give orders."

You can give orders, but the result of being too loud is to wake up the two girls.

Of course, Ye Xuan has superpowers and wave power, but this aspect does not have much impact. His orders are originally silent.


However, at this moment, Shu Weng flicked his finger, and something flew into the sky, and after a perfect parabola, it fell towards Ye Xuan.

"This is..."

Ye Xuan reached out to catch the object falling from the sky. He saw that it was a permanent badge, the permanent badge of the Fuzhou Gym: "Old man? What does this mean?"

"Good news."

Shu Weng said: "The next game is just a fight between you and me. It is a challenge, but not a gym leader's battle. So no matter whether you win or lose, I will give you the badge."

"If the badge is the stakes, I will give it to you now, because this badge cannot measure your ability."

Shu Weng's attitude is very straightforward. He doesn't care about broken badges. Such things are not enough for him to test an excellent trainer like Ye Xuan: "And if your goal is just a small permanent badge, then you don't have to challenge me."

What is the meaning of the badge? It is recognition!

As long as the person who issues the badge recognizes that the challenger has the qualifications to get it, then he can get the badge.

Is it possible that Ye Xuan's strength will not be recognized by Shu Weng?

How is it possible!

If even Ye Xuan can't get it, then Fuzhou Gym doesn't need to issue badges. Just make a stupid rule that "the challenger loses if he fails to win within 3 seconds". Anyway, you are clearly playing tricks on others, and you can't win no matter how you fight.

"Old man, don't think that you can cover up your shameless nature by saying so righteously!"

Every time you challenge a gym, you can refresh Ye Xuan's three views.

I have never seen such a shameless person!

Ye Xuan can say this sentence every time he goes to a place, because the gym leaders are really more shameless than each other.

"Give me some face, after all, I am also a former Asian champion," said Shu Weng, "and I am so old, over 80 years old, respect the elderly and love the young, let me have my hands and feet, what's wrong?"


You really said it! !

"Forget it!"

It is impossible for Ye Xuan to take the badge and leave now.

Although Shu Weng is an old rogue, what he said is not wrong. Ye Xuan's current goal is to challenge. What is a challenge? Bringing the elves up and killing them in one bang, is that a challenge?

If Shu Weng threatens Ye Xuan with the badge, he will not give it if he can't beat him.

That's a bit too much!

Ye Xuan will not give him face again.

But the problem is that this is not a national competition, the kind of stage where Ye Xuan can just show his strength and push through.

This is a kind of challenge to the limit and various unreasonable rules.

"Young man, you have challenged three gyms, you must think our rules are very unreasonable, right?"


"But do you know why?"

"Are there any other reasons?" Ye Xuan spread his hands: "Please start your performance."

"Ahem, ahem, ahem."

"Really, I'm telling the truth, not making excuses for myself." Shu Weng smiled bitterly: "Young man, do you know what I, Bai Xiaozi, and Gu Gutou think of you?"

"What do you think?"

"World No. 1!"


"Our evaluation of you is that in the future, you will reach the top of the world and become the strongest trainer, no doubt!"


Such an evaluation is actually possible given the character and quality of this group of veteran trainers.

Don't look at Shu Weng like this, he is actually a senior who cares for newcomers.

"Young man, do you know," Shu Weng said: "Back then, I was

How many times did I challenge to become the champion of Asia? I became the king at the age of 27, and I won the title of Asian champion at the age of 48. But I only held the title for two years before I retired because I was too old.

In this world, there is an age limit for both the king and the champion, which is 50 years old.

Once you are over 50 years old, even if you still have the strength of the king or even the champion, you have to give way to the newcomers, so that it will be repeated and continuous.

"You mean, to become a champion, you have to challenge more than one king?"

"That's right."

Shu Weng said: "There are kings in China, Sakurajima, Goryeo and other places. After you become a king, you need to challenge them and succeed before you can ascend to the throne of Asian champion. "

But in such a challenge, fairness does not exist!

You have come here to slap your face, only a fool will let you hit him obediently, this is for face, and more importantly, national honor!

So, since 200 years ago, when trainers from other countries come to challenge the king of their own country, there will be a saying of home field battle.

The challenged will try their best to create advantages for themselves within the scope allowed by the league, and at the same time, create various troubles for the opponent. This behavior has greatly increased the gold content of the intercontinental championship.

It is conceivable how strong the champion is to be able to beat the opponent in such a challenging challenge.

Ye Xuan: "So shameless?"

"It's much more shameless than this! ! "Shu Weng obviously suffered a lot in the past. He said: "So, in order to prevent future generations from cramming at the last minute, we old guys have also started to create various hell-level gym leader battles, and only open them to talented trainers we have identified, so that they can experience and learn such battles in advance, and at the same time, think about how to crack them at the beginning! "

In short, these old predecessors have good intentions...

What do trainers need most?

One is the Pokémon, and the other is the training method.

In many cases, the training method is more important than the command.

Obviously, the gym leader battle is to provide trainers with a training environment to improve their Pokémon, and it is the Pokémon Masters of the level of former kings and former champions who will personally guide you.

Such an opportunity is not so much a trap as an opportunity.

Most people want to challenge this hell mode gym, but they don't have the chance!

"According to what you mean, old man, if you play like this, not only can I not be angry, but I have to be grateful. After I have successfully practiced, I have to kowtow and become your disciple when I leave?"

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