The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Garnado was agile, like a dancing fairy, nimbly dodging the whistling whip attacks. At the same time, the powerful mental power still attacked Bulbasaur mercilessly. Bulbasaur was hit by this mental power, and its huge body trembled slightly. However, its mental resistance was unusually strong, so it did not suffer much actual damage, and only had a short face grimace.

Seeing this, the beautiful country player showed a confident smile at the corner of his mouth, and shouted loudly: "Bulbasaur, use photosynthesis to quickly recover your physical strength!" In the bright sunshine, Bulbasaur bathed in it, and circles of soft green light appeared around its body, and its physical strength began to gradually recover.

Pu Chuan frowned, looking serious and anxious. He knew that he must not let Bulbasaur continue to recover like this, otherwise the situation would be extremely unfavorable to him, and he had to find the key to breaking the situation as soon as possible.

Suddenly, Pu Chuan had a flash of inspiration and thought of a unique skill of Gardevoir. He decisively ordered: "Gardevoir, use hypnosis!" Gardevoir's beautiful eyes instantly emitted a strange and mysterious light, looking straight at Bulbasaur.

The American player was shocked and hurriedly shouted: "Bulbasaur, close your eyes quickly, don't look at its eyes!"

Unfortunately, everything was too late. Bulbasaur was instantly hit by Gardevoir's hypnosis and immediately fell into a deep sleep.

Pu Chuan seized this rare opportunity and shouted loudly: "Gardevoir, use magic leaves!" Many green leaves quickly appeared around Gardevoir. These leaves were like extremely sharp blades, wrapped in a fierce momentum, and flew towards Bulbasaur rapidly.

The contestant from the United States watched Bulbasaur being hit by the magic leaf, feeling extremely anxious but helpless. Bulbasaur was attacked in his sleep, twisting his body in pain and struggling, but he could not wake up from his coma.

In the end, Bulbasaur exhausted the last bit of strength and lost his ability to fight. The contestant from the United States shook his head helplessly and took back Bulbasaur with a gloomy look.

At this time, the battle between Gu Xi and the contestant from the United States also attracted the hot eyes of many viewers. Gu Xi's Charizard and the opponent's Flame Chicken had a thrilling and fierce duel.

"Charizard, use jet flames!" Gu Xi shouted loudly, his voice full of power and expectation.

On the tail of the Charizard, the flames suddenly surged, like a burning torch. It opened its wide mouth and soon spit out an extremely hot flame, burning towards the Flame Chicken.

The player from Mizi Country showed no sign of weakness and gritted his teeth and shouted, "Blazer, use Fire Kick!" Blazer was agile, leaped up, and instantly ignited a blazing fire on his feet, kicking fiercely at Charizard.

The jet flame and the fire kick collided violently in the air, making a deafening explosion. The powerful impact made both Pokémon involuntarily retreat several steps, but neither side suffered much damage. After all, they were both fire-type and used fire-attribute skills.

Gu Xi's eyes were as firm as iron. She knew Blazer's speed advantage and understood that she had to find a way to limit its movement.

"Charizard, use Dragon Tail!" Gu Xi ordered decisively. Charizard swung its thick and powerful tail vigorously and whipped Blazer fiercely. Blazer flexibly moved left and right to avoid the attack of Dragon Tail, but was still accidentally swept by the edge of Dragon Tail, and his body instantly lost balance.

Gu Xi seized the opportunity and shouted again: "Charizard, use Dragon Waves continuously!" Charizard fired several powerful Dragon Waves in succession, attacking Flame Chicken with great momentum.

Flame Chicken was hit by Dragon Waves one after another and fell to the ground in embarrassment. The Mizi player was pale. He knew that he had little chance of winning, but he still had a stubborn belief and was unwilling to give up easily.

"Flame Chicken, stand up, use the last attack, Flash Charge!" The Mizi player shouted hoarsely. Flame Chicken struggled and stood up tremblingly, with a hotter and more dazzling flame on his body, and rushed towards Charizard desperately.

Gu Xi smiled slightly, her eyes full of confidence and calmness. She firmly believed in the powerful strength of Charizard: "Charizard, face it head-on, use the big word Explosion!" Charizard opened its bloody mouth and spit out a huge word of fire, which collided with Flame Chicken's Flash Charge.

A huge explosion resounded throughout the stadium

, blazing flames and billowing smoke spread out instantly.

Gu Xi was fully confident in this move. After all, she had spent countless efforts and energy to let Charizard learn this skill. This was also one of the most important trump cards in her hand.

When the smoke slowly dissipated, Flame Chicken had fallen to the ground powerlessly, completely losing its ability to fight.

In the end, Hua Wuao and the other four all advanced to the next round without exception. Except for the semi-finals and finals on the second day, each contestant today could only choose three Pokémon to compete, after all, there was not so much time.

The pace of the game was very fast. When Umekawa Neiku was in the 64th round, he was unlucky and ran into Bailey Jason from the United States, and was easily defeated by the opponent.

But this time, the Sakura Country did not complain about the Beautiful Country. They just nodded and said that the loss was justified and worth it. However, they still said that it was a pity that they did not meet the Dragon Country players, otherwise they would beat the opponent to pieces. Of course, General Chen and others were too lazy to pay attention to such talk.

Soon it was the last game of the day, the eight-to-four preliminaries.

Because there was plenty of time and there were more than two hours before 18 o'clock, the battle field changed from twenty to one.

In the first game of the eight-to-four match, Park Chuan of the Dragon Country played against Bailey Jason of the Beautiful Country.

On the field, the atmosphere was tense and depressing. Park Chuan took a deep breath and adjusted his state. He knew that the opponent in this game was very strong, but he would never give up easily.

Bailey Jason had a disdainful smile on his lips. He was full of confidence in his strength. His Pokémon were all powerful beings that had been carefully trained.

At the beginning of the game, Bailey Jason sent out the Liebite Garchomp without hesitation. As soon as Garchomp appeared, it exuded a strong aura, and its sharp eyes stared at Park Chuan, as if to protest against him.

Park Chuan calmly released Gardevoir. Gardevoir stood elegantly on the field, its beautiful figure and mysterious temperament made people shine.

Gardevoir has the fairy system, so it is more restrained against the dragon system, so from the beginning, the United States was at a disadvantage, but there was no fear on the opponent's face.

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