Seeing this, Lei Gong quickly took off into the air and circled flexibly in the air to avoid the attack of the water cannon. It circled in the air and then used the "supernatural power" skill.

The supernatural power was like an invisible and powerful force, covering Suicune and trying to bind Suicune tightly.

Suicune felt the restraint of the supernatural power, and it struggled hard, and the water flow on its body became more turbulent.

"Suicune, use the freezing beam!"

After receiving the order, it quickly used the "freezing beam" skill, and the ice energy quickly condensed in its mouth. A beam of extremely cold light burst out from the back of its mouth and shot towards Lei Gong, trying to break Lei Gong's magical power. The water vapor in the air instantly condensed into ice crystals and fell to the ground.

Lei Gong felt the threat of the freezing beam, and it quickly dodged it. At the same time, a dazzling lightning bolt spewed out of its mouth, colliding violently with the freezing beam. The two offset each other, making a huge explosion, and the shock wave spread all around, and the surrounding air was shaken and fluctuated.

At this time, other people on the battlefield were also nervously watching this thrilling battle. The members of the Blood Evil Organization showed excited and fanatical expressions on their faces. They cheered for the powerful strength of Xiduolan and Lei Gong, and their voices resounded through the sky.

The leaders and players of various countries were worried. They clenched their fists tightly, hoping that Lei Dianyun and Suicune could defeat their opponents and calm down the battle as soon as possible.

Ye Kai stood aside, staring at the battlefield, thinking secretly in his heart. He didn't make a move until now, just to see what this so-called strong man on the world list is like, and how about comparing with him. He is not someone who likes to be a dragon king. Once the situation becomes uncontrollable, he will immediately take action to control it.

Dragon Country.

In the conference room, Mu Lao and others watched the fight on the screen. Although they were worried, they were still a little excited. After all, they were all strong men, and there were four mythical beasts fighting.

According to the analysis of the Dragon Alliance Leader, these four Pokémon are estimated to have reached more than level 90. After all, even his Moltres is already level 92, not to mention those who are ranked higher than him.

The competition field has become a battlefield full of holes.

The battle between Xi Duolan and Thunder Cloud is getting more and more intense. Their attacks are getting more and more fierce. The light of their skills illuminates the entire battlefield, making it almost impossible to open your eyes.

Sidolan once again used the Lava Storm, which was more violent than before, and the temperature of the flames was higher, and the surrounding rocks were melted into magma.

Many viewers who were close to him asked their Pokémon to use ice or water skills to cool down.

The flames on Sidolan burned more vigorously, and the lava storm spewed out of his mouth became more violent. The hot magma swept towards the lightning cloud like a torrent. Wherever it passed, the ground was burned red, as if it was going to melt everything.

The lightning cloud shuttled rapidly in the air, nimbly avoiding the attack of the lava storm. Its eyes condensed, and it kept roaring, and it used the "Tornado" skill. Suddenly, a powerful whirlwind swirled on the battlefield, blowing away part of the heat of the lava storm, and also swept towards Sidolan.

Xiduolan felt the threat of the tornado, and roared, the flames on his body burned more fiercely, and he used the "burn out" skill. A powerful flame force burst out from his body, colliding with the tornado. In the interweaving, the original tornado turned into a flame tornado, and the air continued to expand. Then there was a huge explosion.

A chaotic energy field was formed, and the surrounding air became extremely hot.

At this time, the thunder cloud took the opportunity to use the "lightning light" skill, and a dazzling lightning struck Xiduolan. Xiduolan hurriedly dodged, but was still hit by the lightning, and his body trembled slightly.

But Xiduolan quickly adjusted his state and used the "big word fire" skill. A huge "fire" word formed in the air and rushed towards the thunder cloud, with scorching high temperature and strong impact.

Seeing this, the thunder cloud used the "supernatural power" skill to try to block the attack of the big word fire. Its eyes flashed with light, and an invisible force gathered in the air, competing with the big fire. The two stalemated in the air for a while, and finally dissipated at the same time.

On the other side, the battle between Lei Gong and Shui Jun also entered a critical moment. The lightning on Lei Gong

Flashing non-stop, it used the "100,000 Volts" skill, and countless lightning bolts struck Suicune. Suicune swam quickly and used the "Stand-in" skill to create a stand-in to resist the lightning attack. At the same time, Suicune used the "Surfing" skill, and a huge wave of water rushed towards Lei Gong.

Seeing this, Lei Gong quickly used the "Thunderbolt" skill, and a thick lightning bolt collided with the water wave, making a huge roar. The water wave was shattered by the lightning and turned into countless water droplets falling to the ground.

"Lei Gong! Wave missile!"

Hearing this, Lei Gong took the opportunity to immediately use the "Wave Missile" skill, quickly charged, and then several blue energy balls attacked Suicune.

Suicune's face was solemn, and he did not dare to slack off. He used the "Freezing Ray" skill, and a cold ray of light swept towards the wave missile. The freezing ray and the wave missile collided with each other, emitting a chill, and the speed of the wave missiles slowed down and exploded in mid-air.

Suicune took the opportunity to avoid the attack of the remaining wave missile, and at the same time used the "Air Cutting" skill. The air in front of him was quickly folded and compressed, and several sharp air blades flew towards Lei Gong.

Lei Gong hurriedly dodged the attack of the air blade. It hovered in the air and quickly used the "Meditation" skill to improve its attribute value.

Visible to the naked eye, Lei Gong's body was flashing with light, and its power became stronger.

Seeing the attack of Thunder Cloud, Xi Duolan was furious. It used the "Hot Wind" skill, and a hot wind blew towards Thunder Cloud. Wherever the hot wind went, the air was heated and twisted, making people feel scorching.

Seeing this, Ye Kai asked Latias to use the freezing ray to build an ice wall in the preparation area, which could both cool down and resist attacks.

Lei Dianyun felt the burning sensation of the hot wind and his face was not good.

"Thunder Cloud! Use Thunderstorm!"

Thunder Cloud received the order, and the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, lightning flashed, and strong winds blew, with lightning and strong winds intertwined.

Lightning struck Xiduolanen one after another, and at the same time, strong winds swept towards Xiduolanen. There was wind in the thunder and thunder in the wind, making the speed and damage of this attack quite high.

Xiduolanen was not afraid at all. It used the "primitive power" skill, exuding an ancient breath.

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