The crowds were busy, and the crowds were busy.

There were also the Yonago team, the Leaf team, the Babatan team, the Bear team, the Lalagan team, the Olige team, the Grape team...

As time went by, the teams that had not arrived also arrived one after another.

At half past eight, hundreds of special personnel began to distribute clothes and nameplates, and some began to check Pokémon and prohibited items.

At 8:55, everyone began to walk in one after another in order.

In order to prevent someone from being the sixth or engaging in unfair competition, several cameras were pulled in with solid lines at the entrance to display the situation within a radius of 300 meters from the wormhole exit. Then a king-level trainer watched at the exit to prevent the line from being damaged. The picture was directly projected onto a large screen outside the venue. The camera was installed only this morning, so no information would be leaked.

As people continued to pour in, more and more people appeared on the large screen, and many people began to run in all directions.

Until the last person entered the wormhole, the competition officially began.

On the large screen, many people had not yet walked into the depths of the wormhole. Many of them were either looking for people to form groups or discussing some specific countermeasures.

Hua Wuao and others had already discussed it last night.

Thirty people, three people in each group, among which Hua Wuao and Gu Xi led two weaker people in the team respectively, and some others were free combinations. It is not that a strong person leading two weaker people is good. It mainly depends on the degree of cooperation and mutual understanding. Good cooperation can often achieve unexpected good results.

As for why they have to form groups instead of acting separately, although this greatly reduces their efficiency, it also improves safety. The main reason is that they had a falling out with the people of Sakura Country yesterday, so they will definitely be retaliated and blocked today. After all, this has happened frequently in previous years.

In fact, when they completed the team formation, they had already made some sacrifices and choices. After all, it is impossible for all of them to enter the next round of competition. They will try their best to ensure that the strongest people can advance. According to past experience, as long as they get ten nameplates, they will definitely be in the top 256. So even if it is not enough at that time, the weaker ones will try their best to push the stronger ones into the next round, and the price is that they will be eliminated.

Give all the nameplates to others and make them successful.

The 300-meter radius of the surveillance is the safe zone. The competition will truly begin outside this area.

Hua Wuao and the others separated and scattered in different directions.

Sure enough, after the people from Sakura Country were divided into groups, they saw the separation of the Dragon Country team and chose several directions to chase them. What they had to do was to eliminate the Dragon Country people first.

When the people outside the wormhole saw that there was no one on the big screen, they stopped watching and began a long wait.

Ye Kai only saw that Hua Wuao and the others all disappeared on the big screen, so he stopped paying attention and began to find a shaded open space with General Chen to sit down, wait quietly, and play with his mobile phone.

Just when Ye Kai was chatting happily with General Chen, Meichuan Neiku and Meichuan Neiyi came over.

Meichuan Neiku looked down at the two and said, "Hey, isn't this Chen Jun and Ye Kaijun? Hello, hahaha~"

Ye Kai frowned and replied, "If you want a dog to bark, go somewhere else!"

General Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard this, but he immediately restrained his smile. After all, he represented Longguo and couldn't lose his style.

Meichuan Neiku was naturally furious when he heard this, but as if he had thought of something, he immediately suppressed his anger and said with a gloomy face, "You guys, you should prepare the medical expenses for your participating garbage. And this time, none of you Longguo will enter the second game, hahaha!"

As he said that, he hugged Meichuan Neiyi and touched her butt and walked towards the apartment area.

Seeing this, Ye Kai couldn't help but wonder: "General Chen, are you sure these two bastards are really siblings?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Oh, it seems I was right, these two are indeed bastards."


Seeing that General Chen looked very unhappy at this time, Ye Kai asked curiously: "What's wrong? The Umekawa Neiku siblings are indeed a nuisance, but you shouldn't be in a bad mood because of those two bastards, right?"

General Chen shook his head with a worried look on his face and said: "Alas, I'm afraid that the guys from Sakura Country will...

They will organize people inside and then pick the strong ones among our players. If they are held back by them, they will not be able to grab them at all. At that time, all the high-end combat forces on our side will not be able to participate in the second round, then... Alas~"

Ye Kai was also shocked when he heard this. If the other party really did that, the consequences would be unimaginable, but Ye Kai adjusted himself in an instant and smiled: "Oh, okay, General Chen, it's useless to worry now, and I believe in them. Don't forget their record in the Blood Sky Gate!"

In fact, Ye Kai still had something to say, but he thought about it and let it go. Maybe they will give him a surprise in the end.

General Chen was slightly relieved when he heard what Ye Kai said, "You are right, it's useless to worry now, I should believe in the children, hahaha, I worry too much."

Although he said so, General Chen was still a little worried, and Ye Kai could naturally see it.

"Okay, okay, General Chen, let's play two games of chess!"

"Okay, I'm happy to accompany you. "


Inside the wormhole.

Hua Wuao and the others released their flying Pokémon before they went far, and began to fly away. When they were just in the safe zone, they heard that the people of Sakura Country were going to attack them, so they planned to set up a net and wait for the Sakura Country people to get in.

In fact, after hearing the content of the other party's voice, they pretended to separate. It seemed that they were divided into ten teams, but in fact they were divided into five teams, with six people in each team, so they started to merge in pairs after they were far away from the safe zone.

Their plan was to use one group as bait first, and The other group waited for the bait group to lead the other party to a specific place before launching a sneak attack, or in other words, luring the enemy into a trap and catching the turtle in the trap.

The six-person group consisted of five people, Hua Wuao was in the first group, Gu Xi was in the second group, Peng Ze was in the third group, Chen Rui and Pu Chuan were in the fourth group, and the people who had chicken braises and rice in the past were in the fifth group.

Soon, Inu Jiatian and four others chased after Hua Wuao. They rode on Pokémon in the sky and searched in the direction where Hua Wuao started.

They flew all the way but could not see anyone at all. Inu Jiatian was so anxious that he cursed, "Baga, where are these people working!"

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