"According to the legend of Sinnoh: In the chaos and fluctuations, an egg appeared. This egg hatched into Arceus, who created the universe, and the fragments of the creation formed stone tablets, which gave different powers to all things. Arceus then created Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, and made them control time, space, and antimatter respectively. At the same time, the Diamond Orb, the White Jade Orb, and the Platinum Orb were also created. Giratina was expelled to the ruined world because of his destruction of matter. Dialga and Palkia returned to their own world after successfully creating the Pokémon world, which can be reached from the Spear Pillar in Sinnoh."

"After that, Arceus created Uxie, Emrido and Akonom, giving knowledge, emotions and will to all creatures that came to the Pokémon world. After that, these three Pokémon dived into the Heart Lake, the Ambition Lake and the Wisdom Lake respectively, and were called the Gods of the Lake. After the Pokémon world was created and possessed matter and heart, Arceus fell asleep in the Palace of Beginning."

"200 million years ago, the Sky Crown Mountain began to form. The Sinnoh region began to appear around the Sky Crown Mountain. In this fierce creation process, the Sea Dragon was born from the fireball erupted from the Sky Crown Mountain, and the place where it was formed was the Severe Mountain."

Shirona is telling the legend of Sinnoh.

Because of Dai Yue's help during the day, the relationship between Shirona and Dai Yue has eased a little. After dinner in the evening, Shirona, a fan of mythology, told the origin story of Sinnoh.

"I heard that the Sinnoh region was called the Washing Cui region before!"

Da Yue asked his own question.

"About 1,000-2,000 years ago, the earliest humans living in the Washi were called "Ancient Sinnoh People". The ancient Sinnoh people worshiped Arceus and built ancient ruins in the Washi, such as the Ruins of Random and the Snow Peak Temple. An ancient hero and the ten Pokémon of the Washi were blessed by Arceus, and they collected stone tablets to find and challenge Arceus. In order to commemorate these ten Pokémon, people insisted on worshipping them on the battlefield and carved statues of the ten Pokémon in the Sinnoh Temple on the top of Tianguan Mountain. At the beginning of the birth of the Washi area, there was the town of Shenhe, where the "people of Shenhe" lived. But the ancient Shenhe Town disappeared, and the former residents dispersed."

Said Sirona, who now lives in Shenhe Town.

"Later, two different groups of people came to Washi from across the ocean and developed into the Kongo Team and the Pearl Team. They both called themselves "The People of God and God" and believed in a god called "Sinnoh Great Lord". The Kongo Team believed that "Sinnoh Great Lord" created time, while the Pearl Team believed that "Sinnoh Great Lord" created space. This has been a long-standing disagreement between the two teams. The common point between the two teams is that they both worship the descendants of ten Pokémon blessed by Arceus, who are called kings or queens. Some of them were appointed as field captains to take care of the king and queen."

Dr. Yamanashi continued to add.

"After that, Team Galaxy came to Xicui, and they were composed of people from many other regions. In order to assess the habitability, Team Galaxy began ecological research on Xicui and established Zhuqing Village. An important part of this research was to build the first complete Pokémon Pokédex under the guidance of Dr. Laben. Laben proposed that the Poké Balls brought by Team Galaxy were the latest inventions that enabled members to capture and store Pokémon conveniently."

Da Yue was a little surprised to hear the origin of Team Galaxy. He didn't expect that their predecessor would be like this. You know, Team Galaxy is an evil organization that wants to rule the world ten years later.

"These two "Sinnoh" won't be Dialga and Palkia!"

The description of the Great Lord of Sinnoh is very similar to Dialga, who controls time, and Palkia, who controls space.

Dr. Yamanashi nodded and continued.

"Dialga has the ability to control time and is called the God of Time. It can distort time to speed up, slow down, or even stop it. Time began to flow with the birth of Dialga. When Dialga's heart beats, time passes. It has the power to manipulate time, and can move to the past and future by manipulating the flow of time. There is a myth circulating in the Washi region: when Dialga was born, time in the present world began to flow like a surging river. Dialga exists in a different dimension and has a strong desire to protect its territory. It is ruthless to Palkia, and their meeting may cause serious violent conflicts."

"Palkia has the ability to distort space and is described as a god in the myths of the Sinnoh region. It can move to a distant different space by manipulating the connection of space. With every breath of Palkia, space becomes more stable. There is a myth circulating in the Washi regionAccording to the myths and legends: When this god was born, the barrier that blocked the present world disappeared, and an endless space appeared. It is said that Palkia lived in the narrow gaps of parallel space, had a strong sense of territory, and would have violent conflicts with Dialga. "

Da Yue listened quietly to the two people's narration, and then spoke.

"What about Giratina who controls the antimatter world?"

Dr. Yamanashi slowly opened his mouth.

"Compared with Dialga and Palkia, there are fewer legends about Giratina. It is said that Giratina was expelled because of his rough character and lived in a ruined world on the back of this world where there is no distinction between heaven and earth. All the routines there are different from this world. It has been staying in the ruined world, quietly watching the original world, and sometimes appears in ancient cemeteries. There has been a saying in the Xicui area since ancient times: strong light shines and shadows are born. Shadows may refer to another form of Giratina. "

Shirona was also fascinated by what she heard. Although she had been a mythology lover since she was a child, some things were the first time she heard about them, so they were also very curious.

"What are your goals in the future?"

Da Yue looked at Shirona.

"Of course I want to become a mythology scholar! But before that I want to become a strong trainer!"

Hearing what Shirona said, Dai Yue thought to himself that as expected, a champion who is not a sideline champion is not a good champion. In recent years, Dai Yue found that his younger brother Daigo was also particularly interested in collecting stones. It is estimated that he will still go to the mountains and forests to dig stones after becoming a champion as before. Not to mention Mikoli, his obsession with the gorgeous competition is like engraved in his bones.

Da Yue was also very helpless about this. He was the same. He studied this and that all day long, and completely regarded being a Pokémon doctor as a profession, although this was indeed his profession.

"Why don't you travel with me!"

Da Yue made an invitation.

"Okay! "

For some reason, Sirona agreed.

The next day, Otsu and Sirona said goodbye to Dr. Yamanashi and headed for Zhuqing City.

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